By now you have had the chance to read many reviews on my book. Developing & creating the quilts featured in Skip the Borders was fun, exciting and also made me a bit nervous. I made most of these quilts 14-20 months ago. It's been amazing to finally share them with you and see your great comments. I have also enjoyed seeing photos of quilts that you have made from the book get added to our Flickr Group. Please continue to add them to the group & share!
Full Blog Tour Schedule
Generation Q Magazine - Monday, Sept 10th
Rachel @ ps i quilt - Wednesday, Sept 12th
Natalie @ Beyond the Reef - Friday, Sept 14th
Pink Chalk - Monday, Sept 17th
Fat Quarter Shop - Wednesday, Sept 19th
Holly @ Bijou Lovely - Friday, Sept 21st
Rita @ Red Pepper Quilts - Monday, Sept 24th
Robert Kaufman @ Swatch and Stitch - Wednesday, Sept 26th
Jessica Levitt - Friday, Sept 28th
Vanessa @ V&Co - Monday, Oct 1st
Martingale - Tuesday, Oct 2nd
Emily @ Carolina Patchworks - Friday, Oct 5th
Katy @ I'm a Ginger Monkey - Monday, Oct 8th
Audrie @ Blue is Bleu - Wednesday, Oct 10th
Julie @ Jaybird Quilts - Wednesday, Oct 17th
Ok enough talking... I'm going to use my day of the Book Tour to show you more eye candy!
Boxed In
Checkerboard Dots
Detail photo of my scrappy bias binding.
Stars & Stripes
I feel like this wouldn't be complete without showing you some of the behind the scenes and outtakes. Many of the quilts are traveling around on trunk shows & I wanted to get a few more photos before I sent them off. So I headed down to the beach...
I have to give a big thank you to my dad & our friend Michael for taking all the beach photos.
Now for the giveaways... yes MULTIPLE giveaways!!
Giveaway #1

A Quilt Kit to make Stars & Stripes in the same fabric I used.
A Quilt Kit to make Raspberry Dessert in the same fabric I used.
Giveaway #3
A Quilt Kit to make In Formation in the same fabric I used.
The Rules
1. Leave ONE comment to enter. Make sure your contact info is in your profile or that you leave it in the comment.
2. In your comment tell me what you wanted to be when you grow up & who you are... Last year I wrote a post on When I grow up... & I'm very proud to now add Author to the list of what I am.
3. Simple as that!!
You have till 9PM PST on Saturday the 20th to enter.
3. Simple as that!!

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit
1 – 200 of 325 Newer› Newest»When I was young I wanted to be become a vet. I love all kinds of animals. Today I write software ;) but I have two lovely cats and a horse. So at least I fulfilled my dream to have animals in my life.
When I was little, I alternated between wanting to be an archaeologist or a marine biologist. I am an archaeologist. So, it worked out!
I can remember that for many years I wanted to be an air hostess. It seemed such an exotic occupation. I actually ended up becoming a teacher and loved every minute of it.
Thanks for your wonderful give away.
Love this question! When I grow up I want to be a mom... only 4 months left until that happens. I have on my list an engineer, a quilter, a wife, a sister, and very soon a sister-in-law. YAY! Thanks again.
I remember always wanting to be old enough to do "this or that." Now I am older and, for the most part, have done "this and that." My life is serene and content, for the most part, these days.
When I was young I wanted to be airline stewardess. I had to do a research paper in the 6th grade on an occupation so I did it on airline stewardess and found out I was too tall and you couldn't wear glasses which I had. Back then I don't think there contacts. I ended up working for the state as a Real Estate Specialist in which I acquired property for highway projects. Thanks for the chance to win. Your quilts are gorgeous!
I wanted to be an actor but there was no way I could achieve this. I did some am dram and now I sing in a choir so I am fulfilling some of my performance dreams.
I want to spend my time doing what I love! Sewing, quilting, cooking and working around the house :) Happy things!
When I was little, I wanted to be a nurse! Except I'm not very good with blood...or needles. Now, I'm a social worker and I love what I do! Quilting saves me from "burn-out".
When I was in 6th grade we watched a movie called "Voyage of the Mimi" about whale migration and the scientists that studied them. I knew from that day on that I wanted to be a marine biologist and so that is what I became. I am now a lab manager and research scientist for a marine microbiology lab at MIT. I study the smallest and most abundant photosynthetic organism in the ocean. Go phytoplankton!
I can't remember any specific things I wanted to become when I was really young, but when I started high school I wanted to study languages and start working in an embassy somewhere in the world. But, then I got a fantastic math teacher, and now I am an engineer and I don't regret the choice I made.
Quilting is now my favorite occupation besides my day job; I wish the evenings and weekends were longer!
I wanted to be a nurse. Long story short--I never became a nurse but have worked in the medical field for over 20 years, currently as a referral coordinator for an orthopedics/sports medicine office. I'm so happy that I started quilting and wish I could do it full time!!! I'm super excited about this giveaway!!! Thanks so much for the chance :)
Great question! I always wanted to be a singer/actress. Can I sing? No, but that's just a small detail. Then I wanted to be a writer but lacked confidence. I did end up as a reporter for nearly 20 years. Now I've put my business degree to work and manage a non-profit. What I r-e-a-l-l-y want to do when I grow up is be a long arm quilter. I'm working on it!
I am still yrying to decide what I want to be! I am a stay at home Mommy and wife right now, that is ok for now. But I want more!
When I was little I wanted to be a librarian. I'm a huuuge reader, I still think it would have been a good fit. Instead I became a nurse, and it was a very satisfying career. Congrats on your book, and thanks for a great giveaway!
I just turned 55 and still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. In the past I have had a career, was a fulltime mom and now work part time as a lunch lady. Loved every part of my life. Next goal -- Grandmother, but not for awhile yet I hope.
I always just wanted to be a good mom, like my mom. I always loved to do the home type things like sew and cook and bake and craft. I did take a time away from home in the military to make SURE that was what I wanted and that was where I met my husband and settled down into my job as a mom. I'm quite happy now.
I think I wante dto be an explorer- someone like Amelia Earhart. I am an environmental engineer, who does love to explore. In the past few years I have become an adventure race winner!
I think when I was little I wanted to be an actress or something like that as every little girls wants but later on I wanted to be a fashion designer. Though my day job is a far cry from it, the fact that I did a masters in photography a few years ago and that I am a quilter makes me happy as both are creative outlets going in the same direction.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I wanted to be a pilot and i am. But i'm due in a couple weeks and now i want to be a great mom. P.S. northern lights class quilt almost finished.
I wanted to be Quincy, MD. That way I could be a doctor AND a detective all at the same time!
I actually graduated college with a business degree and now I own a quilt shop.
Funny how life actually works out...
I wanted to be a doctor. And ended up an engineer. But I'm also a knitter, a quilter, a writer (though not published), a runner and much more. :)
Once upon a time I wanted to write great stories, or great music. I think I really wanted to inspire others. I never did settle on a profession.
I ask my aged grandmother this very same question and was told that she hadn't grow up yet....she was 95 at the time. I feel better about my indecission now.
I am a Mom/long arm quilter now.
When I was younger I went through phases from an astronaut to a kindergarten teacher.
By the time I was in the 10th grade I decided to be a pediatrician.
and now that's what i do
I wanted to be a Forensic Scientist when I was younger... until I heard about a criminal who exacted his revenged on the guy who proved his guilt. I spent seven wonderful years as a School Library Media Specialist and hated that I had to quit my dream job to move for hubby's job :-( but he will be the one that gets a pension. So until a job opens up in my new area, I have lots of time for quilting and crafts!! Love your book, Julie, and your creativity!!
I wanted to be an astronaut, but I'm blessed to be a SAHM. Thanks for the giveaways!
I wanted to be an astronaut. I can still remember watching the launches and thinking that is amazing. I am an office manager. With some of the questions that come across my desk, I feel like I am in outer space. I love everything I have seen about your book...working on 2 quilts right now without borders.
I wanted to be a doctor and practice medicine in Africa. Today I'm Head of Knowledge Management in a large IT company - and the only thing I save is projects and systems.
A vet or a teacher is what I can remember wanting to be. Went to college to be an architect but came out being an accountant.
When I was little I wanted to be everything; I'm being honest the list contained things like doctor, lawyer, garbage man, hair stylist, decorator, and so on. Currently I'm a receptionist and I absolutely love my job though I now have dreams of one day having my own craft store ... never stop dreaming, right? manpha324 at gmail dot com
When I was little I wanted to be a teacher. I also created my own library. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a quilter. Now I work in a library where I help students with their research needs and then go home and quilt! The best of everything! Congratulations on your amazing book and thank for the giveaways.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a graphic designer. The middle part of my life I worked in the finance field. Now that I'm "grown up" I have the perfect job as a retired grandmother!
I fell in love with Biology in 6th grade and with Genetics in 11th. I knew I wanted to be in the sciences and I am! I am a researcher in the plant sciences. I LOVE my job. It can be stressful and challenging, but I thoroughly enjoy it.
I wanted to be a certified public accountant and ended up being a professional natural soap maker!
I have no recollection of what I wanted to be when I was a kid. But my mum tells me I was going between a nurse and a pilot. Today, I am neither, but after much school, then even more school, I work in the field of environmental public health and my job has taken me lots of places so I think, perhaps, I wasn't so far off my ambitions, just not in the way I expected.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to reminisce. And congratulations on your new book. I am indeed a big fan of yours.
I would love one of those giveaways! When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher, and that's what I am! I also direct musicals besides quilting and sewing!
I wanted to be married and have children and now I am married 42 years and have 2 children. Professionally I ended up in the corporate world.
I always wanted to be a mom first and a teacher second. I ended up with the best of both worlds. I'm a mom to two amazing girls that we homeschool.
When I grew up, I wanted to be a pilot and a professional field hockey player (it's not professional in the UK for women)(I also clearly had no idea of time dedication for either). I am an accountant, although I did manage to get some junior England caps and senior mixed caps, which helped fill the void.
Brilliant giveaways
shevvyrox (at) gmail (dot) com
I was stunned to see Sarah's (#2) comment, because I also wanted to be an archaeologist up until I was a junior in high school and realized there weren't all that many job opportunities in the field. So I studied journalism instead, and am now an editor, teacher, wife, mom, quilter, and happily fulfilled person! :)
I wanted to be an actress now I'm a sahm.
When I was little, I wanted to be a doctor or lawyer, I have no idea why. Now I am in IT, I design databases.
I wanted to be a High Mountain Ranger and a park Ranger out West. What am I now, a mom, grandma, horse owner, quilter, knitter, work as a secretary in a high school, and much more. Not unhappy with the way things turned out. But a ranger would have been really cool!!
Would love to win one of your prizes. Put my name in!!
thanks cathy
loe this book, if I don't win I'll have to buy it!
I don't know what I wanted to be, other than a mom. I am that, and an investment advisor, hospice volunteer, and fledgling quilter. Your book is terrific, your quilts are so happy and vibrant. Thank you for sharing! hlofgren(at)gmail(dot)com
I wanted to be a reporter (and a doctor, an astronaut and meterologist) and I went to college and studied journalism. I worked as an editor on my college paper and hated it. I started subbing during the summers and realized I loved teaching so I am one now!
When I was VERY little, I wanted to be a ballerina. Later, in high school, I wanted to be a French teacher, but I ended up not going to college. I got married and had babies instead. Now they're all grown up, and I'm an Executive Assistant at a Community Health Center. I am proud of the work we do helping people who have little or no medical insurance.
Growing up, the only thing I ever knew for sure is that I wanted to be a mother. I had other professional aspirations, too, but everything that interested me (lawyer, psychologist, etc.) also meant less time for a family. Today, I am a mother of two and as happy as can be. I've also found that I can be more than one thing. I just can't be everything to everyone at the same time. So, I'm becoming a master of patience!
I had my heart set on being a vet ... until I found out some of the unpleasant things that vets must do. Now, I'm a wife, mom and Admin Assistant, sewing and quilting whenever I get a few minutes. Love your work!
When I was REALLY little, I wanted to be an opera singer, that is until I realized I couldn't sing at all. Then, I wanted to be a lawyer, that is until I took a couple of law classes at business school. Now, I work in public relations.
I wanted to be a Band Director when I grew up and now I'm a part time Adminstrative Assistance and full Time Mommy!
I always said I was going to be a teacher, but today I'm an accountant. My introversion totally won out! I don't know how I thought I was going to be able to teach a bunch of kids every day!
i wanted to be a chiropractor (like my dad), and instead am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of three (like my mom!)
I wanted to be a mom most of all, but I remember also hoping to be a teacher or a writer. I got to be a teacher for 5 years and now I'm a stay at home mom!
for a year or so [read 2nd grade] i wanted to be a nurse like my mom. :) now i work at the National Quilt Museum! so fun
When I was little I wanted to be a teacher,airline stewardess, interior decorator.......and now I'm a nurse and couldn't be happier.
During the summer between my Junior and Senior year of high school I told my mom that I wanted to be an accountant. She insisted that I first take an accounting class before making that kind of decision. I was in love and I've been working as a Tax Accountant since graduating College 15+ years ago. Every January - April I regret my decision, but every summer I love my freedom!
Maybe one day when I really grow up I can be a stay at home wife and hopefully (one day) a stay at home mom.....
So interesting to read all the answers! When i was a kid I wanted to become an archeologist or a librarian. I'm still very interested in looking at arceological digging sites, old dinosaur skeletons etc... And I read alot! But I became a psychologist, a very interesting occupation too! This way I don't have to be outside on rainy days, digging in a muddy trench, that I believe archelogists do. :) I love what I do!!!
These are fabulous pictures! I wanted to be a doctor but am a Payroll Administrator. Not that I didn't have other jobs along the way...banking and cosmetologist to name a couple!
When I was tiny - I spent hours drawing house plans, I then progressed to evening gowns. I studied AD Arts (Fashion Couture) and loved it. Worked as a Pattern Maker/ Production Manager in the fashion industry before following my Husband to an area where "Fashion" didn't exist.
Today I care less about "fashion" and more about good design and the engineering that goes into the construction of things.
I wanted to be a newspaper journalist when I grew up ... and although there were some detours along the way, I became one! The uncertainties of the industry led me to take a job as a technical writer 12 years ago, but I still get to write and enjoy my job.
I love your quilts! You have a great talent! I wanted to be an accountant when I grew up. But that didn't happen. I became a stay at home mom and quilter.
I wante to be a Cook when I grew up - I had dreams of wearing a tall chef's hat! I grew up to be an accountant, who cooks from necessity , but not necessarily for fun!
I have been reading your book blog and have enjoyed them all. When I was little I wanted to grow up and be famous.
I'm not famous but I am one heck of a community volunteer. DH keeps telling me not to raise my hand so much. LOL
I wanted to be a special education teacher when I was in high school. Instead, I work in community service for the government.....not really all that far off.
I wanted to be a nurse when I grew up, and I am very proud to say that this year I took my boards and am now a Registered Nurse!!!
When I was young I wanted to be either a teacher or a librarian when I grew up. I homeschooled my three children and we collected many books during the 14 years we homeschooled. So, I was both a teacher and librarian. :-) thanks for the chance to win.
When I grew up I wanted to be a nurse, then I wanted to be a teacher, then I wanted to be a speech therapist. I got my degree in Speech pathology, but got married instead. Then later I went back to my first "want to be " and became a nurse. So by day I am a practicing registered nurse and by evening I am a quilter. It's a great combination.
When I was young, I wanted to be a writer. I've been a journalist and a blogger, but I still want to publish a novel someday!
(p.s. I know the prizes are random, but I already own a signed copy of the book. ;) )
Good question! I'm 56 and still waiting to grow up. I wanted to be a Vet, nurse, or go in the service. I work in a factory and love it. I think if i had done one of the others i wouldn't have very much time to sew. So it works for me. :)
love this book! can't wait to get one!!
i always wanted to be a photographer and travel around the world. i followed my passion and have traveled to 6 continents and multiple countries. i still do photographry. now i am a mother, a quilter and an artist.
I'm of the generation where a career was something you did until you had kids, or to fall back on. As a math nerd, I always thought I'd be a high school teacher. By college, woman's lib had started to open up thoughts of other options. I wound up with a PhD, and am a professor (of statistics).
When I was little I wanted to be a teacher. When I grew up I became a medical transcriptionist. I am now a retired mother, grandmother, and quilter.
I wanted to be an accountant. I ended up becoming a bookkeeper and now a stay-at-home mom.
Congrats on your book! It's on my Christmas list!
When I was very young, I wanted to be a Mom or an Artist. Later, I dreamed of being a Veterinarian or Olympic Show Jumper. Eventually I realized that I was very alike my Dad and followed in his engineering footsteps. I tell you, though, if I ever have kids, I will do everything in my power to encourage them to follow their dreams rather than being overly 'realistic'.
When I was small I loved to design clothes and make up catalogues for people to order them. I grew up to work with people with learning disabilities for 20 years and now I'm a mental health nurse. I still love designing and making things with fabric, but mostly do patchwork and quilting.
When I was young I wanted to be a nurse.That did not happen but I became a Mother of four girls, wife to a farmer, a school bus driver and a quilter and believe me being all of these I think I should have gotten nursing pay.
I love animals and wanted to be a vet when I was younger. Today I am a software developer and quilting is my escape. :)
I always wanted to work in an office when I when I was young and that is what I do. Always wanted to be a quilter...started in my 20s and have been quilting for over 20 years now. As life evolves I find quilting to be my passion. Hope to be able to do that as my full time job at some point in my life. Love your book and your patterns are amazing! When will you start designing fabric? I know that must be the next step in your journey.
When I was really little all I wanted to be was a Mommy. Then as a got older a teacher, Than in college a sample maker for a fashion designer. Now I am an Accounts Payable Clerk M-f and a CNA every other weekend. But most importantly I am a Mommy! I get my sewing fix now as a hobby. :)
I wanted to be an astronaut! I didn't reach that dream, but I am a researcher in the astronomy department. Love all these quilts!
I grew up in the era of few expectations of what a girl could become - wife and mother, nurse, teacher or secretary! I became a secretary, then a stay at home mother of three precious girls, then a secretary again and now a (grand)mother again. What fun to do it all over!
Your book is on my Christmas wishlist - but maybe I'll be lucky enough to win a copy first.
Thanks for the chance!!
It's funny to think back. I never had an idea of what I wanted to be. I loved journalism, science, and crafty things. I ended up majoring in architectural design and after working for a few years decided that wasn't what I wanted to do. I have been managing the business end of an architect's office for over 20 years now and it is a pretty good fit. I also worked at a church for 10 years. I don't know what else I would do although I'm looking forward to having more time to sew. Congratulations on your book.
I wanted to be a veterinarian, then an architect. I made my degree in art history and now work in project management. Completely different! Thanks!
I wanted to work in the CIA as an analyst. Instead, I work for a University as an analyst. Same kind of gig, but analyzing very different kinds of data.
This is such a great and thought provoking question! As crazy as it seems i wanted to be a stay at home mom and i was blessed with my daughter and have many wonderful memories of her. She passed away two years ago so now the memories are bitter sweet. Love your quilts they are georgous. I know!! I want to be you when i grow up lol
As a young child I loved my teachers and wanted to be one. I ended up as aMathematician and an accountant, but did a lot of teaching as part of mynjib.
Love all those pictures Julie. And that view!? OMG Beautiful.
I always wanted to be a legal secretary when I grew up. I chose another career path however and worked doing data entry for years and became a Mom to three wonderful boys after losing my little girl. Being a great Mom like my own was actually first on my list of what I wanted to be when I grew up so I have no regrets at all.
When I was young all I wanted to be was a mom. Now I'm a mom to 4, grandma to 10, and I work in an elementary school where I can mother 114 kids!
Well, in first grade, I had high ambitions - I wanted to be a babysitter! Then I think I moved onto lawyer... Never in a million did I dream of CPA, lol!
I have always wanted to be a teacher. I took this year off, though, for a new important job: Mommy. I am loving it! :)
I wanted to become a pilot! Today, I am a pilot and have found that, regardless of age, I still have "when I grow up" plans. ;-)
Thankshoneybunny (at) yahoo (dot) com
I remember wanting to be a teacher, an astronaut and a marine biologist at various points. Sometime in high school I decided on architect, and I followed through with that one.
when I was young I wanted to be a stay at home mom. I was working at a nursing home when I became a mom. I stayed home for the first 4 months and went back to work out of necessidy. Then I stayed home again when my child was 3. I went stir crazy. I am now a office manager at the University of Arizona. Longarm quilting is where I really want to be. Have the longarm but not enough time. wbotw39 at hotmail dot com
When I was young, I wanted to be a writer or a nurse, depending on which day you asked me. :P I decided that I didn't like blood, so the nurse part was out. I knoew I couldn't make a living as a writer, so I went to college and got a Home Ec degree. I currenly work as a benefits person for a major University here. It is fun, I enjoy the work I do, and I still have time to be creative (and use my Home Ec degree!) with my quilting!
Love your quilts!
Sandy A
What a great giveaway! When I was little I wanted to be a teacher. I actually turned out to be a paralegal, which certainly isn't a bad job at all. BUT, now when I grow up, I want to be a full time quilter!!
The 1st and funniest thing I remember wanting to be is a taxi driver in a big city...and it seems I'm getting closer to that daily as I drive my kiddo about town.
For a while I wanted to be a teacher, but mostly I always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and now I am!
When I was little I wanted to be a nurse. Now I am an office manager, mom & grandma. And quilter in the spare moments I can find. I like the mom & grandma part the best.
When I was young I thought maybe I would like to be a translator or work with languages somehow. The other thing I thought I might like was being a lawyer - yup, that is what I do, and I love it.
my first dream was to become an airline stewardess but I am only 5'tall - as I got older, wanted to become a history teacher but my parents didn't believe in girls going to college - I wound up working in the P&C Insurance industry for 40 yrs -
I have loved your book tour - and love the book - I own it! I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up....or so I thought and then realized it wasn't for me!
I wanted to be a secretary when I grew up. Now I work in a school with kids and love it! Thanks for the giveaway!
When I was little, I wanted to be a secretary and a mother. I have been a secretary/administrative assistant for over 30 years and am the Mother to 2 great sons, who have blessed me with 4 grandkids.
LOL I haven't thought about this is too many years to count. Growing up in the 60"s I wanted to be a stewardess! Apparently that was very cool and glamorous back then. I also wanted to be a mother. I achieved the motherhood part raising 4 wonderful children. My work life was spent in retail. from management to buying office to owning my own shop. I just purchased your book and I am in love with Raspberry Dessert. Thanks for such a great giveaway.
What didn't I want to be? I wanted to be everything.
I wanted to be a teacher and a mother....Did both of those and loved doing them! Now I am a grandmother, (and a mother!), quilter and volunteer and I'm quite content. Love the images of your quilts. Plan to get your book!
I just love your patterns. I am signed up to take your Hexie ruler class at the Quiltmaker Block party. I am so excited for this class. I would love to be a dancer, but alas at 54 probably won't be adding that to my resume!
I wanted to be an archaelogist. But I truned out to be a Manager of Quality in Home Health Care. Maybe not digging in the dirt, but I am still happy. Thanks for this great giveaway!
When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor. That didn't work out but now I am a stay at home mom and love it.
I wanted to be an archeologist. I love history and discovery and puzzles and archeology combined all those things. But I don't fit into a school environment very well, so that didn't happen.
I also wanted to do hair for a while, but then the thought of touching other people's heads day after day kind of grossed me out. :)
When I was young, I think I just expected to be a teacher because everyone in my family was some kind of teacher/librarian/professor. I ended up being an educational consultant, training and writing training manuals. It just looked different than I thought.
Now I'm a stay at home parent which is teaching ME all sorts of things. ;-)
I wanted to be a wife and mom. Strange how my immigrant parents wanted the same for me and didn't push towards secondary education. Now years later, divorced, I put myself through school for photojournalism, which I ended up hating. My job now is dealing with people who are injured. Hmmmmm.... I still have lots of growing up time, so maybe one day I'll be a professional quilter travelling the world sending boxes of fabric home for my stash!
What WONDERFUL prizes you're giving!!! :-) Thank you for the chance to win!! :-)
When I was little, I knew that I wanted to be a Mommy--- and that is what I am! :-) Besides that, I am a Grandmommy, too! :-) And, in some form or other, a nurse, an accountant, a chauffeur, a dog and cat trainer and veterinarian, a chef, house keeper, seamstress, secretary, gardener, and the list goes on and one... A woman's work is truly never done! :-) And I love my life-- every minute of it! :-)
When I grew up, I wanted to be a teacher. I got my wish and taught Second Grade for several years.
What I am today? Although still a teacher at heart, I am a legal secretary looking for work.
Thanks for the giveaway! Beautiful things indeed.
I always wanted to be either an actress or a teacher. Half of that came true, as I have my degrees in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I'm not currently teaching, though. Love working with kids! They inspire me so much. :)
Love your book by the way, all the quilts are gorgeous.
I wanted to be an engineer and a wife and a mother. I am all those things and several others I didn't expect, but it's all good!
I wanted to be an art gallery owner when I was a kid. I am a stay at home mom. I love what I do now and wouldn't change a thing.
I wanted to be a ballerina, but apparently you need to have talent, so that was out! Then I wanted to be an RCMP officer and drive a dog team in the far north, but at that time you had to be a man, so that was definitely out! Then I wanted to be a teacher, and that is what I did for 35 years--and I loved it. Now I'm retired, and I like that even better!
When I was a kid I wanted to be a motorcycle cop - just like Chips! Unfortunately I didn't grow enough and so spend my days as a Primary School teacher!
I wanted to be a photographer when I was young. Today I am a restaurant Manager. I think photography might have been more fun but not having a steady paycheck like I do have.
When I was about 5 I wanted to be a nurse or teacher. Now I'm an engineer, wife, mom, and quilter.
I wanted to be a dancer at a time when seemingly every little girl wanted to be a nurse or teacher. Currently I'm a paralegal a.k.a a paraprofessional paper pusher :o) But, there is much more to do and be left in me.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
When I was little I wanted to be a nurse or a teacher. I'm now an epidemiologist (a little medicine, a little teaching).
I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up......and I turn 30 this week. Maybe I should figure that one out!
I wanted to be a news anchorwoman. I started the program in college, but the technical side bored me! Instead I have worked in the Medical Industry, but love to spend every spare minute quilting!
When I was little I thought I would become a nurse. Never went anywhere near that. I was a secretary/administrator all my work life. But I've got the best job now: being retired and quilting as much as I can! Great giveaway -- great quilts!
I went through a list of jobs when I was young - teacher, pharmacist, physical therapist, physician's assistant to name a few. I also knew I would be a mom. Today, my first job is mom of 4. To get out, I work part time as a nurse in the ER. Eventually, when the kids are older, my goal is to work as a nurse manager - already have the MSN for it.
I wanted to be a veterinarian/animal behaviorist for most of my childhood. Ended up working as a project manager/operations and now I'm a stay-at-home mom and aspiring quilt shop owner. Amazing the turns our lives take. Still enjoying the ride!
When I was young I always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. I did work experience and hated it! I a secretary and then PA for a Director of a Research Centre. My ultimate goal was to get married and have a family. I've now been married for over 17 years and have 3 gorgeous sons. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway.
For much of my childhood I wanted to be a vet because I loved animals so much. Not realizing I wouldn't see them under ideal circumstances. Life as an archaeologist also sounded good, I have always been facinated by antiquities. I could see myself dicovering new finds centuries old. I love to read and would love the talent to be a writer. What am I? I have a natrual ability with numbers, they 'speak' to me. I've worked in banking all my professional life and for a long time now I've been the loan officer at a small credit union. It's a job I love because I do what I have an aptitude for and help people with what can be a scary and frustrating part of adult life: finances. Of course in my forties I fulfilled a big goal and became a quilter like my Grandma.
I wanted to be an artist when I grew up -- now I work in the publication business creating magazines and on a personal level I quilt and partake in other forms of artistic expression!
Love your book and the blog book tour was fun!
I wanted to be an actress when I was small. I loved to play dress-up and pretend I was someone important. Of course my ultimate goal was to marry and have a family. I've been married for 50 years and now my life revolves around quilting and family. They go well together.
When I grow up I want to be organized! That counts right? :-) Seriously, I wanted to be an artist and I am, so mission complete! The Tour was fun and your quilts are awesome! Thanks for the chance to win :) jess_trish at yahoo dot com
I knew I wanted to work with kids. I thought I wanted to be a teacher and I'm pretty close - I'm a Speech-Language Pathologist in an elementary school. I get to teach small groups - no big classroom for me (whew!).
When I was little I wanted to be a teacher. I am now many things but my most important role is that of mom to my three children. I think I'll count that as being a teacher. lol. Thanks for the amazing giveaway. Your book looks amazing and the quilts are gorgeous.
I wanted to be a Pharmamcist when I was a grown up and I am a Transfusion Specialist now. I suppose it is still in healthcare ;)
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I wanted to become a teacher or archeologist or airline stewardess when I grew up. Today I am a retired teacher, a mother,a grandmother, a wife, a blogger, an online estate items seller and a caretaker. I love your checkerboard dots pic and the colors you pick for your quiltes.
I always wanted to be a hairstylist. When I was in my early teens, a neighbor even gave me her books after she completed cosmetology school. My mom told me that she didn't want me to be subjected to the chemicals, though. I agreed with my mom.
When I was in elementary school, my teacher mentioned that a candidate running for president had to possess great writing skills. I hated writing, so I quickly decided that becoming a U.S. president was not for me!
My career interests later changed. I never yearned to become president, but I grew to love writing. Though I was married and had two young children, I entered college and earned a degree in writing. I am currently a contract writer for an online publication.
I wanted to be a teacher. And now I'm an researcher/psuedo-analytical chemist/instrument tech. Not really the same thing. Hahaha.
What a great question! When I was young, I wanted to be a famous pianist, Dame Judith I would be. Thank goodness I never became famous because today I love my anonymity. I became a teacher, a wonderful fulfilling career, and after retirement from that, I became a quilter. A quilter who is retired has a darn near perfect life!!
I am trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. I am a business office manager in long term care. I would like to be a full time quilter and crafter. :)
As little girl I was going to be a secretary where my Daddy worked so we could walk together. Then it was a librarian since I worked after school at the public library. Well, I do some secretarial work for my hubby, but now mostly I make quilts in my studio at home:))))
What I wanted to be when I grew up? I guess it was usually a teacher and mother. I am not retired from the business world and grandmother of 5.
From when I was real little I don't remember what I wanted to be when I grew up.
In Jr. High I decided on being a funeral father however... actually called the high school guidance counselor and asked her to talk me out of it!
Now as an adult, I am a mother, wife and funeral director who loves to quilt!
I wanted to be a mommy - and I was! When my kids grew up I did a short stint as a office manager, and now I am a Nana.
I wanted to be a fashion designer and I ended working in the hotel industry, and marketing.
terrific giveaway, hope your book is a big success!
Ooh, awesome giveaway! Growing up, I wanted to be a book editor. I'm currently an English tutor, so I guess that could still possibly be in the stars :)
I wanted to be an astronaut when I was young. By my junior year in high school, I decided I wanted to be a pharmacist. Six years of college and six years working as a pharmacist...and now God has called me to be a stay at home mom.
When I was little I wanted to be a zoologist or a writer. Now I am a software engineer (so *sort of* a writer, but I won't be on any NYT bestseller lists...).
I wanted to be a successful, independent, woman, raise children & teach them the same! I certainly have accomplished that in you & your brother! I know I'm not eligible for any give a ways, so if you random select me, select another, just had to grab this moment to brag about how proud I am of my favorite daughter & author!!
When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a mom! Worked out great- ended up having twin girls who grew up to bless me with 4 "GRAND" children.
I wanted to be a writer or a teacher when I grew up. Now, I am a homeschooling mom, so I guess I sort of got the teacher part. Love all your quilts!
When I was in high school I wanted to be an archaeologist. Instead I got married and raised a family. I still have a huge interest in archaeology and now, I study it just for my own personal interest. By the way, I loved your quilt show on the beach!
When I was in first grade, our teacher asked us all what we wanted to be when we grew up, and I said I wanted to be a Gypsy. She said I couldn't be a Gypsy, and I went home and told my mom, and the next day my mom sent a note to school, telling my teacher that she had no right to tell me what I could or couldn't be when I grew up. Yay Mom! But instead up growing up to be a Gypsy, I ended up being a Technical Writer instead.
There were so many things I wanted to be when I grew up...I always thought it would be cool to be a photographer, but I always wanted to be a teacher, too. Teacher was a much more attainable goal for me :)
I am a teacher... 15 years now (that makes me feel old!). I am a teacher of students that are hard of hearing/deaf and I'm also a wife and a part time crafter.
I wanted to be a concert pianist, but my parents were strongly opposed to this kind of career.
They urged the necessity of a guarantee to be able to provide for myself and I ended up teaching French to students who wanted to become a French teacher, trying as best as I could to divide equally my energy and enthusiasm between my family (3 daughters) and my job ( I had to provide the family income; parental premonition?!)
After 38 years on this very demanding full-time job I retired 2 years ago and took up quilting. From the first moment on I knew I was hooked and I enjoy each and every minute of it.
When I was little, I wanted to be a Doctor. I got a degree in biology. I then changed my mind,
and got a degree in Nursing. I specialized in cardiology. I loved it. I had 2 strokes and had
to retire early. Thanks for the
wonderful giveaway and the chance
to win!
Let me start by saying that I am quite a bit older than you so when I announced that I wanted to be a park ranger, in high school, I was told by my counsellor "That's nice, but take typing." I never took typing because of her and I regret it, not because of my job but becuase I am so lousy at typing. So, I never became a ranger but got cancer as a 24 year old and decided to become a physician instead. Now work as a physician and quilt in my spare time. Art and science/math go together. But I plan to never grow up.
Thank you for this giveaway. I have been enjoying your book and plan to make some of your quilts in the near future!
When I was very young, I wanted to be an astronaut, then I wanted to be an international business person {whatever that is}, and I went to college and studied computer programming.
Today, 20 years later, I am living the life of my dreams as a stay-at-home homeschooling mom who is addicted to quilting! If you had told me ten years ago that I would be a homeschooling quilter, I would have said, "Ha Ha, that is such a joke!" The quilter part I would have been able to believe, but not the homeschooling. I love how it has all worked out to the best for my family and me.
thank you sooo much for the giveaway!! When I was little I wanted to travel the world so I wanted to be a stewardess (thats what they were called back then) Not sure if I have grown up but I ended up staying at home raising my family, which I wouldn't trade for the world!
I wanted to be a nurse - little did I know what it involved - I can't stand needles. Now I work part time in accounting and a full time mom.
oops. I entered my comments under the wrong date! Please see my comment under 10/11 blog entry!
I wanted to work at a vet's office, at the desk not actually be the vet! For now, I am a mom and that is plenty of work. Maybe, I should plan what I'd like to do when I am not needed as much for my kids.
In sixth grade I wanted to be an airline hostess; by eighth grade I wanted to be a teacher and subbed at my school--all 12 grades is one building. I taught for 30 years. I loved teaching.
When I was young I thought I wanted to do something in medicine, but I ended up becoming a CPA. Totally different, but I actually like my job, so I guess I made the right choice.
Hi, I Love your quilts!!!!
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a princess, then as a young adult, I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I ended up being an accounting assistant in a law firm, until I had to quit working, due to disability. BUT, what I am most proud of, is being a Mom. It is a job that will never stop!
Jacqueline Van Horn
I don't remember when I was really young, but middle school brought dreams of being an architect, then a high school anatomy class had me searching for schools for orthopedic surgeons. Carpal tunnel struck when I was 18 (piano for 10+ years will do that), and I now teach high school physics.
I was a real tomboy growing up. When I was about 10, I decided I wanted to be a garbage man. My thought was that if I would stink at work, I could get out of taking baths!
Instead, I'm a high school math teacher. (And I actually enjoy baths now!)
I wanted to be an art teacher when I was young, I started but didn't finish my degree - I'd still love to get back to it some day. Thanks for the chance to win.
I wanted to be a teacher and my Dad always wanted me to be a flight attendant. Sadly, I'm doing neither, I work in retail hell! Thanks!
What I wanted to be when I grow up was to be a waitress. I ended up doing a Tourism business degree but never used it as I met my hubby & now a mummy to 2 boys .... Wouldn't change it for the world !!!!
I wanted to be a doctor and a teacher and an actor and a writer and a children's book illustrator. All, all at the same time. At the moment, I'm a mommy to two preschoolers, at home most of the time with them!
I wanted to be a doctor , most likely a pediatrian. I work as a psychometrist at a children's hospital, so I still work with kids but in a different way.
I wanted to be a nun, truck driver, mechanical engineer, race car driver and a nurse. Now I am a mother of 2 (and before I had kids, an administrative assistant).
Thanks for the chance to win!
I wanted to be a ballerina, I was tall, skinny and a tomboy. I've been an RN for 41 years. I've worked in different areas and my favorite is the OR. I'm glad for the decision that I made many years ago. I got into quilting 20 years ago and that's also my passion. Thank you for the chance of winning more books or material.
I always wanted to have an artsy fartsy career because I loved and still love to create!! In some ways my dream came true because I quilt in the eveniings and weekends - yay!
When I was young, I wanted to be a nurse. That happened earlier in life, now I am a wife and mother and can't imagine anything better. Thanks for the chance at your giveaways.
What didn't I want to be when I grew up! I went from teacher to social worker to architect to wife/mother to fashion industry to artist to peace worker-missionary and so on. I ended up in banking and mortgages but have been out of the business since the imploding of the market.
When I was a kid, I wanted more than anything to be a veterinarian. When I was doing my bachelors, I worked as a vet tech in a busy hospital; then I graduated, broke, with no money to continue on to vet school. I ended up getting a job managing a very successful vet practice, worked there for several years saving money like a squirrel saves nuts. Never saved enough to go to vet school, but managed to go back to school to become a radiographer.
Now, 8 years later, I'm a stay at home mom. Who woulda thunk it, but, this is better than any dream that I had as a kid - because it's reality!!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win - your book looks awesome, and you're so talented.
Cheers from Chicago,
I always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. But that didn't happen. I got married and had 3 children and never found the time to finish my college degree. I still regret it today. But I'm hoping I can still finish college one day.
I wanted to be a stewardess. And I married a pilot, so does it count when I serve him supper? I grew up to be an admnistrative assistant, dance teacher & quilter.
This is a great giveaway!! What did I want to be when I grew up? I wanted to be a broadway star... I even came up with a "Tony worthy" signature - that I still use!
.... What did I end up? A lawyer!! :)
Most of all I wanted to be a mom and I was to two great guys. Wouldn't change that for anything. Thank you for the giveaway.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
Great giveaway! I wanted to be a CPA when I grew up, but it never happened. I am however an Accounting Supervisor so I guess it's close enough.
This is a FABULOUS giveaway! When I was younger, I wanted to be a mom and a vet. Well couldn't handle hurt puppies but my motherly desire lead me to nuring! Since I wasn't able to be a mom of my own, I am to 12+ rentals (nieces and nephews) and the mother to all my patients :)
I wanted to be a Rockette when I was younger. I wound up as a chemical engineer, but I still dance.
I went through so many phases...teacher, writer, I am an epidemiologist. And a quilter! Your book is beautiful and I am always looking for ways to skip borders. Congratulations!
All the prizes look fun!
I wanted to be a beautician, but ended up a chemical engineer.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for the giveaway! When I was little, I wanted to be a marine biologist studying whales. Now I'm lucky enough to be a mom!
When I was little first I wanted to be an interior designer. Now I know that I don't! You certainly wouldn't be able to tell from my house. Then I wanted to be a genetic counselor (when I was in high school). I ended up being a software consultant for nonprofits and I love it! Oh yeah, and I'm Mary!
I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up except to be as great a mom as mine was. I've raised 5 children to adulthood and am still at work on my little surprise, Lisa, who was born 10 years after the herd. :) Oh, and I also work for the county processing contracts and invoicing grants. It was fun following your Blog Book tour, you need to hurry up and release another book so we can play again. :)
I wanted to be a doctor and a mom - I got the Mom part down! :D
Obrigada por lindo prêmio e parabéns pelo livro,tem todas as colchas lindas.Quando eu era pequena eu queria ser eletrecista por que o meu pai era,e mãe de todas as crianças que pudesse ter.Conserto ferros e chuveiro com a destreza de um especialista e fui mãe de três filhas e avó de um casal.Acho que estou no lugar certo .Obrigada.
what fabulous prizes! I have enjoyed all the stops on the book tour - look forward to having your book in my hot little hands, if not won...then bought (it's already in my cart at amazon!)
that is a tough question...I have wanted to be everything from a teacher to actress to nurse to author and I work in accounts payable at a job I LOVE but all I want to be now is a mom. we are in the process of adopting and it has been a little roller coaster ride since April when we started the process. congratulations on all your successes!
Growing up I always LOVED office supply stores and pens and papers in our local 5 and dime. I wanted to be a secretary and work with those items all day long! I did for 10 years until my husband came along for an interview in the same office. We married; I stopped work and have been a wife and mom ever since--32 years!
I'd love to win your book.
I wanted to be a female Indiana Jones. I am a 6th grade teacher who gets to be goofy with her kids on a daily basis!
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