i know i'm behind..
but hey i've only been home a week!
i was crazy to do 2 shows in a row.. but PIQF was great!
so here we go!!
market post #1 - schoolhouse & sample spree
Patty Young presented
Mod Kid & the next gen sewist...

now i wish i had someone to make these for.. soo cute!
first came the single strip rulers...
& now she has come out with the double strip ones!!
there are four in each set... and they are absolutely fantastic!
more info about them coming soon...
tutorial style!!
the lovely checker ladies playing vanna..

that is
Penny Haren on the right... i also got to do a class with Penny.. she rocks... i'll post about her class soon... thank you Penny!!
she was joined by many of the
moda designers who each made a quilt using 1/2 square triangles from moda fabrics...

Barb & Mary of
Me & My Sister were explaining why as a team they had the smallest quilt... and after being picked on by some of the other designers for the challenge of working with their bright fabric... they commented on how hard it was to work with "mud!"
the editors of the
american patchwork & quilting family of magazines had the last slot...
& thanked us for hanging in there all day.
it didn't hurt that they had a ton of really good cookies to offer us when we walked in!!
here is editor Jennifer Keltner talking about their new 1 million pillowcase challenge
while Jennifer talked a sewing contest started... two teams rushing to make pillowcaases...
one was lead by Elizabeth Tisinger & the other by Jill Mead...

Elizabeth even took her slipper off to have better foot control... she meant business!
sew... iron... & then ring the bell for each finished pillowcase...
& then Lisa Schumacher {who is the online editor} would run them over & add them to the clothesline...

it was a lot of fun!
they will be coming out with lots of free pillowcase patterns to encourage people to join in!
then came sample spree...
i had heard the stories
& seen the photos
but nothing compares to being there..

things went fast... sheri's booth happened to be across from moda's..
which gave me a great view of the insanity that was to come...
i had to take a pic of these ladies... they made ties from wonderland & jackets from the eclectic wovens... its an older line but one that i adore.. they were so sweet!!
so here is one of the many stacks of boxes of moda yummyness about to be unpacked...
stacks of yummyness being unpacked...
the people start coming...

and then the masses...
here is a view of the rest of sample spree...
one of the new fantastic things from moda is this... the bake shop sampler box...
2.5" squares of 12 of the new lines!

they are resting on the charms made by Missy of the Vintage Butterfly... we made a trade... i gave her one of the bake shop boxes i bought at sample spree for some charms made from it.. she said they are on the way... so i'll show them soon!
post #2 & so on coming soon!!