I had a great time at Road to California this past weekend.
Here are a bunch of photos from the show!
The left side of my booth.
My family posting photos to Instagram as soon as we were done setup!
Ready for day one
Doing ruler demos!
It was great to have Angela Walters in the booth for a book signing. Angela quilted all of the quilts in my booth so it was as if I had set up a gallery of her work!
We also had a chance to get a good photo of us!!
Thursday evening Emily Cier & Angela Walters gave a lecture on modern quilting. I don't have many photos since I spent most of the lecture holding their quilts. I feel very lucky to count these two talented ladies as friends.
Time for day two!!
We passed over 4,000 facebook fans during the show!! I'll be having a giveaway over on facebook next week to celebrate.
Here is the entire booth
Day number three!
Sunday was the last day of the show. It was great having my family to help me out in my booth. Thank you to all the fans & supporters who stopped by!
We sold out of almost all the kits we took to the show! I have a few left and have listed them in my online store.
© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/