Friday, May 14, 2010

rouenneries... done!

and now... done!!!

i knew this one needed some special quilting
so i sent it off to natalia @ piece n quilt
to work her feather magic!

it's amazing how washing a quilt gives it so much texture!

and this... i'm gonna share with you just because.
i'm shooting with a DSLR now.
but that doesn't mean i have any idea of what i'm doing.
and it was super sunny out when i went to take photos of this quilt
and well here are a few things i ended up with
totally unedited... dust spot and all.
not sure what i did to get each photo... just turned a bunch of dials and pressed a bunch of buttons.
{ i can hear you yelling at me right now! }

oh well.
i'm a quilter... not a photographer!

fabric is rouenneries by french general
pattern is a free one from united notions
quilted by natalia @ piece n quilt
started on 11/4/09
finished on 5/12/10
measures 80" x 80" {before washed}
quilt for... just me... no reasons.


Ranch Wife said...

LOL! No yelling from me, but I want your lawn...and that pretty quilt!! Heck, another finished project is cause for celebration!

Suburban Stitcher said...

Beautiful! Oh, and I love your comments about your camera! My DSLR is still a dream right now...and I'm POSITIVE that I'll have a HUGE learning curve too! Good luck. Can't wait to see more pics as you get better and better :)

Unknown said...

Just wonderful! Thanks for showing your DSLR faux pas. We all learn from our mistakes. I know that I am constantly learning on my camera too.

Claire said...

I really LOVE this quilt....i have a jelly roll in the smae fabric line, but i'm nsure of what to do with it.

Jewel said...

HI Julie... if you really want to learn how to use your camera I have some links for you that are fun and helped me a lot this is my favorite (A camera simulator that shows you what aperture and f-stop do)I am no expert either :)

Fonville Farm said...

I love the quilt!
That's exactly how I use my DSLR too! :)


Needled Mom said...

I love the quilt AND that fabric line. It is interesting to see the different shots.

Nicole Morris said...

I love this quilt its so summery. I will have to get the pattern from you.

Leslie said...

this looks really beautiful.

Kelly O. said...

the quilting really makes it!

Live a Colorful Life said...

That fabric line is awesome and so is the quilt!

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

It looks great Julie! I think that the red binding really finished the quilt off nicely and I agree with you, washing quilts gives them so much texture.
Thanks for letting me quilt this for you! :)

thequiltedmitten said...


KerryQ said...

Gorgeous quilt. I love those reds.

I can relate re: the camera. The idea of picking up the manual makes my impending birth experience sound a little less like torture.

Dresden Quilter said...

It is so beautiful. I am itching to start on some me quilts and I wish my photography was so much beter.

mascanlon said...

Now this is inspiring me to get out my own fabric for this quilt. And the quilting is wonderful.

KarrieLyne said...

Stunning quilt Julie, and that quilting IS fabulous!

Keep playing with the camera. Maybe even take a beginners class if you have time. You might find you love it just as much as quilting :)

Vesuviusmama said...

A just for you quilt - perfect! I need to do that. Great job, on the quilt and also on figuring out how to get a photo.

holly | bijou lovely said...

Yayyyy for DSLRs! Fabulous quilt too :)

If you want to learn a few photography basics in non-photographer terms, read the posts on The Pioneer Woman's blog about photography and then practice practice practice!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHahahaha...I just got a DLSR and I'm thankful for the auto mode. I haven't had a chance to play with the manual "dials" yet but I can imagine my shooting session would be a lot like yours. hehehe. Love the quilt!

Angela Nash said...

That's the best kind of quilt - just because :)

It looks wonderful!

Corinnea said...

Very very pretty!

Micki said...

I love the quilt...anything pink like that is my kind of quilt.

Sandy said...

Absolutely magnificent, can't wait to see it in person, and to see you too!!
Miss you!!

April said...

Good for you for making a quilt just for you!
And spinning the dials and punching buttons is the way I learned photography, too. Happy shooting!

Shawn said...

Love your quilt and the fabric line too, Natalia did a wonderful job as usual with the quilting!! I agree with the washing and drying, that's when I feel like my quilt is complete and I love the texture/crinkly love... and ready for cuddling.

Tracey Jacobsen said...

Really gorgeous Julie.

And I think you've just convinced me to send my Rouenneries quilt (that I can't decide how to quilt) to Natalia. :)

Audrie said...

I have an irritating time photographing my quilts all the time so no screaming here.

Looooove the quilt, love that collection. Beautifully done, Julie!

Katie B said...

Love it! This makes me want to break out my Rouenneries! (Could they pick a name that's harder to spell??)

Katie said...

Too funny. I'm trying to learn SLR lingo and quilting at the same time. Yea, not moving too fast.

rosie/the fabric shopper said...

Positively delicious!

Mary Carole said...

OH my goodness...I LOVE that quilt! And if it makes you feel any better...I'd have no idea how to work that camera either but I'd have fun turning and clicking pretending to be a pro. ;-)

Have a WONDERFUL Weekend!


Carla said...

Natalia always does amazing work.

Your quilt came out so amazing and love, love, love the fabrics.

Karyli said...

THAT is a beautiful quilt! Way to go! artistic pictures too... :)

Jeannie said...

love, love, love that! the colors are wonderful.
Point and shoot is my speed!! at least your willing to

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I absolutely LOVE that quilt - the patten - the fabric - the quilting - EVERYTHING!! May you enjoy it forever - it's a classic!

Unknown said...


ps - I got a dslr for my birthday, I am such a klutz I have no clue what I'm doing with it either. But at least you look like you know what you're doing when you have one in your hands, right?

Vicky said...

Love your finish! You've inspired me to get going on mine now! It looks wonderful! About your camera, I don't even know what "dslr" is!

Anonymous said...

YAY I'm not the only one that takes photos like that LOL Beautiful quilt :)

rachel griffith said...

and don't fault me cause i want this one too.

Vicki said...

it's beautiful! The quilting looks awesome; Natalia is amazing isn't she.
my dh bought a DSLR a while back and I don't really know anything about it yet.