Wondrous Woven Fabrics is here with a giveaway for you!!
disclosure: this is a sponsored giveaway
Wondrous Woven Fabrics is a fabulous online shop run by Cathy Asimakopoulos. Cathy I had the chance to meet last year in Houston for Quilt Market. {I can't believe spring market is only 2 months away!!}
Cathy has specials all the time & the easiest ways to hear about specials are Facebook, Twitter and the Newsletter. Wondrous Woven Fabrics' offers free First Class shipping on pattern orders within the US too!
Sale alert... and it ends today!!
Dr. Seuss fabrics are 30% off. Enter "seuss" at checkout!
So what makes Wondrous Woven Fabrics so Wonderful???
Let me tell you a few reasons...
#1. Lots & lots of precuts...
#2. Organic Fabrics!!
{you know I love these!}
#3. Lots of new things added all the time!!
and so much more!!!
So are you ready for the giveaway??
I gotta tell you this is really really exciting for me!
A Kit to make a baby hugs & kisses!!!
Pattern included!
& the Lazy Angle Ruler too!!!
A Kit to make a baby hugs & kisses!!!
Pattern included!
& the Lazy Angle Ruler too!!!
You'll have all the fabric you need for the quilt top & enough jelly roll strips to make a scrappy binding! The fabric is Modern Workshop.. the same yummy & bright fabric I used on the cover of the quilt pattern... & speaking of patterns you'll be one of the first to get it!
the rules
leave a comment for each entry.
pretty simple.
{ if you leave one comment saying you did all 3.. you only have one shot! }
check out wondrous woven fabrics on facebook & "like" their page.
answer this question
"What do you think about quilt kits?"
Like them.. don't like them... buy them a lot?
Any kinds of kits you'd like to see?
blog/tweet/post to facebook about this giveaway on your blog!
.. and come back to let me know!
If you tweet make sure to mention @WondrousWoven and @JaybirdQuilts
If you tweet make sure to mention @WondrousWoven and @JaybirdQuilts
Winner will be selected by True Random Number Generator
I like kits but i don't always buy them. I always like to see some options within kits. Like having an original kit like the pattern is done in, and then being able to see them in a completely different style fabrics, like a civil war version and a modern version. It always lends (me anyway) to a whole new line of ideas and inspiration.
Jenn, Please send me your information!
Thank you to everyone who entered.

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
1 – 200 of 529 Newer› Newest»I like Wondrous Wovens on FB
I tweeted about the giveaway
Kits...I love them. I especially like them if they are for a pattern and there are different fabric choices. Not just the pattern author's choice. BUT you did a good job on this one. LOL
I like Wondrous Woven on Facebook.
I tweeted about the giveaway andposted to my wall on FB.
I have a quilt kit on my sewing table that I hope to complete this month. It is my first. I like that all the fabric is there ready for me. I hope it's super easy to follow. I'd love to try this one!
I liked Wondrous Wovens on FB - Henrietta Newman
I'm a very beginner quilter so I don't know very much about kits. I can say that I do like the idea of a kit that includes all of the fabric so I can just enjoy the sewing! I love sing what people put together for a kit!
I have never used a quilt kit before so I'd love the chance to win one to make up my mind-although I like this pattern a lot, can't really see how I wouldn't!
I liked their Facebook page.
I like Wondrous Woven on Facebook
I love Quilt Kits. It takes the hard part out for me. I LOVE fabric so it is hard to choose just one for my quilts.
I like Wondrous Woven Fabric on Facebook!
I really really like WWF! (On FB Too!)
I sometimes buy kits if they include the pattern and are the right size for my need.
I haven't tried a quilt kit yet but I definitely would like to! It seems like it would take out the hard part.
I "liked" Wondrous Woven Fabrics on facebook (and I particularly like the use of the word "wondrous" in their name!)
I have never purchased a quilt kit. Honestly, it seems expensive to me, although I am tempted all the time. It would be so convenient not to have to hunt down fabrics!
I liked their facebook page. I may have to have my sil go over there and check it out in person for me.
I went over and liked Wondrous Woven Fabrics.
I also posted this giveaway on my own FB page! :)
I've never made anything from a kit, they sound like they take a lot of the work out of making a quilt, but I just haven't gotten there yet. Thanks.
I "Like"d Wondrous Woven Fabrics on facebook! Oh my, I would be beyond excited if I were to win this quilt kit!
As for quilt kits, I've never purchased one. I've always been intrigued by them, but never actually taken the bait (tempting though it is). Perhaps, this quilt kit giveaway could turn me into a lifetimer!
p.s. I LOVE the Hugs & Kisses quilt pattern - it's my favorite of all your new ones. Although, I'm still eager to see Plaid Parade!
I blogged! Short. Sweet. To the point. :)
I'm a WW FB fan
I like kits, sometimes. Other times I buy them on sale just for the fabrics
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/ahensnest/statuses/45853022991024128
I really love quilt kits. I'm lazy like that. I like to make one purchase and have everything I need to get going on the project. If the kit includes pre-cuts, all the better! Also I'm not that good at picking fabrics that go together, so getting a kit takes care of that for me.
I'm starting a quilt this year. first ever!
I've never used a kit before but I'm the kind of person who draws outside the lines, so I don't think i'd use one.
I liked Wondrous Woven Fabrics on Facebook.
I added your giveaway to my weekly list at Quilty giveaways:
I posted about this giveaway on my Facebook wall.
I liked Wondrous Fabrics on Facebook!
I put a link up on my blog for this giveaway....kiki-itssewkiki.blogspot.com
I haven't bought a quilt kit yet, but then again I'm pretty new to quilting. I like them because if you LOVE the fabric selections on a particular quilt, the work is done for you!
I love quilt kits and use them often. Being a newbie to quilting, it helps to have all the fabric already coordinated.
I like Wondrous Woven Fabrics on Facebook!
I liked them on Facebook.
I think quilt kits are something I want to try... I've never used one before! In fact, I've never used a pattern before either, but I'm really loving these new ones you did, so I might have to try!
I love quilt kits! It's great that you get everything you need in one go!
I love quilt kits. I get a pattern and focus fabric and then kit myself whatever size I'd like to make. It's easier for me to begin projects if I have everything in one spot already! :)
I posted the giveaway on my facebook page too...gotta share a good thing!
I like quilt kits but almost never buy them. I usually just buy the pattern and then material. One year at a quilt show I fell in love with a kit. It's the one kit I've ever bought. When I sat down to make it, it had only half the fabric. Luckily it was half of each piece so I was able to just make the quilt half the size. It still came out a good lap size. Course I had to rant and rave a bit before I sat down and put my math skills to work and figured all my changes in cut sizes. ALMOST more trouble than it was worth but now that it's finished I love it.
love that for quilt kits, you have everything and are ready to go!
I've never tried a quit kit before, but I can imagine it would be really nice to save myself the hassle of calculating yardage and choosing fabrics!
I have to admit that I never bought a kit before :) It is not that I don't like them, I love the idea of having both the material and the pattern and not needing to calculate yardage and try out different fabrics together. But I never ever stick to a pattern, I always change it. So if I bought a kit I would probably have to also buy extra yardage and all the advantages I get from a kit would suddenly be gone :)
I even blogged about it! :)
I like WWF on facebook
quilt kits area wonderful....you know you have all you need..don;t buy them as much as I would like though
I'm about 50-50 on kits. Sometimes I love them and sometimes I like to use from my stash for new patterns
Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway! Also, thanks for introducing a new online fabric shop....its how I do most of my fabric shopping.
I don't like quilt kits because they are always way more expensive than the actual quilt needs to be. For example 60-90$ for just the top, usually no backing included.
I will like them on FB shortly!
I do like the wonderous woven fabrics on facebook...and I blogged about this on my blog
I have never tried a quilt kit but they seem like a quick and easy way to make a quilt.
I just liked Wondrous Woven Fabrics on facebook! Excited to check out this new shop!
I've never used a quilt kit before and I haven't been tempted to buy one yet. Usually they are more than my monthly fabric budget.
I haven't used a kit -- probably because I enjoy choosing my own fabrics and incorporating some from my stash. Love the new patterns!
I like it on FB!
I already like Wondrous Woven fabrics on FB. Love the fabric they sell.
I think kits are a great idea,although never used them because of the shipping costs.
I don't buy too many kits but would love to have everything all ready for me to sew!
I like WW on FB :)
I love quilt kits...I do buy them, but sometimes I can get the ingredients cheaper myself by shopping around. So I guess it all depends :)
Love Hugs and Kisses by the way...would love to win the kit!
Blogged about it!
I like quilt kits sometimes....when you absolutely love a quilt and the fabrics it's made with it's nice to have all the fabric in one order instead of hunting everything down!
I "liked" WW on FB. :)
About quilting kits -- I'm very new to quilting, so I have yet to delve into kits. It seems like a fabulous idea, so maybe I'll try it soon. Thanks!!
I tweeted about the giveaway on @kdquilts
I love Wondrous Woven Fabric on FB!
I have never used a kit before and would love the opportunity to try this one. Thanks for a very generous giveaway.
I like Wondrous Woven Fabric on FB!
I love kits, because then I know I have all the pieces I need to comeplete the quilt. There are no worries about last minute forgetfulness. Additionally, picking out fabric isn't usually my strong suit, which is why I love the precuts. I can pick up a kit, and there is usually a picture of the finished product, so I can know right away if I like the "ensemble."
Quilt kits: like them, but have not yet bought one - I'm a newbie. ;)
I blogged about your great giveaway! http://quiltyascharged.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway-at-jaybird-quilts.html
I've never used a kit before. I generally like picking out the fabrics myself. I think people making kits is fine, but just don't enter it into a quilt show (which I've seen before--doesn't make any sense to me).
I have never used kits because I liked selecting the fbrics myself. I also enjoy the cutting process and deciding which fabrics to pair with one another.
I'm a "liker" or FB. I love those organic fabrics.
I do enjoy the kits and have bought a fair share of them myself. I love someone else doing my fabric selelctions. The Baby Hugs and Kisses is just fabulous!
I generally don't like quilt kits, because I always want to try to make it my own. But I can totally see this when the basis of a quilt is a particular jelly roll or other precut. Makes a lot of sense there
I love that quilt pattern! This is a great giveaway. I just 'liked' Wondrous Fabrics on facebook.
I tend not to buy quilt kits, probably because it makes me feel guilty since I have so much stash. But if I really like the quilt then I love being able to make my own just like it. I really like the kits that include borders and binding, backing is optional.
i like them on fb!
Kits are great when you want to just dive in and make something, and you know how it will turn out. But I generally prefer choosing and arranging my own fabrics, and learning along the way, even if my results aren't always as stellar as I think they will be!
i really like quilt kits. it makes it simple.
I went to FB and was overwhelmed by the photos - I clicked like - and will defintely be going back! =)
I like quilt kits - I really like having kit ideas - 'this is what this looks like but what if you did it in THIS instead?' type deal.
I shared on twitter! Thanks for three ways to enter!!! @jmmaxman
I like quilt kits, but often I tend to use my own fabric stash and only buy the pattern!
[like] Wonderous Woven Fabrics on FB
[like] how fun it is to say the store name over and over again!
Never bought a kit - don't like the large outlay of money all at once, but have bought a BOM, which was nice and easier on the pocketbook.
I really like kits! I wish kits always included the binding and sashing and backing and batting as an option because I hate having to figure that out after the fact. I also like that when I buy a kit, I'm less tempted to pick up a zillion pretty but not matching FQs here and there so I have less accumulated stash to fret over.
honestly, i'm not usually crazy about quilt kits- the colors are a little limited for my taste. but i like bold, crazy colors. i would love to see some put together by you, though!
I'm not much of a kit buyer. The only ones I've purchased have been cannibalized by other projects. Which is what I bought them to do in the first place.
I liked Wondrous Woven Fabrics on Facebook.
I think quilt kits are nice, but most of the time, I like to mix and match my own colors into the kits.
I've never used a quilt kit so I don't know if I have much of an opinion, but they seem like a great idea to help people get everything they need for a specific quilt. I do love this pattern and those fabrics, I would love to win!
I tweeted!
I like to look at quilt kits, but I like to choose my own fabrics.
Tweeted about this great giveaway. So would love this one.
Liked them on facebook, love to meet new people to buy fabric from.
I like WWF on facebook!!
I posted on my facebook page about the giveaway :)
Not a huge fan of quilt kits, have only purchased a few, but this one I would love!
I love kits!! They make it so easy to put a quilt together :)
Wow! Awesome giveaway. I Like Wondrous Woven on FB.
I like Wondrous Wovens on Facebook, and really love that they are in Seattle -- so close to home for me!
I like Wondrous Wovens on FB
I LOVE kits. As much as I like to mix and match fabrics I rarely have the time or energy with two little kids running around. I love having it all bundled and ready for action. Also I HATE math and almost always have to end up going back to the store so having it all ready is awesome.
I tweeted about the giveaway on twitter (@gatorgrace).
Usually I design my own quilts, but I love kits for quick & easy projects when I don't want to think too hard! Great to have someone else do the planning for me!
I have never used a quilt kit, but this one looks awesome....such a great pattern!
I like Wondrous Wovens on FB~
I love kits! I'm still developing my skills of putting fabrics together so kits take the guess work out of it and they give me new ideas for pattern and color combos.
I like wondrous fabrics on facebook.Thanks for a chance to win!
I tweeted about this awesome giveaway too!
I love a quilt kit and have bought several
i have never used a quilt kit, unless you count BOM's. although, i did buy my first kit from etsy last night.
I like kits and buy them often. Sometimes I don't want to take the time to choose fabrics but mostly because I really like the fabrics and the pattern that someone has put together as a kit.
tweet, tweet!! I re-tweeted. :)
I like the idea of kits. I yet have to start my first quilt and I think a kit would be an easy way to start.
I love kits...no thinking on my part, worrying about fabrics, how much to cut, buy, etc. And this kit simply rocks!
"liked" Wondrous Woven Fabric on facebook...that wasn't a hard decision. :)
I love the concept of kits because I do not yet have a fabric stash. However, I feel that a kit takes some of the creativity out of the process because the fabric is chosen for you. But turning that to a positive, if your child wants "that one" and you can not deviate without breaking her heart, the quilt guarantees something exactly like the picture.
I like Wondrous Woven Fabrics on Facebook.
FB liked :)
I like them on FB (Rebecca A)
I've never bought a kit. I never have that much money at one time. I have nothing against them though. :)
I tweeted.
I just Liked "Wondrous Woven Fabric" on FB.
I think quilt kits are great, but I find too often that when I break up the yardage and pricing it ends up costing me more. I think quilt kits should be the same or better than the $/yard price. I would buy way more kits if they saved me a little $ on yardage.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE quilt kits. They help out so much when you haven't made a certain quilt. Then you can make more with the knowledge from them. Plus it's easier for a single mom who doesn't really have the time to get together the fabrics and she just wants to sew!
I like kits. I generally wind up replacing at least one of the fabrics when I purchase a kit that includes fabrics, but when I do, the fabric I replaced becomes part of my stash... Can't argue with more stash, can you?
I'll be posting to my blog tomorrow, so I'll finish the three posts then.
I went to facebook and 'liked' wondrous woven fabrics.
I love quilt kits, it's fun to get all the coordinating fabrics and have everything you need right there.
I just "liked" Wonderful Woven Fabrics on Facebook. :)
I have also posted a link on my FB.
Lisa Evensen
I liked Wonderful Woven Fabrics on Facebook!
I have never bought a quilt kit, but I love the idea of them. I have the hardest time choosing fabrics for a project, so buying a kit where everything already coordinates would be a big help.
I LOVE kits! sometimes I'm just looking for a gift idea and kits make my life SO much easier!
I 'liked' the facebook page!!
Would love to win your pattern and am dying to try the ruler.
I have never used a quilt kit, but I guess if I won one, I would have to figure it out ;)
I am always looking for great places to get new fabric. I don't have a good quilt store by me. Thanks for introducing me to this little wonder. I definitely "liked" it.
I have done all three! :) Quilt kits - I don't have many of them but the ones I do have were from designers that I love.
I like kits because you have everything you need. Then when you are done it looks like the one in the picture. I do buy a lot of kits.
I liked Wondrous Woven Fabric on Facebook!
I have yet to but a quilt kit but I love the idea of them. There have been many I have wanted to buy but can't afford right now or don't have a need for it just a great big want! So I love them and hope I get the chance to try yours-it is so cute!!!!
I am a FB friend now :)
I have mixed feelings about a quilt kit, so I've never bought one before. On one hand, it would great to have EVERYTHING I needed, but on the other hand, it's a big up-front expense that I am not always willing to make.
I don't often buy a quilt kit. I usually like to come up with my own combinations of fabrics. In saying that, I would of course love to win the kit, just so I could try your lovely pattern. It is my favourite of all your new ones!
i like kits; sometimes it is nice to just cut and sew and not have to stress about making fabric choices. Your kit looks great! And a ruler too! Thanks for the chance to win.
I am not much for quilt kits. I would rather do my own thing.
I liked WWF.
I do like kits, but I do not get them often. Every now and then it's nice to be able to get right to a project without having to think about color choices and worrying about having enough if pulling from stash.
Kits are a great time saver, plus I find that if I buy a kit I am more likely to make the quilt than I am when I just buy random yardage!
As a Quilt shop employee, kits are handy for people to grab and go, especially at shows. It's really fun to make up a kit that people love and buy up quickly!
I "like" wondrous woven fabrics on facebook!
I have not bought a quilt kit - yet. I'm a fairly new quilter & buy a bit of "extra" fabric in case I have cutting "difficulties." Until I get more comfortable in the cutting department I am avoiding purchasing a kits. This too shall change! Happy quilting!
I love the quilt kits when you are saving a little money, and I also like that it is quick and easy with no hassle. I would love to see some bag/purse kits that include the matching zipper/snaps and any interfacing involved. Oh.. and maybe some placemat and matching table runner kits.
#1 I liked them on facebook!!! Super excited about this give-away!
#2 I love quilt kits. Makes life so easy!
I like that quilt kits have mostly everything you need to complete a quilt - but they are too expensive for me to buy, usually. I try to pair any new fabrics I buy with things in my stash already.
Kits! Big fan, espeically modern kits. Since I live in a place without a local quilt shop and shipping to Canada can sometimes be a little more than usual, at least if there is a kit I can justify it all. Thanks Julie!
I liked Wondrous woven fabrics on FB
I like the idea of quilt kits, but I have never purchased a complete one. I usually want to use a different fabric for the back or binding or sashing. I like to personalize everything I do.
I "liked" WWF on facebooks. HA!!!!!!! WWF! Reminds me of wrestling. Sorry! Lack of sleep from too much quilting.
I "like" Wondrous Fabrics" on FB.
I commented adn liked Wonderous WOven Fabrics on FB
I very rarely purchase kits. I have a thing about not making mine like everyone elses project.
I shared the giveaway on my FB page!
My feelings on quilt kits is that there's always an aspect that doesn't suit what I am looking for. I like the pattern but not the fabric or it's the wrong size or any variation on this. I have yet to buy I quilt kit. HOWEVER I love fabric bundles. It helps in coordinating fabric from different lines and when buying online it's super helpful. Computer monitors don't always show color accurately. Thanks for the giveaway!
Generally I'm not a kit girl...I prefer to make my own patterns and pick my fabrics. HOWEVER, I love the fabric you have HERE and would love an opportunity to try out that new ruler!
Quilt kits? I have never bought one (unless a BOM counts). I don't have a particular reason why. I guess I like choosing my own fabrics and I tend to monkey with patterns too.
BTW Love the Hugs and Kisses Pattern and fabrics for the giveaway!
Generally I don't do kits. Selecting my own fabric is half the fun of starting a new project. One exception would be a project with lots of applique, since there are usually so many different fabrics used.
I like Wondrous Wovens on Facebook. I wasn't familiar with them, so thanks for the introduction!
tweet tweet - just tweeted about the giveaway! Thanks to you both!
I liked Wondrous Woven Fabrics on FB.
#1 I 'Like" Wondrous Woven Fabric
i like wonderous woven on fb.
Quilt kits: I've never bought one. I think I tend to like to pick out my own fabrics. I think the only way I would buy a kit was if it was for a specific design that might not translate well in different fabrics.
#2 I'm just getting started and haven't used a quilt kit before. But I love this pattern and fabric!!!!!
I like(d) Wonderous Woven on Facebook
#3 I shared your giveaway on facebook!!!!
I have bought quilt patterns but never a whole quilt kit. But IF I could make a pattern just like your quilt, I would LOVE quilt kits.
I like Wondrous Woven Fabric on facebook
I like Wondrous Woven Fabrics on Facebook! :)
I really like kits because I am new to quilting and my stash is so small. So if I like the fabric choice of a kit, I would prefer buying it.
191 comments already---I doubt if I will be chosen, but hey, I will give it a shot anyway. I LOVE your new patterns, so even if the random thingy doesn't choose me, I plan to purchase them anyway. Hope I win!
I "liked" them on Facebook.
It's on my blog- I hope someone reads about it!
LIKED Wondrous Woven on FB !
Thanks for sharing!
I love quilt kits! They take all the guess work out things and you know that everything will look beautiful together!
I think quilt kits are great. I haven't purchased any yet, as I'm just cutting out my first quilt and using scrap fabric - therefore not a lot of $'s are wasted if I goof up. But after I make a few quilts, I will seriously look into it. I would be interested in kits for boys aged 6-10, something with tools, equipment or cars.
This is a gorgeous quilt kit! Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway! :)
Quilt kits-I've never really thought about them much. They sure would be convenient but part of the draw for me with quilting is sorting through and touching the fabrics. Picking this and that. At this point I've never bought a kit but I have plenty of pre-cuts....go figure.
I "liked" Wondrous Woven on FB
i've actually never used a kit - but this one is gorgeous and one i'd definitely do! thx!
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