& well I guess that isn't a surprise.
I've been to the last few quilt markets
but this time...
I'm going to have my own booth!
breathe in...breathe out!!
I have a to-do list that seems to have grown to a mile long.
That's Susan in the background. Susan owns The Village Quilter & has been a very encouraging force for me. If it wasn't for a conversation with Susan, I never would have taken the leap to have a booth at this Quilt Market.
The crowd loved my pieced backs & how I piece my labels into them.
I have a new tutorial that will be up in the next few days on how I do pieced quilt backs.
I have a new tutorial that will be up in the next few days on how I do pieced quilt backs.
I talk with my hands!! :-)
I wouldn't be able to do it without her.

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
They all look gorgeous Julie...take advantage of your opportunity and spread that nice work around. good luck
What a big step! You've got some great patterns to show off, so I hope it turns out well. I've got Firecracker and am about to start it. Best wishes, Kathie L in Allentown
Phew! I know just how you feel. I am going to have a booth at quilt market for the first time too! Good luck on your preparations. :) xoxo
So exciting for you! I'm looking forward to seeing it!!
Big congrats! Can't wait to see you. Let me know if you need any help ... even if it's just to be your "booth babe"! : )
That's awesome! Have fun!
What an adventure to have....enjoy yourself!
congratulations!! How exciting for you! I'm sure you will do fine...your quilts are gorgeous!
I look forward to meeting you Julie! And seeing your quilts in person. Fun ahead!
Hey congrats. Have fun, I am sure you will.
Congratulations Julie; that is just awesome! I'm sure you will do great! By the way, your patterns have been a huge hit in my store. Sabra at FabricLovers.com
A big CONGRATS. I'm sure your booth will be awesome. Take lots of picture and share.
That is so wonderful! I am sure that you will have great success!
So excited for you! Wish I could come and be your bag carrier lol. Can't wait to hear all about it and see pics of your booth!
AWESOME!! Good luck and have fun!
Good for you... welcome to the club!
... and gotta love a pieced back..I did it on my very first quilt and must have made my instructor faint.. LOL!
How exciting and congratulations for taking the plunge...you are so ready! If you decide to have a booth in Houston this year, I volunteer my time for whatever you need! Best wishes for a super successful market! Lisa in Texas
I'm so happy for you Julie. It is a lot of work and energy but I'm certain you have what it takes. My momma voice says....keep it simple....take time to enjoy and remember not to take it all too seriously because in the end....it is just the people you love and who love you that count.
You can also put a can out....that says..."like my quilts? Vote iwht your cash!" it will off-set the cost of your booth...LOL.
That's great! Excited to see photos of your booth! :)
Congratulations! You will do great! Your patterns are fabulous.
Congratulations Julie! That is really exciting!
Oh gosh that is so exciting. You obviously work so hard and have such a great love for what you do..you deserve it ♥
Congratulations! I'll keep an eye out for your booth. Will you be doing a Schoolhouse Session too?
Oh.my.gosh! I am so excited for you Julie. Wish I was going to be there but we'll all be cheering for you to sell, sell and sell! (PS I'd piece my label in if I had as cute a label as you do...lol)
I'm so excited for you! I wish I were going too! Better have enough fun for the both of us! *hugs* :)
Oh, and take loads of pictures!
Yay for you! How exciting! I have NO doubt your booth will be amazing! Smiles...
eeeeeeee! (that's a crazy, happy noise) That is so exciting. You're going to have an awesome booth!
see you at market!! i can't wait to see your booth!!
So excited for you. Your booth is going to be so awesome, take lots of pictures! Have a great time with Candi! Remember to enjoy it all too, not just stress and work.
soooo excited for you Julie!!!!
I just love that stack of quilts...can I have one of each please? ;)
btw....did you cut your hair? It's cute :)
"and rachel. rachel is gonna be there. and when we get together its laugh, laugh, laugh until our abs hurt & our eyes water. yeah sometimes we even may sound like the nerds from revenge of the nerds. it's gonna be a good time in salt lake."
Woohoo, congrats Julie, I know you'll have a blast....I talk with my hands too :D
So excited for you! You've worked hard and you deserve this! You go Girl!
congrats! what fun that will be!! wish I was going to be there to see your lovely quilts in person.
Congratulations on having your own booth! You'll do great - you have amazing patterns.
You're gonna be great! People cant not like you...and its gonna be incredible and I'm cant believe that you think I'm worthy.
What a great opportunity for you! Have fun and spread that enthusiasm..wish I knew how to use my ruler, I bought it to use with your new patterns..haven't ordered them yet, but they are next on my list..have fun at Market...
Enjoy the next five weeks....
big Congrats on having your own booth and ... really... what other way is there talk than with your hands :D
Love These!!! YOU MUST go to Material Girls quilt shop while you are there. Tell Nadine (the owner) hello!! It is one of the best shops ever - even BHG put her in their top shops!! Enjoy yourself out there!!
OMGosh, Julie, I am so happy for you!! You have worked so hard and accomplished so much since I have started reading your blog....you deserve this and you will shine big time!!
Congratulations Julie. You certainly have earned your success! I'm very happy for you.
The quilts are beautiful and I hope you will take photos of your booth.
Congrats Julie! You'll do great :)
congrats on the leap of having your own booth!! that's way too exciting!! can I please ask you a small favor? can you age just a smidge? you still look like your twelve!! can I have your genes?
WOWSER For you JULIE !!! Congrats ; good luck , and GOD BLESS YOU !! I LOVE the bottom quilt ; the colors are great and the 'argyle' look ! may have to get that one after I get Hug&Kisses made ! woohoo !!
That is so exciting! Congrats and enjoy yourself!!
I can't wait to see what you do with your booth! So exciting!!
Good luck! Thanks again for the BYOG giveaway last month! Got some great goodies that I posted pics of on my blog.
Congratulations on having your own booth, I am so very happy for you. All that hard work has paid off, you have such lovely designs, wish I could go there to see it in person, please lots of pics.
You two are going to tear it up in SLC! Congratulations, you're going to be great! And I love those quilts. ;)
Oh, my goodness! Congratulations, sweetie, on your market booth! We want to follow you on this journey, so keep us posted on all the goings-on before, during and after!!! xo
Congratulations on the opportunity to go to Market! How fun will that be to have your own booth full of your fab new patterns.
I love the Off Rail Fence pattern! You are so right; this fabric line is absolutely perfect for your pattern. Glad to find you!
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