it's time for round #2 of the modern siggy swap!
{ a big thanks to karrielyne for making her blocks! }
for those of you not using pre-cut fabric strips
the white is 2 1/2" strips
and the colors are 1 1/2" strips
to make 101 blocks you'll need
a yard of white - 30" to be exact
and a bit over a yard of modern fabric.. b/c you need 36" exact
and you'll make 12 strip sets which will yield 108 blocks
you don't have to use the same fabric on both sides of your block... but if you use 2 different fabrics.. like karrielyne did... make sure they are similar and in a finished quilt will still "read" as one block
the details
{ same as round #1... info right from rachel's post }
in this version of the siggy swap we'll be using fresh, modern fabrics.
some fresh, modern fabrics would included any of the following designers:
kate spain, heather bailey, anna maria horner, tula pink,
amy butler, lila tueller, joel dewberry, paula prass, patty young
denyse schmidt, sandi henderson, erin mcmorris, tina givens
basic grey, momo, & chez moi.
just to name a few. lol.
if you have a question about a certain fabric, just ask.
plan on making 101
{if the last signups are any indication}
if we have less than 100 i'll let you know.
if we have more.. we will have more than one group.
{ same as round #1... info right from rachel's post }
you must follow my siggy block tutorial.
you must use quilt shop quality fabrics.
you must use a white fabric as your block centers. not cream.
you must handwrite your signature. not machine stitch it.
mailing your blocks
as noted above.. we may have more than one group.
so wait till you are told where to mail your blocks.
but this will be centralized.. and you'll be sending your blocks to me.. or another swap parent.
when you do send your blocks.
please put them in a plastic bag & include a SASE with your package.
and please please put enough postage on your original package
you have until july 1st to send your completed blocks
so plenty of time... but don't wait till the last minute to make them!
so plenty of time... but don't wait till the last minute to make them!
all info will be in the flickr group
so make sure you join it!!
ask me or karrielyne
or we reach a few hundred and can't take any more!
to enter fill out the form below... please use the form instead of sending an e-mail!
signups are now closed!
grab a button to spread the word!
grab a button to spread the word!

Done! At least I think I signed up right. Thanks for hosting, this looks likes lots of fun. And I love the block.
I'm signed up... or at least I *think* I am - the computer I'm on this morning doesn't like Google Docs - please let me know if I didn't show up ;-) ~Tammy
I am so excited to join the Siggy block exchange #2. I am going to make one of your Life Cycled Quilts for my sister's wedding next month
Just signed up for it, love it that we are doing a different style block this time! Thanks for hosting. Jodie
Yeah for round two!!! I get to put a new city and state on this round!
Thanks for hosting!!!!
All signed up (I think I did the flickr URL right)
This will be exciting....glad to see the siggy block is different than the first swap....i love the idea of having a different look!
Sounds like fun. I'm in.
Sounds like fun! I'm ready to go and to sew.
Can't wait to get going!
i signed up! so - are we are making straight blocks (like in photo), or diagonal blocks(like in rachel's tute)? either way, looks fun!
I'm in! Loved the first one, can't wait for the second one.
Is this open to people outside the US? I'm in Canada and would love to participate, but I can't provide a SASE since I don't have access to US postage. I can Paypal money to someone though...
Just signed up cuz' my friend, Jodie, said hurry up!! Tried signing up for the first one and missed it. WooHoo!!
well I did it... at least I hope I did it right... :)
Done! I love this layout! I have some Anna Maria Horner that is screaming to be cut!
Thanks Julie!
I just filled out the form and hit "submit"!!!! I am super excited about this - I have some Tula Pink that will be perfect for this. Thanks for doing this!
I'm in and can't wait!!
Yay! I am in.
Me and my Mom are in. Can't wait.
Erin B & Cheryl G
I just signed up! I'm pretty excited!
totally spaced and forgot my blog URL!! email is audreyj84 {at} gmail blog URL is, I just woke up about 20 mins ago, I blame that for my spaciness!
i have signed up for this wonderful swap. rachel's signature swap was so much fun. all the wonderful fabrics are like eye candy. thank u for hosting.
As long as your spreadsheet doesn't lie, I'm in! And excited -- thanks for a new block; looks like a quick sew...nothing wrong with that.
I just signed up, I missed the first one. I waited to long, so this will be great.
exciting! Gonna go check out the flickr group now...
I'm in, thanks!
The last one was oodles of fun. Looking forward to this one too! Please let me know if you would like another swap parent - i'd be happy to help out (we're in the NE corner of NC)
yay, I'm in. I think.
Yay! Another excuse to buy fabric!
I filled out that form. The tutorial is a little hard to understand. I think a honey bun is 1 1/2 inches wide and a jelly roll is 2 1/2 inches. Is that correct? If I'm not using a honey bun or a jelly roll then I will need 1 yard of modern fabric and 1 yard of white Kona to make 100 siggies?
Love this new block layout! Hope I made it in time. I think I'm going to combine the blocks from Rachel's swap and this one into one quilt!
I am all signed up. And I'm a newbie - at this swap anyway... So ExCiTeD!!!
I am so excited to do my first Modern Siggy Swap! I hope I signed up correctly!
I just signed up and am very excited...missed out on the first one because it filled so fast. Thank you Julie for hosting this!
Hip, hip, hooray, I'm in! :-)
Howdy! I hope Im in :)
I would really like to be part of this swap :),, no flickr yet, but I can get one this week :)
I signed up about an hour and a half ago.. yay me!
I've just sent off my info. Now going to Flickr to sign up there.
I was so sad I missed the first one - can't wait!
I want to be in this as well, just have to set up a flicker account, which I will do hopefully later today :)
This is my first block swap. I'm so excited!
I just joined the swap. So excited.
I missed out on the last one. So excited to be in on it this time! ☺
I am excited to be in! I missed round one so I am glad for a round 2.
I can't wait to get started. I signed up, but am not sure it went through.
I'm a newbie & excited about this swap! :)
Yay! I am in. This is my first swap. I am sooooo excited!!!!
I'm all signed fun!
ok have everything set up and filled out :) Thank you!
Glad I saw this early enough to join! Looking forward to it!
I missed the first swap, and am glad to participate in this one. I think I've got my flickr URL in there, but not sure. It looks like an easy and fun one. Thanks for organizing it. Kathie L in Allentown
I just signed up! I've never made a quilt before and this is my first swap! I'm excited to start!
I've just signed up! I am excited to make these blocks. Can't wait!!
I signed up and this is my first:)
This will be fun!
OK, I've signed up. Guess I have to update my blog soon tho!
I'm so glad there's another siggy swap. I was sorry I missed the first one. Looks like fun. I can't wait to get started.
Ok I signed up! :) I missed Rachel's so I am really looking forward to this one! Thanks..this is my first!
Thanks Julie! I've signed up and can't wait!!!
I signed up- or at least I think I have. Can't wait to get started!
I've signed up. Can't wait
I just signed up!! I'm another who missed Rachel's siggie swap, so this one is extra special. Thanks for organizing everything!
I waffled for a while on this, then decided to go for it! Woot!!!
I debated too, but I can't resist! :)
I love the block, too!
I'm in too! Sounds like fun!
I'm in! So excited!
I just filled out the form, I hope I am in!
Just signed up for Flickr so I could join. Looking forward to my first quilting swap!
I think I am in...the form "disappeared" so I guess I made it in! Charlie bent my arm and talked me into it!! :) (like I need another project...but this one sounds fun and would be something just for me...haven't done too many like that lately!)
I just signed up. I've never done a swap, so I hope I do OK at it.
I hope I signed up correctly. I love this block. The color ideas are great.
I signed up earlier today and didn't see the info below the form and the instructions to leave a comment. I'm excited - my first siggy swap!
I'm in!! Can't wait! This is going to be so fun! Thanks for hosting!!!!
I am in, my very first swap! Thanks for organizing!
I'm in. . . quick question. According to your tutorial on Moda Bake Shop, one HB puts out 97 blocks. How about making each group 97 people? Will that work for the final product? Just a thought?
I'm in and ready to get started
I am hoping I filled the form out correctly :) I think that I'll use some Tula prints... now to find the fabrics... Time to go shopping :)
I'm in,off to find fabrics!
I have joined up - can't wait!
I am glad i finally got the form to work for me. I think the swap will be fun. It's the first one I have done, so i hope everyone likes the blocks I make.
Just signed up!
Woo hoo! Just signed up! I'm new to this swap, but I look forward to having a very unique quilt!
I was so sad when I missed this last time. Thanks for doing it again. This is going to be so fun.
Hi all! Just signed up and I hope I'm not too late!. (I'm a newbie and need all the help I can get... laughing!) I think "Hunky Dory" from Moda will be my pattern of choice! Nice to meet all of you!
I'm so excited to be a part of the swap this time! The last one posted and filled before I even got to my reader.
Now to go and pick my fabrics....
I'm a first time swapper. I hope I signed up correctly! :-)
I just signed up. This should be fun!! I do the Dear Jane & would love to have a modern siggie quilt!
I can't believe I missed this! Have fun girls.
Darn, I'm sad I missed out too! This looks like it would have been fabulous! Lemme know if anyone drops out at the last minute and you need a fill in.
I CANNOT belive I missed round 2, too!! Argh. If someone knows of #3 coming up, please email me.
Heather =)
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