disclosure: this is a sponsored giveaway
Judi of Green Fairy Quilts is back! Judi has an online quilt shop & designs quilt patterns. "Blogland" has allowed Judi & I to become friends without having met in person... but in just a few weeks that will change as we will get a chance to meet each other at Quilt Market!!
Recently she posted this picture on her blog under the title "multi-tasking" and it totally cracked me up!
Judi also just released two new adorable quilt patterns. I've linked each to the blog posts she wrote about them if you want to learn more.
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{ If you leave one comment saying you did all 3.. you only have one shot! }
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Check out Green Fairy Quilts future pre-cuts and let us know which one is your favorite.
Giveaway now closed.
Winner will be selected by True Random Number Generator.
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© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
1 – 200 of 883 Newer› Newest»I follow Judi's blog...Love her!
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I love her newsletter...
Oh wow...Right now I'm liking both Hometown and Sophie FQBs...but I'll probably have new favorites in a few minutes :) Everything is lovely on there!
I love her blog and am already a follower!!
I follow Judi's the blog!
Love that Fa La La La La...haven't seen that one...
I signed up for the newsletter!!
My fav is Strawberry Fields in ANY pre-cut form!!!
I am already a follower
I get the newsletter
already follow her blog!
also get her newsletter
i also love the hullabaloo precuts!
I follow her blog...
My favorite in Judy's shop is something in the coming soon department: Lil Rascals Fat Quarter Bundle! We have a new grandchild on the way and this is perfect!
How fun! Judi has soooo many darling prints. I am having a hard time picking a favorite...so I'll just say that I've been waiting for Deb Strains newest, Meadow Friends! SOOO cute! Thanks for a chance at winning.
I already receive Judi's newsletter!
I follow Judi's blog :)
I also get her newsletter..
Of course I get the newsletter!
oooh I'm a big fan of Judi's quilting and shop! I've followed Green Fairy Quilts for a while now.
I signed up for Judi's newsletter.
I love the look of Summer House. Thanks for the chance to win !
I am a follower of Judi's blog.
My favorite fabric is : Sophie -- tough choice it is all so gorgeous.
I already get Green Fairy Quilts Newsletter.
I already follow Green Fairy Quilts blog.
My favorite future precut is Hometown - fat quarter bundle.
I follow the Green Fairy Quilts Blog!
I also get the newsletter!
I read her blog. I love her newly arranged work space!
I also signed up for her newsletter. Thanks for introducing her to your readers.
I love Hullabaloo! It is one of my favorites but she also had great Christmas prints coming in.
All of the precuts are beautiful, but I am especially excited about Rooftop Garden- those colors are going to make a fantastic quilt!
Signed up for the newsletter and already confirmed the email.
I already receive Green Fairy's Newsletter.
I am already a Green Fairy Blog follower!!
I just signed up for the newsletter.
Doing the happy dance as I am now following her blog... oh yea :)
I already receive her newsletter!
I love the Summerhouse and Together lines of fabric! So great!
I also already follow her blog!
I'm already signed up for GFQ's newsletters. :)
I'm already a follower of Judi's. Love reading her blog and have ordered happily from her shop many times.
I follow GFQ's blog with Google REader. :)
I'm also already a newsletter subscriber of GFQ.
My favorite precut is the Fat Qtr Bundle of Straberry Fields!
As for the favorite future pre-cut, I think the Amelia Fat Quarter Bundle would be my favorite.
My favorite of the upcoming lines is definitely Little Gatherings by Primitive Gatherings. I love her Primitive Muslins.
I'm on her newsletter now :)
candy at fiber dot net
I'm following her blog :)
candy at fiber dot net
My favorite in Judy's shop is something in the coming soon department: Northern Cardinals and Rooftop Garden are wonderful! Very tempting :)
I love Sophie the best! It was hard to choose though!
I'm a green fairy follower!
I get her newsletter.
My favorite precut has to be the trick or treat layer cake! i'm in a wicked halloween mood lately... even though it's only april :)
Oh my- no way to have just one--- Dogwood Trail, Summer House, Oops a Daisy, Meadow friends to name a few ;)
candy at fiber dot net
Im a follower of Judy´s blog
I now follow Green Fairy blog!
I love the Summer House fabric line!
I´m signed up for the newletter
I am a follower of Green Fairy, and that picture totally freaked me out...I told her I couldn't even quilt with both hands never mind one hand and holding a baby!! She is amazing, and her quilting is beautiful
Grace are my favorite right now :)
My favorite pre cut is the pom pom de Paris charm pack. Thanks!
I also get Green Fairy newsletters. under Linda.goulty(at)orange(dot)fr
I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks!
I like the Just Wing It layer cake. :)
I became a follower. Thanks!
Strawberry fields or Grace is my favourite at the moment.
I already get the newsletter :)
I get her newsletter already, love Green Fairy!
Love the pattern and the fabric!!
I would love some Strawberry Fields!
I really love strawberry fields :)
Just signed up for the Green Fairy Quilts newsletter!!
I get the Green Fairy newsletter.
I follow the Green Fairy blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
I think Swiss Holiday looks like a nice collection.
Following the Green Fairy Quilts blog!
i follow judi's blog
I am signed up for the Green Fairy newsletter
I signed up for Green Fairy Quilts' Newsletter
I love Judi's blog, and love, love, love her quilting. I already get the newsletter.
I signed up to be a follower on Green Fairy Quilts Blog
Love the Rooftop Garden precuts!!
I also already follow her.
i love the Fa La La La La and Hometown.
My favorite line is the Grace line.
I really like Summer House Fat Quarters from Green Fairy Quilts future pre-cuts
Gee, all the precuts are great- I think I like Arboretum- today.
I love GFQ! I already get the newsletter, of course! (jody.edwards@yahoo.com)
I have been a follower of GFQ for a long while now, I adore her shop and her blog! (jody.edwards@yahoo.com)
I signed up for Green Fairy Quilts newsletter.
My favorite pre-cuts are the layer cakes, and today my favorite fabric is the Grace line. And I also love Flurry. (jody.edwards@yahoo.com)
I get GFQ's newsletter, and I love the multi-tasking picture!
I am a follow of GFQ, and Daisy Mae is my favorite of the above two quilts So Summery!
I follow her blog- I love her stuff!
I just signed up for her newsletter
No fair! I love quite a few of the precuts, but I thought Lil Rascals was awfully cute! Actually, I pretty much loved any of the ones that weren't holiday prints; I think because I'm into a spring/summer mood right now!
I just starting following Judi's blog. Love the multi-tasking picture!!
Thank you always for bringing us beautiful giveaways.
Im following her Blog now!
I already follow her blog...it is wonderful!
My favourite pre cuts would be the layer cakes and I like the summer prints.
For the moment my current favorite is the fat quarter stack of Strawberry Fields (which is sold out ). :(
future precuts right??? i like the countdown to christmas precuts she has. I see that as a great advent quilt!
I love the Grand Finale precuts. Just beautiful.
I already get the newsletter
I am already a follower
I'm not sure if my first comment worked, ugh, blogger is messing with me!! I love the lil rascals precuts :-) Thanks for the chance to win, and please delete this message if it comes up twice! ♥
I have bought a lot of things from
Judi but I haven't any of the Fa La La La La
I already follow Julies blog
I am already getting Julies newsletter
The Jovial fat quarter bundle would be the set I would love to own.....
I need to make something for Halloween and I think Trick or Treat is a really fun line for that.
I get the newsletter :) Love her shop!
My favorite has to be Trick or Treat :)
Peggy in NJ
I already follow the Green Fairy blog to see what's new. Kathie L in Allentown
I am a follower of Judi's blog.
I also get the GF newsletter to keep abreast of specials and new fabric. Kathie L in Allentown
I will now be getting Judi's newsletter....great new patterns Judi!
I'm attracted to the Jovial prints. Kathie L in Allentown
I follow Judi, love her blog!
I am a Green Fairy follower :D
So hard to pick one. I love the Amelia FQB but all those Christmas ones . . . .
I am signed up for the newsletters. :)
I follow her blog. Love her!
Pom Pom de Paris Jelly Roll.
I get her newsletter
Hi, I have been a follower of Green Fairy Quilts for a good while..Lisa in Texas
I receive the GFQ newsletter. Lisa in Texas
I have followed Judi's blog for a long time, not I'm an official followers
Oh how I want the fat bundle of Hometown by MakeLifeSweet...I can't wait until that line is available! Lisa in Texas
Holy Smokes!! She's got so many very wonderful sets coming up!! I want like 8 of them! If I had to choose only 1 right now, though, I would get Amelia because I don't have a lot of that color play, certainly not in fresh-styled fabrics. :)
I just signed up to get her newsletter - how long has she had it and I didn't realize, oy vey.
I love the Elegance, Lil Rascals, and the Dogwood Trails fabrics.
I get Judi's newsletter - and so does my husband!
Love the Summer House collection!
I also follow Judi's blog! She is a gorgeous quilter.
I'm loving Flurry and Full Circle right now. That can change at a moments notice though!
I follow the green fairy blog
isigned up for the newsletter.
The Amelia line looks really cute!
I receive the newsletter
I already get her newsletter and love it !
I also follow her blog and love it toooo !
Meadow Friends looks fun ! Love all of Deb Strain's designs
THere are alot of great collections coming out !
I receive the newsletter.
jlradmall at gmail dot com
I also follow her blog
jlradmall at gmail dot com
I've been dying to get my hands on some strawberry fields--and she has it. I also really like her two new patterns
jlradmall at gmail dot com
I love the Jovial fabric line!
I receive the Green Fairy Quilts newsletter. I enjoy receiving it very much.
I follow Green Fairy Quilts. I absolutely love Judi's quilting. Her work is an inspiration.
I follow GFQ blog!
I get the newsletter too!
And I love modern workshop, pips, and buttercup!
I love strawberry fields. Love the Fig Tree stuff!
I follow her blog. Amazing quilting.
I follow her blog.
I get her newsletter.
Grace by 3 Sisters in any cut is my favorite. I am planning a quilt for my bed based around this fabric. Green Fairy Quilts has Bella solids in neutral, which I do believe would make the perfect background to "pop" Grace.
I like the hometown and amelia fabrics!
I follow Judi's blog
i get her newsletter
I am crazy excited for a layer cake of Sweetwater's Hometown!!
August can't get here soon enough!
I get Judi's newsletter.
I follow the Green Fairy Quilts Blog.
I am already a follower of hers. THANKS!
Loving all of the Christmas prints - I'm a sucker for them. Also I like the Summer House line.
Reindeer Games Charm Pack is a lovely, thanks for the giveaway!
I already receive her newsletter. THANKS!
I follow her blog.
I am a subscriber to her newsletter as well.
I am a Green Fairy follower! Love that pic of multitasking!
I also receive the newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win!
I get her newsletter!
I follow her blog!
I subscribe to her newsletter.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow her blog! Thanks for the great giveaway!
jacy468 at aim dot com
I'm a Green Fairy follower.
Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite is the hoopla charm pack! I've been eyeing this for awhile now! I'm dying to make a half square triangle quilt.
jacy468 at aim dot com
I follow Judi's blog. She is one busy lady.
Judi has a great newsletter and blog.
I love the meadow friends jelly rolls!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow her blog!
Hometown!!! Definitely Hometown. I can't wait for that line to come out!!
I love the group called Grand Finalle by Sandy Gervis - would seriously consider buying this one.
It was a hard choice but I think I narrowed it down to Amelia Fat Quarter Bundle as my favorite. Thank you for this great give-away. Take care and God bless, Cory
I love strawberry fields anyway it's cut!
Love the hullabaloo!
Love Kate Spain's Flurry. Looks like great fun.
Have a super great day.
I like "Nature's Gift". Either a charm pack and jelly roll or a layer cake.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Soooo hard to choose, but Swiss Holiday by a nose.
I am already signed up for Green Fairy's newsletter. Take care and God bless, Cory
I signed up for Judi's newsletter.
I'm a follower of Green Fairy Quilts
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