disclosure: this is a sponsored giveaway by Pink Chalk Fabrics

Kathy Mack is the creative force and mastermind behind Pink Chalk Fabrics & Pink Chalk Studio. Kathy & I have been "blog friends" for a long time. She was a busy woman at Quilt Market but we did get to spend a bit catching up and talking business.
A great thing about Pink Chalk is that all patterns ship for free in the US!
Pink Chalk has an amazing fabric selection. One of my favorite features is that you can Shop by Color. Today I'm in a green mood. Here are a few prints I quickly found...
Erin McMorris - Summersault Raindrops Celery
Lizzy House - 1001 Peeps Pearl Bracelet Green
Josephine Kimberling - Just Dandy Daisy Wreath Sweet Pea
Etsuko Furuya - Echino Ni-Co 2011 - Mini Car Green
Michael Miller Fabrics - Mini Mikes Random Pencil Check Lime
Kathy has a great giveaway that she has provided for you!!
Pink Chalk is going to give one of you a full collection of fat quarters....

It's a beautiful Home Dec collection.
The Rules
Leave a comment for each entry.
Pretty simple right?
( If you leave one comment saying you did all 4.. you only have one shot! )
Leave a comment sharing which is your favorite FQ stack over @ Pink Chalk.
Check out Pink Chalk Fabrics on Facebook & "Like" their new page.
Sign up to receive Pink Chalk Fabrics Newsletter.
Blog about this giveaway on your blog! or post a Tweet to twitter
& come back to let me know!
You have till 10pm EST on Wednesday the 22th to enter!
Winner will be selected by True Random Number Generator
PLEASE make sure your contact information is in your profile or that you leave it in your comment.
Giveaway now closed.
Winner announced soon.

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
1 – 200 of 727 Newer› Newest»Would it be cheating to say that Outside Oslo is my favorite FQ stack? I love How About Orange and have admired this collection for a while now.
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I love the Cloud Nine Heather Moore Cut up and Keep fabrics!
I signed up before and get Kathys newsletter. Thank you!
I love the echino!
My fav would have to be sherbet pips, it us just so pretty (& hard to get)
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I am kind of in love with Snowland in Aqua. sarah.currence at gmail
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I love Color Stack Fresh Squeezed and the kona cotton starter pack!
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sarah.currence at gmail
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I am already receiving Pink Chalks Fabrics newsletter! I love getting it!
I'm all signed up for the newsletter :) sarah.currence at gmail
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Just one favorite?? I'd have to go with Loulouthi, Eleni palette.
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They are all so yummy!! But I really like the Sherbet Pips collection!!
I liked it on FB!!!
First entry: I heart Lizzy House 1001 peeps blue!
I love Timeless Treasures Fruit Punch FQ bundle! Lots of cute fabric though!
I get the newsletter!! yay
I love the heck out of this stack by Erin...
Thanks for the chance; Outside Oslo is gorgeous!!!
I love this stack being given away, so pretty! The Lizzy House 1001 Peeps Persian Purple FQs are another favorite of mine on their site - yum yum!
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And for #3, I signed up for their newsletter.
I blogged, but I think all three of my followers already follw you!! LOL
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Fave FQ stacks - Loulouthi, Somersault, and 1001 Peeps! Couldn't choose just one :)
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Signed up for Pink Chalk's newsletter!
I love Loulouthi and Sherbet Pips the best. They are my favourite designers and Kathy Mack has wonderful service and products at Pink Chalk!
My favorite FQ stack is the Echino Ni -Co 2011 Pink FQ stack. Love that London print!
I already get Kathy's newsletter!
I like Pink Chalk on FB, too.
I really like the Wild Strawberry color stack!!
I already like Pink Chalk Fabrics on Facebook!
It would be like Christmas for me if I won this FQ collection! Jessica Jones is my fav FQ collection right now!
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And I already get the newsletter!! Thanks for all the chances to win!!
Liked their Facebook page!
I really love the Sherbet Pips collection!!! But that said, I love Pink Chalk's shop!!! So it is very hard to choose just one!!!
I love the "Just Wing It" by Momo in the red colorway!
Checked out Pink Chalk Fabrics on Facebook & "Like" their new page. :)
Kate Spain - any collection! - and Summersault
So many great choices! I love the Moda Crossweave FQ pack, but I'd love to try the Outside Oslo. Those flowers look like fun!
I am loving' Erin McMorris' Summersault Lime FQs!!!!! :) Thanks.
Tweeted about pink chalk!
Have twitter about it @Michells_Place
Love the Michael Miller Snow Land Aqua FQs
My favorite would probably be Cut Out & Keep, although organic fabrics are a little bit out of my price range! I also love how Kathy sells sets of solids that coordinate with diffrent lines. Thanks for the giveaway!
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It was hard to choose, but for today, I pick the Theory Seaside FQs by Khristian A Howell. That may change later today or tomorrow though...what great FQ packs!!
My favourite is the Just dandy blue Fqs. I just love blues!!
Thanks for the lovely give away!
I'm in an orange mood, so I vote for "Fresh Squeezed." Love the colors!
I did sign up for their newsletter!Thanks!
I have signed up to receive Pink Chalk Fabrics Newsletter and already received the confirmation.
I just got a weird message. Hope I'm not reposting this. Don't wanna seem like a cheater.
I like Pinkchalk fabrics.
I retweeted your Tweet about the giveaway @jnecheles
Thanks for the giveaway :)
Ok, it's not as exciting as some other folks' choices, but I think I like the "Wild Strawberry" color stack FQs best. And plus I think that the "Limeade" and "Wild Strawberry" FQ stacks would make a pretty quilt for summer with a little white thrown in. Love it!
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Signed up for the giveaway
I love the Outside Oslo Dawn fq bundle! Not just because I live Inside Oslo - lol - but it really has a Scandinavian feel to the design!
I already like Pink Chalk fabric on Facebook!
I've "Liked" Pink Chalk Fabrics on FB! :)
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I am totally digging Jessica Jones Outside Oslo Dusk
I'm already a newsletter recipient!
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All beautiful fabrics. If I have to choose just one - color stack Summer Ice
I'm subscribed to the newsletter! I'm so excited, thank you for introducing me to a new place for fabrics! I'm always looking for a good store online!
Good morning. I "liked" Pink Chalk Fabrics" on facebook.
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a FB fan, already.
I signed up for "Pink Chalk's" newsletter and received a free pattern.
Thanks for the giveaway! I receive her newsletter.
I love the fat quarter bundle "Summer Ice"! Very soothing!
And, finally, I mentioned the giveaway on my blog!
Happy Quilting!
I love that you have an "I spy" bundle! I have been trying to gather enough suitable fabric for one and this would help jump start my collection!
Okay, search by color? FREAKIN GENIUS!!!!
I'm tossed up between Fresh Squeezed and Summer Ice color stacks. I think I'm in love with this site now!
My fav FQ stack is Sew Much Fun Mocha. Thanks for the giveaway!
I already like Pink Chalk Fabric on FB.
In addition to Outside Oslo, I also like Khristian Howell's Theory Seaside. Thanks for the giveaway.
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Just signed up for Pink Chalk Fabric's newsletter.
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Just posted a tweet on Twitter about the giveaway! Thanks again for the chance to win.
My favourite fq stack is the Zoology Sea!
Just liked Pink Chalk on Facebook!!
I already like Pink Chalk Fabrics on fb :)
And I already receive the newsletter too!
My favorite pack is Echino Ni-Co 2011 Collection by Etsuko Furuya for Kokka.
What a great store she has! It was so hard to decide which was my favorite but I do love Kate Spain's Flurry Chill!
Liked pink chalk on fb
Just signed up for her newsletter!
love the color candy!!! i love pink!
like them on fb :)
I really love their Lizzy House 1001 Peeps Jinnee Orange FQs!
I "liked" Pink Chalk Fabrics on Facebook. :)
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reblog it here: http://nilalala.tumblr.com/post/6722616402
I love the Timeless Treasures Fruit Punch set. So cute!
I love the Limeade fat quarter stack.
OOOO I love pink, so Cotton Candy is definitely my favorite.
I love the pooches and pickups FQ set, soo cute!
I like the color stack Wild Strawberry. I need more red in my life. Kathie L in Allentown
I already subscribe to Pink Chalk's newsletter. I am also a happy customer of Kathy's.
How can you make me choose which fabric I like best?? Actually I've been admiring the Outside Oslo from afar.
I liked Pink Chalk fabrics on FB
I love the Loulouthi Juliana bundle! Thanks for the chance to win!
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I like their new facebook page :)
My fave FQ bundle is Erin McMorris Summersault Apricot FQs
Zoology Sea is my favorite FQ bundle.
I just liked Pink Chalk Fabrics
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Wow, it's hard to choose just one favorite FQ stack! But I'll go with Theory in the Seaside colorway. Those colors are some of my favorites right now.
I subscribe to the Pink Chalk newsletter. Inspiration every week!
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Signed up for Pink Fabrics newsletter
I just signed up for the newsletter, I'd love to win the Outside Oslo collection!
Just "Liked" Pink Chalk on Facebook.
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It's hard to pick a favorite FQ... but I'd say it's a tie between the Howell's Theory in Seaside and Kimberling's Just Dandy in Blue Jay.
I tweeted about the giveaway from @boutiqueuniquel
I signed up for the newsletter and ordered two of your quilt patterns!
It's hard to pick just on FQ favorite, but I'll have to go with Just Wing it by Momo - the red-ish FQ Color stack.
my favourite FQ pack has got to be Color Stack - Summer Ice FQs - those blues give me happies!
Just signed up for the newsletter!
I know it's been around for awhile but I'm still drawn to Kate Spain's Fandango. Love the oranges and blues!
I already receive the Pink Chalk newsletter.
I love that Erin McMorris Line, so I'm going to go with "Erin McMorris Summersault Lake FQs" as my favorite FQ stack.
I like Zoology Sea!
I've now subscribed to Pink Chalk fabrics' newsletter.
I have to say the Aneela Hoey Sherbet Pips Full Collection FQs has me intrigued...
The fact that Pink Chalk as a FQ bundle of every print in the collection would qualify as a favorite in my book...
Just blogged about it!
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I am a FB "Liker" of Pink Chalk Fabrics...
Just Wing It is one of my top 10:)
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My favorite stack is Wild Strawberries -- love those colors!
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The kona starter pack is my favorite of their FQ bundles! Thanks for a chance to win!
My favorite right now is the ANH Loulouthi Isabella. The large prints are just beautiful.
I love all the color stacks - would like to have the funds to buy each one.
I get the newsletter
The pacific blue stack is beautiful!
I've just tweeted this giveaway (@eweniq).
Now to sit with everything crossed!
Erin McMorris Somersault Lime. Lovin it!
I "liked" Pilk Chalk on Facebook!
I like Pink Chalk Fabrics on FB
I signed up for PCF newsletter too.
I already like them on facebook. It's fun to see their amazing creations.
I already get their newsletter.
My favorite FQ stack at Pink Chalk is Suzy Ultman's Appleville.
Oh, I was eying their fat quarters a couple weeks ago. I think I will go with
Khristian A Howell Theory Seaside FQs
I am really loving this color mix recently.
Thanks for this giveaway! I love Sherbet Pips and want to invest soon :)
I really like the Erin McMorris Summersault Lime FQ pack, but I love all of Jessica's work as well.
I love the Summer Ice color stack she put together.
Just Liked Pink Chalk on Facebook
i LOVE the outside oslo dawn fabric - i've been following her blog for a while and drooling over it! but i also like Erin McMorris Summersault Lime (and Apricot!) they would fit well in my citrus kitchen. :)
I already "like" Pink Chalk.
I receive the Pink Chalk Fabrics newsletter. Love it.
i followed pick chalk fabrics on facebook!
I love the color stack-cotton candy!!! I am such a pink girl!! Must order this now!!
I liked them on facebook!!
and...I signed up to get their newsletter! Yay!
Wow - too difficult to decide - Cloud9. the Painters Canvas fabrics, and the 1001 Peeps. I could definitely keep going!
i signed up for the Pink Chalk newsletter... :D
Jessica Jones Outside Oslo Dawn FQs
is my favorite..although there are a few others I like...
I already like Pink Chalk on FB!
I have been eyeing the Timeless Treasures Fruit Punch FQ
And I receive the fantastic newsletter!
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I get the Pink Chalk updates through my FaceBook account ("like" button enabled).
I "liked" Pink Chalk on FB...
I just subscribed to Kathy's newsletter...thanks for the giveaway....
I am a newsletter subscriber.
I think my favorite is the outside oslo FG bundle, hope I win :>)
There is lots to like, but I think I'd enjoy Moda Cross Weave Wovens Collection FQs the most right now.Thanks.
I would love to own Sherbet Pips FQ bundle. I am probably the only one that hasn't gotten any of that, but I really like it alot!
I like Pink Chalk Fabrics on Facebook.
I already receive Pink Chalk's newsletter....great giveaway.
My favorite Fat Quarter is Kate Spain's Red Ribbon
I'm loving those new cloud 9 fabrics! So I'd pick that fat quarter pack. Or any of the color packs.
I already "Liked" Pink Chalk Fabrics. I have been following them for awhile.
I just liked Pink Chalk on FB.
I already receive email from Pink Chalk Fabrics.
Summersault in Apricot is my favorite!
Today the Fresh Squeezed fabric stack is apealing to me.
Thank you!!
I just subscribed to her newsletter. Thanks.
I already receive the newsletter. Thanks!
I already get Kathy's newsletter.
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