New birthday you ask? Yes... my new birthday. From now on June 1st will be when I celebrate all "birthday" things. I already picked what we are having for dinner tonight & what kind of cake I want.
So why did I move my birthday? I'll keep this part as short as I can... because today is going to be a fun day... and not a sad one. Below is a list of things that occurred on my birthday or during my birthday week over the last 3 years.
2008 - A friend committed suicide, my uncle passed away, my grandfather had emergency surgery & some other things I'm not going to get in to.
2009 - My birthday itself was a mess that resulted in me crying in a parking lot of the mall. Days later my grandmother died & other things caused my world to flip upside down.
2010 - It had to be better right? I didn't even focus on it... made simple plans to go to the movies with a friend. Days before I got sick and when my birthday came around I was still in bed... movies cancelled. OK... I can handle this... me getting sick isn't the end of the world... all will be OK. I was wrong. Hours later, still on my birthday Elijah was at the hospital & diagnosed with Leukemia. All of a sudden it didn't matter that it was my birthday, but I also knew that I didn't want to think about December 1st again. At all.
February rolled around and Rachael wanted me to have some kind of celebration. We went out & had amazing cupcakes. Somewhere around this time I mentioned to my family that I was moving my birthday. Initially I got some odd looks, but once we sat down and I pointed out what happened 3 years in a row they got it. We took a vote {we did} and my birthday was moved.
I know it might be hard to find cards that say "happy 28.5 birthday" but I figure my friends are creative people & will make it work!
The mailman brought me my first present yesterday! Yummy new fabric from Emily!!
Thank you to my favorite crazy not-so-old lady!

My brother designed an App called "Cancer Zapper" for the IPad. All proceeds from the $1 game go to help cover Elijah's treatments.
"Cancer Zapper is my first App in the Apple App store, it's for iPad only right now, an iPhone version will be ready soon. Elijah helped me design and make this game. You Play as Dr. Syringe and shoot chemo at the cancer cells." - Brad
Not to be forgotten... Elijah's little sister is growing up fast!
Aliyah turned one last month and is walking now!

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit
Happy New Birthday!! June 1st is my dad's birthday, and we're celbrating with him tonight. I'll raise a glass for you as well. Praying it's a very positive, wonderul and happy day for you. :)
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Well Happy Birthday!
We have something similar for our wedding anniversary/Easter every year. It's the family joke about what will happen each year. In 10 years (because we count the wedding too) something not fun has happened. Needless to say, I tend to celebrate the anniversary of when our relationship began more than our wedding date.
You got to own it, whatever it is.
Happ Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! This is a good birthday week for me. My husband's birthday was yesterday and mine is next week. I will send our good wishes on to you. Thank you for the update on Elijah and Aliyah. They are both so sweet.
Happy Birthday! My husband has a December birthday and has always hated it (and he doesn't have nearly the reasons for hating it that you do). We tried to change it to June 13 one year but it didn't stick!
Happy,happy birthday! I know a few other folks who have changed their day but I must say you have the best reasons!
Happy Birthday! My husband's twin sisters and my sister's birthday is today! It's a great day.
ps love the fabrics--can't wait to see your magic! The perfect summer fabric.
I think moving your birthday is a wonderful idea! Happy new birthday! I really hope this change brings new and wonderful times for you and you can put the sad birthdays behind you! :-)
My daughter's birthday is today too, so you chose an awesome day for your fresh new day of celebration!
Happy Birthday and prayerfully hope this is the start of new birthday memories. The month of October is similiar for me..I never look forward to that month except it is my twins birthday month, but because they were delivered 3+ months eary it was not the typical celebration of birth. Love the fabric! Lisa in Texas
Happy 28 1/2 Birthday Julie!!!! I hope you have an amazing day - you deserve it.
Once the app is ready for the iphone please let me/us know. I be happy to add it to my phone. Thanks for the update on your nephew - he is never far from my thoughts or prayers.
Again - I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
I've always liked the idea of celebrating "half birthdays"! Any reason to celebrate life is a good reason! Happy half birthday to you!
Absolutely spot on - you can't change your birthday but you can change the day you celebrate and it's an incredibly positive thing to do.
I know a boy when I was growing up whose birthday is 26th December. Each year on 26th June we celebrated his half birthday with a huge beach party and barbeque, years before such things were fashionable. It made for some fantastic memories.
O sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear about so many awful things that have happened around the same time for 3 years straight! You are a strong woman to be able to deal with all of this and be as friendly and positive as you are! I fully support this new birthday idea :)
Email me your address... I have the perfect little birthday present for you :)
Great Idea... so funny that we are both Julie's and our bio b-days are so close together too. My parents had a half birthday party for me once because they felt bad that I had to shar emy b-day with Thanksgiving. But nothing like you... so have a great new birthday! I hope it is the best year ever. I will get the app from your brother how cool is that. Still saying my prayers for E.
Happy New Birthday, Julie! This is a actually quite a lovely post. I am sending love and prayers your way! Hugs!
Happy New Birthday! My birthday is Friday and 2 years ago not ONE single person in my extended family remembered my birthday, not even my own mother or my step sister that shares the same birthday. My kids made it great, first thing out of their mouths when they woke up was Happy Birthday Mommy! and told me quite frequently throughout the day so it made up for their airheadedness.
Hope you enjoy your new June birthday! Being a Gemini is fun and stressful all at once :)
This makes total sense to me & summer birthdays are more fun anyway :)
Have a happy & uneventful (in a good way) 28.5yrs Julie!
Happy birthday Julie!! LOL, June is the BEST month for birthdays ;)...mine, my dd's, my dads, my step-dads, nephew, a handful of cousins...So glad you could join us June birthday-ers :D Have a great day, and thanks for keeping us updated on Elijah (I love his name!). Continued prayers for him/family.
Happy birthday! Oh to be 28.5 again!
Happy not quite 29th Birthday! I could only hope that today is a great day for you.
Not so good memories but time to build new ones with a new date - hope you enjoy it! Happier Birthday!
you're my favorite dork on the planet.
and now since we're celebrating your new birthday - you're older. so there.
And they say it comes in three. Eeek - for my birthday this year, I got retrenched. I have not been working for the past few weeks and I really need a job to get the funds rolling.
Anyway, summer birthdays are so much fun.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl. I think your idea of a new day to create new, happier memories is genius. Here's to many many more!
Happy Birthday! Hope the sun is shining where you are today - literally and metaphorically!
Happy Birthday!!!!and happy to know that your brave nephew is fighting strongly!!
Carpe Diem!!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy Julie!! I hope your new birthday is spent with those you love most and wonderful memories are made. I also wish Elijah to know a life without treatments. Smiles~Beth
Happy New Birthday to You!
Happy New Birthday to You!
Happy New Birthday Dear Julie!!!
Happy New Birthday to YOU!!!
As we celebrate with my husband (his birthday today as well) I will raise a toast in your honor. May you have wonderful, fun filled, Sunshine, Smiles, Friends, and Family surrounding you!
Happy birthday! I like your plan to move it. What a brilliant idea.
Happy NEW Bithday !! Mine is June 4, so now you are a June baby !!
I LOVE YOUR FABRIC ! absolutely GORGEOUS !! I'd like to change my birthday for the following reasons :
May 29 Grandson's bday (age 3)
June 4 mine ; will be 54- yuck
June 22 Granddaughter's bday (will be 6)
June 24 7th wedding anniversary
TOO MUCH FOR A MONTH !!! and I'd just like to skip my birthday all together !!! HAVE A GREAT DAY !!
Well very happy birthday to you! I hear 28 and a half is the best age ever so you go girl!
Happy Birthday! Taking control of your own life is a good thing. It must feel empowering to choose your own birthday. Good for you! Best wishes!!!
Happy 28.5 birthday to you!
Prayers continue for Elijah.
oh , I forgot : Your niece & nephew are so so so CUTE and adorable !!!
If I change my birthday to June 5, can I be 281/2 again? Sigh- nice to be so young.
So I think it's smart to change your birthday celebration day. One can hope to have mainly pleasant memories related to birthdays and now you have a chance to start anew. Who knows, this may be the start of a series of "great news today" June 1 birthdays- at least I hope. Of course, the alternative is to ditch the whole birthday idea and then you will never get older.
Happy Birthday! I hope this day brings much happiness and joy into your life. And, thanks for the update on your nephew and niece, they are truly adorable!!
Happy New Birthday!! Hope you have a lovely day. I would have changed my birthday too.
Happy Birthday Julie!
Happy Birthday Julie! Love that you picked a new day- a fresh start. Happy day to you!
Great idea!! Happy New Birthday! Hope you have a FABULOUS day! :)
Happy New Birthday!! I hope the new date is luckier for you!=)
Sad! But great solution, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My birthday was yesterday (28), and I love that it is perfect weather out (well, maybe rainy sometimes) but no snow!!!!!! Have a GREAT day.
Happy birthday! This is a fantastic idea and I hope you have many many happy birthdays to come!
Many Happier June Returns - my birthday is in June, it's the best month, good choice!
Hope you've seen the last of those crappy December Birthdays x
Happy Birthday! My Mother's Days used to be like that (nobody got sick or died, but we had a couple of very damaging storms, a couple of trips to the ER and one year all four of my kids had chicken pox at the same time!) May you have a wonderful day, and it really doesn't matter when you celebrate!
Happy New Birthday, Julie!
I talked to my mom yesterday, she has been working on the half-log cabin quilt you designed... so fun.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have fun and may it be a wonderful happy day for you. xx
Happy New Birthday! I don't blame you one bit for moving your special day so it could still be special, and big kudos to your family for supporting that!
Hi Julie, Happy new birthday! What a creative and graceful way to handle the rotten tomatoes life threw at your original birthday. Just got the app and I'd like to do a post on the store blog about it if that is okay with you.
XO, Lauren
Happy Birthday!!!
I think this is a wonderful idea since I know you've been through alot more than this. I'm such a terrible friend though...your bday gift never got finished. I think I need a rule that says no more handmade birthday gifts since I never seem to finish them on time :-/
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!
Happy New 1/2 birthday! I always thought people with December birthdays should celebrate their 1/2 birthdays so everything doesn't come at once. Great idea.
You can sing the Mad Hatter's song!
A very Happy Un-Birthday to you, to you!!
Enjoy your very special unique day!
Happy Birthday!
Happy New Birthday! I hope today is really wonderful for you. With such a pretty present, how could it not be!
Life gave you lemons and you made lemonade! Happy New Birthday. I wish you the best, JILL
Happy NEW birthday Julie!!! :) I think about your nephew all the time.
Happy 28.5th birthday!! I don't blame you for moving the date! *hugs*
Elijah's always on my mind and I'm happy to hear he's braving the treatments well. I'll d/load that app once it's ready for the iPhone! :)
awe....I hope that your new birthday is much more joyous than your last ones!!!
Happy NEW Birthday! I totally agree and think it's awesome to choose a new birthday. However, I hope that the days surrounding where your old birthday falls this year are still less tramatic than they have been in the past. So glad I could help you celebrate with some new fabrics. I knew there was a reason I was last sending it out! :o) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy happy birthday! I hope you have a great one, and I am thinking lots and lots of good thoughts for Elijah and his family. May this be just a small bump in the road to a long and happy life for him. All the best!
Happy New Birthday to you! I totally get why you changed it. And I love your first present! That's such a great line, it's on my wish list! Glad to see such beautiful photos of your nephew and niece! I think of them often.
Happy Birthday Julie!!!! In 6 months you'll be 29 forever anyway, so the number doesn't matter :) Have an awesome day!
I wisch you a very happy birthday today, and from now on ever!
I like to
Hippo, Birdies, two Ewes
Hippo, Birdies, two Ewes
Hippo, Birdies, two Ewes
Hippo, Birdies, two Ewes
Congrats on your NEW birthday.
May God bless this day and may you Enjoy it thoroughly...
Happy New birthday to you!!
As a June baby you made a wise choice... 6 months from Christmas! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Julie!!!!!
As the wife of a Sagittarius & the mother of a Gemini, I'm wondering if you have managed to change all your characteristics accordingly (lol). I know from experience, they are very different, but equally lovable!
Happy Birthday!!! La La La La lalalalalalala to YOUUUU!!! :)
Happy Birthday! I will be a great day!!
Happy New Birthday and I believe with what has happened in the past you deserve to celebrate at a different time. Beautiful fabric.
Happy New Birthday! I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing day with no nasty surprises!
Happy Half Birthday Julie - you deserve a very wonderful day! Thanks for the update on sweet little Elijah and I am going to download the App today! I'm sending many birthday hugs and wishes for all good things to you my friend o:)
Hello Julie! Happy, happy Birthday!!! I found you on your new Birthday and I'm happy for that! You did well with the new date; your story sounds unbelievable and I'm so sorry for Elijah - hope he is better!
I came here after hexacons and found the perfect tutorial! Thousands of thanks - I shall make my first hexacon quilt with your easy advices and I'm going to enjoy that work so much!
I wish you all the best and send you sunny wishes from Greece!
(I'm Finnish woman living in Crete)
You're going to love your new birthday. It's mine too! Happy birthday to us both! I hope you have a fun and happy day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Good for you in changing a day that should ALWAYS be celebrated. I have Elijah on my prayer list as well. It's a great day for good things to happen!! Sending happy thoughts full of good wishes coming your way.
The Chocolate Counter
Well Happy New Birthday Julie!! I don't blame you for wanting to change either. Best of luck to Elijah and your brother's family too! Can't believe that baby girl is already 1!! Jenn
Happy New Birthday! I hope it's everything that a birthday should be and that you have fun xx
Happy Birthday! You have been through a great deal. Bless you and your family. Your little ones are as cute as can be. Many wishes for the best in the future.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day.
I personally like to celebrate all my unbirthdays, but happy new b-day to you!
Great idea on moving your birthday, I should do the same, since my actual day is exactly like that, and now I tend to dread that week.... and wonder what is going to happen this year!
Happy New Birthday!
Happy Happy New Birthday!!!!
And now you have a birthday where you can have a pool party! (being a feb baby, I always wished I could have a pool party).
Happy happy birthday. Now I decree - well I do live in England and my nickname has been Queenie for quite a few years - so I DECREE that as you have moved your birthday, and quite rightly too, that you be 28 today. I am so happy that Elijah is doing well and isn't your niece just the cutest. I am going to tell my brother about the AP so he can zap his cancer cells with it too.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
Happy Birthday! I think you are wise to move your birthday-- good for you! I have had a string of "bad luck", similar to what you mentioned, only didn't have the added feature of those things falling right on my birthday, but you are an inspiration-- an example of strength and perseverance and I am very inspired by your courage!
Thank you for sharing!
Happy 1/2 birthday to you! Dang... that means I missed mine! So, I see you got the Coastal fabric that was suppose to come to me!LOL
Your little niece and nephew are so sweet. I love that hat he is wearing!
I wish I'd know...I'd of gotten you a GREAT gift!
Happy NEW Birthday!!! Hope it is a fantastic day!!!
Happy now you technically look like 12.5!! Someone else's blog I stalk had a pic of you and her and she said that everyone kept on asking you if you 12, at least I don't feel so dorky anymore for asking :-)
Great idea and Happy Birthday to you. I am also a June baby so welcome to the summer birthday gang. I hope the move brings years of wonderful birthdays to you.
Happy, Happy Brand New Birthday!!! I understand completely and never thought about changing my date. Maybe we need to switch since mine is in June! And Elijah looks great and what a doll Aliyah is. And what talent is in your family genes! Again ENJOY!!!
Happy(new)Birthday! I certainly don't blame you for changing it!
Two of my favorite people have June first birthdays! I will add another favorite for you, favorite blogger birthday! Happy choosen birthday! I celebrate mine next week--- Junes good a time to celebrate a trip around the sun as!
(it blows my mind that you and I are the same age...GIRL, you get stuff done! TIme for me to get on with it ;) )
Happy New Birthday. I hope you day was filled with happiness and love. Love the fabric you received. It's gorgeous! Hugs Ariane
Happy birthday Julie!! June 1 is a great day for a birthday since it's my birthday too. Hope you have a great day, mine was awesome (been and gone since I'm in Sydney).
Happy new Birthday!! I think its a great idea, plus a birthday in June is much more "sunny". :) Hopefully June will be a much better month for you. I am a nurse and I work at the Children's hospital in Salt Lake City in the Oncology department. Kids with Leukemia are my specialty!! What troopers those kids and their families' are. I have been following your blog for a while, but never posted - I really enjoy seeing I have an email that your blog has been updated. Thanks for all the tips, tricks and ideas. You are truly talented! Send a big birthday squeeze your way!
Happy Happy Birthday! This is a great day to have your birthday from now on!
Happy 28.5 birthday to you and I hope it was a special day for you.
It is not as strange as it sounds, and you seem to have a set of good (bad?) reasons to change it.
My birthday always falls during the exam period so my 21st was shifted by 6months before we could find a suitable date to celebrate it.
Thanksfully it only had to be moved by two days this time.
Happy revised 28th Birthday. xx
Happy Birthday and may God bless you and your kids!!
Happy New Birthday! Hope not a single sad event or even thought will happen at that day ever!
Have a happy celebration :)
Best wishes,
Happy New Birthday to you. I have to say that I LOVE this idea. My birthday is Dec. 7th (Pearl Harbor Day...) and every year the same thing happens to me... starting when I was 8, the house burned down. Seriously. So, I have a feeling I will be adopting your idea and making my birthday sooner than later! Hugs!!
...correction, not every year does my house burn down! I meant that something bad happens each year. Whew, had to clear that up!
Oh my gosh Julie! I don't blame you for moving your birthday at all. I have to ask if your 'real' birthday is in January though. For 4 yrs in a row every single January which is when my own birthday is we had family funerals to attend. And if it wasn't a funeral it was me having a scary medical 'find' such as breast cancer scare or something equally as scary. Maybe I should move my own to another month. LOL
Happy NEW Birthday Julie! I hope this is a much better choice for you! HUGS!
Happy happy HAPPY 28.5 birthday!! It's your birthday and you can change it if you wanta! Elijah is in my daily prayers ... thanks for updating. Will I see you in July this year? I hope so!!!!!
Happy New Birthday! I agree, you have good reason to change it. I am so jealous of the Going Coastal fabric! Hope little Elijah is doing ok today. I'll keep him in my prayers. I'm a nurse too and am constantly astounded at how strong kids are when going through something like Leukemia. Hang in there.
Well Happy New Birthday to you! I think its great that you changed it. I would have done it too!
Hoping your new birthday was a fabulous one! :-)
Happy Belated 1/2 Birthday....hope your day was fun and uneventful!! Your nephew and niece are adorable...hopefully he will have a full recovery. Love your dress from the next post...what are you, a size minus 0?? Oh to be young again!! ;o)
Happy 28.5! I so get it. I spent my birthday a couple years ago crying in family counseling and eating Lean Cuisines for dinner. Three years later still trying to convince my stepdaughter I'm ok on my birthday. :0)
Hi Julie!
Catching up on old posts. I feel your pain .. really I do. Years ago, I was engaged on my bday (December 11th), three years later David passed away on November 25th, at the age of 30, in his sleep.
On my 41st bday, my father passed away, it was sudden and tragic, he didn't survive emergency surgery. The time from Nov 25th to my bday is icky. Plain and simple. Then again, Christmas and New Years don't seem so joyful anymore either, for my mum or myself.
I hate getting the combination bday and Christmas gift / card. Grrrrr .. and the snow, how many times have plans been cancelled due to a blizzard, freezing rain and so on?
I think you are on to a great thing! Thanks for sharing that idea with us, hope your day was wonderful. Julie Andrea
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