i've been waiting so long to show you this quilt!
{ i did show a few sneak peeks! }
here it is... my square city quilt!!

fabric is hunky dory
by chez moi
for moda fabrics
remember back in october when i showed this picture...
of me rushing to finish binding on the airplane flight to quilt market?...
well it was the binding for square city!
& it's available in the May/June issue of McCalls Quilting!!
and not only is the quilt pattern featured...
but so is an article i wrote about my mom!!
{ see the cover above.. "get your mom to quilt" }
and not only is the quilt pattern featured...
but so is an article i wrote about my mom!!
{ see the cover above.. "get your mom to quilt" }

since i finished it on the airplane..
i didn't have a chance to take any photos of it before i left.
so last minute i attempted to try & have some photos of it taken while moda set up their booth... lets just say there was a lot of laughing... but no good shots of the quilt!!
i should have my quilt back in a week or so...
and then i'll take lots of photos!!
here is the back.
with my label pieced into a scrappy strip on the back

this quilt ended up getting hung in the moda booth..
even though i had no idea that it would be!
{ thanks modalissa! }
i hope you love it as much as i do!
oh & i did order a bunch of copies... so as soon as they arrive they will be up for sale in the shop!
OMG What a daughter, who makes her MOM a star too!! I love you and thank you for the incredible woman you are becomning!!
all yall should be jealous because i got to see this quilt in person.
i even got to pet it and everything.
ubber proud of you julie.
{& mom.}
♥ rach
p.s. i will never forget how we were laughing SO hard for all the ladder pics.
i think my stomach still hurts.
just sayin'.
that is beautiful! I will definitely look for the magazine :)
This is super *awesome*! Congrats!! The quilt is beautiful! :)
Lovely quilt. Looks like you had such a blast.
Congratulations!! What an awesome surprise.
Woo! That is fantastic to get your quilt in the magazine, and your mom too :D I will for sure be picking up the magazine. The pattern is awesome.
Cute pictures, and a cute quilt!
I'm going to have to get one of those signed copies!
Love it! Yay for being published...AGAIN! You're makin' it...and that's awesome!
Going back and looking at your "sneak Peek" market post makes me really excited to see the upcoming market pictures!
I love picking out all the lines I'm going to buy as soon as possible! The anticipation is like Christmas.
GREAT job Miss Julie!! it looks really cute and I may just have to be buying one!! Does it use charms??? I have some summer in the city needing a design :)
xo, Heather
Awesome Jules, you are one busy, productive young lady! How great that you got not only your quilt published but an article about you and your Mom too! Kudos! I am looking forward to getting my copy!
Congrats Julie! What an honor!
congrats julie! looks like a wonderful quilt. :)
Wow. Love that shot of you and Mom!
Oh, yea, the quilt's nice, too (hahaha).
The quilt is incredible!!! Whoo hoo!
congrats to you, your quilt and your mom! (not nec. in that order...moms usually come first) yipppeee! :)
Yay! You rock!! I love that you wrote about your mum!! Btw is that the quilt that got hung upside down?
What a great secret! It seems like forever ago. One thing I think is funny is how alll the MOMS are trying to get their daughters to sew and you are doing the reverse. Wise beyond your years.
Congrats Julie!! That is REALLY exciting!!
Congratulations Julie, great work great quilt, great MOM!!! Love your quilt.
This is so great! Congratulations! I can't wait to get the magazine in the mail!
Congratulations Julie! I am so proud of you! Your mom has a very talented and darling daughter... Beautiful quilt!
Love you, Market Mom
Awesome job Julie!! I can't wait to see it in print. So about the whole website mishap and your site being blocked...apparently my company's network got hacked last week and they started blocking EVERYTHING. I guess 'jaybird' raised a red flag and was categorized as porn. Too funny!
Awesome job Julie!! I can't wait to see it in print. So about the whole website mishap and your site being blocked...apparently my company's network got hacked last week and they started blocking EVERYTHING. I guess 'jaybird' raised a red flag and was categorized as porn. Too funny!
Congrats! How nice to be able to share completely now too :)
Ok, I need to clear up an urban legend... MOM DOES SEW, she does not quilt, Mom has been sewing since she was about 10 yrs old and can create just about anything.. and loves to customize embroidery.. Quilting may be in my future.. and I could not be any prouder of you jaybird for finding your "own" talents!!
cool cool cool!!!!
That is so awesome - and I can't wait to see the article about your mom. What a wonderful piece to write.
Hunky Dory! It looks fabulous! I want to make one right now. I love the picture of you and your mom. Can't wait to read the article.
Yay, congrats Julie! The quilt is fabulous, and I can't wait to read the article you wrote.
Thats so awesome! Congrats! I'm a little jealous...my mom doesn't even know what a sewing machine is. You're a lucky girl.
absolutely love it! will be adding this to my want to make stash. congrats!
love the pic of you on the ladder :)
Oh my goodness!! Congratulations!! Its a gorgeous quilt! Bring a copy to the guild meeting :) Christine
that is so exciting. congratulations!!! it must be so fun to see your work in a magazine.
The quilt is gorgeous! Can't wait to see the magazine :)
Yaaayy! Beautiful quilt! Can't wait to get the magazine.
Such a great quilt...can't wait to get my copy...and I'm super excited to read the article you wrote too!
Thats so exciting Julie! The quilt is gorgeous but even more you get to tell the world about Mom, she must so very proud.
Woo! Very cool. It looks like a beautiful quilt! I'm excited to see more pictures!
Congratulations! Your quilt is cute! I look forward to picking up a copy of the magazine.
Congratulations Julie! You are awesome! I can't wait to see the pattern in McCalls!!!
Wow!!! Congrats! How exciting for you! Well deserved too!
Congratulations. The quilt looks beautiful!
Congratulations! Very exciting:)
Congratulations! This quilt is awesome and deserves every bit of accolades that comes its way. Lovely.
I love this pattern! I do, I do! So many quilts to make, not enough time...
THAT IS SOOOO EXCITING!!!! CONGRATULATIONS. I hope you didn't buy all the copies of the magazine before I have a chance to find one.
So cool! Congratulations, I <3 that pattern. :)
congratulations, awesome quilt, mom and you!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine how excited you must be to get to CELEBRATE your mom in a magazine and your own talent being shared with the quilting world!!!
Awesome! I love the pattern...can't wait to read the article too!
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