Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sponsored Giveaway: Featuring Ann Kelle!

disclosure: this is a sponsored giveaway by Robert Kaufman Fabrics


First I want to thank you all for your support of my big news this week! :-)


The great team over at Robert Kaufman have a great giveaway for you today. They know I'm a big fan of Ann Kelle designs.
with Kelle at Spring Market last year

Her designs were originally printed on quilting cotton.  Now they come on cotton, flannel, corduroy & slicker!!  Oh the possibilities!  
some of Ann Kelle's cool cords

I was quite excited when RK added slicker fabrics to the mix. The slicker fabric is 60" wide. There are so many possibilities of what to make with these including the placemats I made back in January.

So what is the giveaway?  One yard of each of these two prints!  Since this fabric sells for around $19-$20 a yard that is a rocking prize!


the rules
leave ONE comment to enter.
make sure your contact info is in your profile or that you leave it in the comment.

Answer this question:
What is your favorite color & why?

Simple as that!!
Kelle's favorite color is Pink... but I wonder why?  ...and my favorite color is Orange. It probably has something to do with Halloween being my favorite holiday as a kid.

You have till 9PM PST on Sunday the 11th to enter.
Giveaway now closed.
Winner announced here.

Winners will be selected by True Random Number Generator.


© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit


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Archie The Wonder Dog said...

My favourite colour is turquoise because it reminds me of the sea. Not the sea near me though, that's grey most of the time!!

Kelsey said...

My favorite color is green! I like it because no matter what season or mood, you can choose a shade that fits perfectly!

Kathy said...

I LOVE the color orange. I think it is a happy color and Fall is my favorite season.

kelawrence05 at gmail dot com

Kelly said...

I love aqua--my birthstone is aquamarine and aqua is a good color on me (clothing wise) so it's always been my favorite!

Laura said...

I love all shades of blue-green. I'm not quite sure why, I just think they are beautiful!

Thanks for the chance! :)

Denise in PA said...

We had this question at a recent guild meeting and my answer was "I love all the colors!" I don't really have a favorite, but if I had to pick one today - it would be red! Love these fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway! o:)

Allison C said...

I love all tones of the color gray because they are so versatile.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

My favorite color is green (except olive). It represents the outdoors with all the leaves, grasses, and plants growing in my garden.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway.

Rachel said...

Oh, hmm, I would have to say pink, because it makes me smile...Thanks for the opportunity!!

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love purple. It's known as the color of royalty. While I may be far from royal, I am strong, confident and decisive.

joy2you2 said...

My favorite "color" is black and white checks! Just a touch of it makes anything DANCE!

Donna in NW FL said...

I think it must be purple! I seem to be drawn to them whenever I'm in the quilt shop! Thanks for the giveaway!

B Greene said...

I think I would have to say that gray is my favorite. It is not too dark... not too perky - just right!! And it goes with everything!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sue said...

My favorite color is Purple! I love all shades and would decorate my whole house in it if it wouldn't drives hubby crazy. It just makes me smile and feel cozy.

hollymade said...

My favorite color is green, always has been. It makes me think of fresh grass, clean air, summer. Love that!

robin said...

My favorite color is red because it's such an alive color, if that makes sense. :) Reminds me of my childhood, too.

Lisa England said...

My favorite color is yellow. I like it because it is such a happy color and reminds me of sunshine.

Unknown said...

My favorite color is purple. I love it because it is the mix of hot red and cool blue. Very balanced for me.

Lindsay said...

my favourite colour is yellow! it's such a happy colour. when i was younger, i insisted my dad buy a yellow car, and he did! it was a Lada though (old swedish tank of a car...)

ewenique said...


Yellow is my favourite of all colours. It's just so cheery and bright & fills me with happy....almost as if it reaches out in all it's gaudy glory to tickle me :)

Hmmmm, this may be the reason that I REALLY like smileys/emoticons.

Lauren said...

I'm a big fan of blue! There are soooo many different shades of blue, I can always find one I like.

Katie said...

I tell people that my favourite colour is purple, which it was when I was growing up, but now it's pink. I didn't realize that until my daughter was born 10 years ago. I rarely admit to it though, it seems so girly, and I'm really not!

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is also Orange! I love Halloween, but I think my obsession w/orange is because of fall. I love fall's colors and the crisp air.....ahhh! 8-)

Cascade Quilts said...

My favorite color is aqua - because it reminds me of my adorable vintage camp trailer that I painstakingly/lovingly restored (over a couple years because of money restraints) that is aqua/white on the outside (and ''aqua boomerang'' counter/table on the inside). I am constantly trying to find aqua 'things' to put inside that camper, and when I redid the floor, I was bummed I couldn't find aqua flooring anywhere. Settled for a cornflower blue that still coordinates :)
Anne's fabrics are so cute, I had no idea she had them in corduroy and slicker!

RWL said...

i love purple - it always cheers me up!!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Just left from a month on the Gulf of Mexico and my favorite color is turquoise because it reminds me of the beautiful water there.

zarina said...

Mine is green (even though I have changed several times but always back to green). I guess its the St. Patrick's day - now where did I get the Irish in me?

Deanna said...

Just one?!? Today, my favorite color is indigo....yesterday it was tangerine....tomorrow it will probably be aqua. How's that for a decision? LOL!

Alison said...

I love purple - as a kid, I wanted to have a purple hair. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it had something to do with a She-Ra character that had pinkish purple hair. I probably thought purple hair would make me a superhero, and I've loved the color ever since!

Angie said...

I've always loved deep purple. I somehow know it's the color of my soul.

Kim said...

I've always loved green. I just don't know why. I automatically gravitate towards it.

Bobbi said...

I've always loved blue. The color of water and the sky. It probably calms me.

PatchMe said...

I love all shades of blue. Since I was a child blue is my favorite color.

Laura said...

I've always loved red - it energizes me!

Lyanna L. said...

My favorite color is purple. I've loved it ever since I was a kid. I also love cerelean - the crayola crayon color that's a brighter ocean blue. So calming. =)

Love Alfie said...

My favourite colour is green - the colour of spring :-)
Thanks for the great giveaway! X

Martina said...

For me it is blue! Not sure why, really. Perhaps because it reminds me of the sky, the sea, a summer breeze!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

My favorite color is blue (most every shade) because I find it soothing.

Mareenchen said...

Teal. I loved blue as a kid and moved onto green as an adolescent. In my 21st year I dyed my blond hair red and discovered the joy of combining both: teal. So lovely with red hair and pale skin. :)

Helen said...

If white was a color, that's what I would pick. It brings out the beauty hidden on anything else... makes it pop. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love Turquoise. Its such a versatile colour, can be 'dressed' down with navys or up with orange.

It also helps that it is our univerity's dance colour...

EMMA EN MONA said...

I love green. Fresh, new start.

Emma and Mona

Michele said...

I'm an orange girl myself.

Hilachas said...

My favorite color is turquoise, I guess because I love turquoise jewelry. It reminds me of the southwest. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

Unknown said...

My favorite color is turquoise, probably bc I grew up in Texas and that color is everywhere!

Lisa said...

I adore turquoise/teal and you can tell by my wardrobe, cellphone, keychain and iPhone.. lol. It's actually hard to find fabrics(prints) in these colours that I actually like. One day.. :-)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Christy said...

Green is my favorite color. I'm not sure why, but I've always loved it.

Leslie said...

All shades of blue but especially cobalt blue. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric.

Tanya said...

I love pink, I was always a navy girl but once I had my daughter I fell in love with pink.

Trish said...

My favorite color is pink. It be bold and daring or sweet and feminine. There's a pink for all my moods :)

Tammy said...

My favorite color is orange too! It is such a happy and fun color to me!

Dee said...

I am a mix of teals and salmons...earthy but warm and loving colors....
Dee Mellinger

Heather D. said...

My favourite colour red, though I'm not totally sure why. When I was a young teenager and my parents were letting me decide how to re-do my bedroom, I chose RED everything, and while I went through a phase when I was burned out on red, I'm back to it being a fave!

RSHudson said...

I suppose blues would be my favorite; I guess because I find them "calming/relaxing". Thanks for chance to win; I have several of Anne Kelle's prints in cotton! (marshudson at comcast dot net)

Sara said...

I tend to go through phases with colors and my favorites change... Right now I'd have to say its yellow. It makes me feel happy and it brightens a cloudy, rainy day! :)

Mary said...

I love Green - all shades. I like to garden and I think that's why I like green. (Besides Kermit is green and how can you not love him!)

Meredith said...

My favorite color is pink - any shade! Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

Cristina said...

Yellow because it is just so happy! Thanks for a fun giveaway, and congratulations on your new publishing adventure!

M-R Charbonneau said...

My favourite colour is burgundy because it's the colour that looks best on me. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

L'Atelier à Malices said...

Hi there,
first of all, thank you so much for this Giveaway !

My favorite color is blue ... why ? I don't really know I think it is because I like to look at the sky :) Or because I have 2 little boys ...

My blog :

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Aren't those peeps just darling - my favorite color is blue, the sky, water, purity, calmness,creativity

Penny from S.C. said...

I don't know if I have a favorite color. It seems to change daily. Right now, aqua blue. Thanks

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

My fav color is purple. I don't really know why, but it always has been. I just think its pretty! And I don't have a specific shade, I love all purple.

MollyP said...

My fav color is definitely green. My closet looke like a leprachaun moved in. Why? I dunno. Maybe 'cause I'm Irish, 'cause I have green eyes, 'cause green comes in so many shades and all of them are happy tones... I could write a poem... "Ode to the Green." I adore Ann Kelle as well. I was so stoked to see her designs on Minky/Snuggle this year. By the way, how do you pronounce "Kelle"? Is it Kelly or Keel or Keelee? I've never used her name at my LQS b/c I don't want to sound ignorant if I pronounce it wrong. Thanks!

true2beeme said...

My current favorite color is pale yellow but that could change;-)

laobeau said...

My favorite color is sage green. It's very calming.

Kristy said...

Oh fun! I love sewing with laminates, and in these sweet prints, perfect!
My favorite color is green, I've always loved the freshness of it!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Brakmack said...

What an awesome giveaway! My favorite color is purple. I always gravitate towards that color. It's a good balance for me and it sparks my creativity. Cristina

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I love blue Julie...any shade;but especially a royal just brightens me up!!

The Rx quilter said...

Navy me it is a relaxing, clean color. Lisa in Texas

JuneBug said...

My fave is purple. I don't know why - I feel like it can portray all kinds of emotions.

Dawn said...

I love blue - always have! And I get so many comments when I wear blue, especially periwinkle. Thanks for the giveaway.

GrnEyedSpam said...

Blue oh how I love blue! Dark, light, greenish, greyish, it doesn't matter I love blue but my all time favorite blue is the exact color of the sky on a warm spring day because who isn't happy on a warm spring day? Just looking at it feels like a warm hug from the sun mixed with a breath of fresh air. Perfection.

kristina proffitt said...

I love Robin's Egg Blue.
It's just a soft, happy color, I think. I've always been drawn to it. :) Thanks for the chance! LOVE Kelle and her beautiful fabric! Hugs!

Chelley said...

Red because it's exciting!

Marci said...

My favorite color would have to be red. In so many places, garments, quilts, etc it is the exact right pop of color.

sarah said...

oh those are too cute!
my favorite color is red. its warm and comforting and always makes a statement. its no wonder my favorite jeans are red, my kitchen cabinets are red and a whole wall in my living room is red!

Erika said...

I love brown it goes well with almost every color and make the other pop even better!

Mary P said...

I love blue. I think it is because it a soothing color. And it reminds me of the ocean.

Tamsyn said...

Pink is my favorite color because it makes me smile!

thegoose said...

My favorite color is red. It was also the favorite color of my wonderful, vibrant grandmother whom I adored, so I am guessing that has something to do with the why. It just makes me feel alive.

Amber H. said...

My favorite color is teal. Mostly because my husband hates the color, and I love it just to annoy him. But don't worry he still loves me anyway.

DianeY said...

I love so many colors, but I think red stands out! Maybe it's my (not so) fiery personality!

Emily said...

My favorite color is pink, probably because I'm a girly girl.

O. dans la lune said...

My favorite color is multicolor, because i'm a great rainbows fan.
Happy to participate !

Francis Paul said...

my favorite color is blue, you can draw me out in a pair of jeans :-)

Rebecca said...

For the longest time, my favorite color was green - it meant life and possibility to me. Lately though, I've been gravitating strongly toward orange - I feel that it really brings out creative energy in me and it's such a positive color!

Mary D said...

My favorite color is red, love the hues it can become and the passion it brings.

Ana e os Viraventos said...

I am a huge fan of Ann Kelle too! My favourite color ir blue! Thanks for the opportunity! Ana

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Purple! I love that blueish purply airport runway shade. I probably gravitated toward it because my mom hates it. Also I love colored Christmas lights but she likes white!

Jan said...

I've always loved green. I think it has to do with growing up in SoCal, where we have so much green. For clothing I love turquoise and purple.

Pamela said...

My favorite is blue - like the summer sky!

noodledogknits said...

I love gray and black equally. So simple, but in a bold way.

Barbara said...

my fav color is yellow - it perks all other colors up

thanks for the giveaway - and congrats on the awesome response to your auction quilt last week !

Dresden Quilter said...

My favourite colour is pink. I like its dual personality, both soft and bright. Maybe it's because I am a Gemini.

Paula Lemos said...

My favorite color is red; I love wearing red because it makes me feel full of energy and I also decorated my kitchen with red accents and love it. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Sharon T said...

My favorite color id red. Must be because I am an Aries!

Erica said...

My favorite color is really dark purple. I realize that this is probably also the favorite color of most crazy old cat ladies, but I don't care, I love it!

mean sarah jean said...

i'm like a mood ring, my favorite changes constantly, and depending on what mood i am in. lately i have been drawn to brown, since it works so well with all the other colors.

Rhonda the Rambler said...

You are right this is one ROCKIN' prize! My favorite color is turquoise and I think it is because in my mind it is quickly becoming a neutral. It goes with anything. said...

So many colors for so many reasons, but I'll say green because it is a calm color and reminds me if spring.

Mindy said...

My favorite color right now is purple. It can be so vibrant. Love the way it looks with so many other colors!

RC said...

I have different favorite colors depending on the subject. For yarn, it is a deep purple or magenta. I love knitting something that has such a vibrant feel to it. For quilting, I am LOVING anything with grey in it right now. I think it is (or at least was) a unique color for fabric.

Jessica said...

My favorite color is red. Not sure why, just love it on everything.

Catie said...

My favorite color is Blue. I'm not real sure why though - it could be that I LOVE being outside and ejoying the blue sky. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is aqua.these are beautiful,beautiful fabrics! Thanks so for sharing!

Tiffany said...

Gasp! I love Ann Kelle fabrics! That slicker fabric looks so fun!
My favorite color is blue - I don't know why. Maybe it's because people always tell me it looks good on me - perhaps because it brings out the color in my eyes?

Ann said...

Green like my eyes but I love all shades of it. I can always one shade of it to fit my mood.

Peggy E. said...

My Favorite color is definetly Red! Just love how it seems to demand attention or to be noticed, it is so bold and loud!

EG said...

My favorite is also orange. I went to Virginia Tech (and prefer it over maroon), it looks good on me, and it's warm.

Lisa said...

My favorite color is green. Hey, I love spring in the woods when everything peeks out and says hello. The shades I like very mpstly bright cheerful greens.

JayTee said...

I love reminds me of the sky and hazy mountains

Renegade Quilter said...

My favorite color is green. I love green for lots of reasons. Its bright and cheery and happy and fun. I love the sight of new plants coming from the ground. Bright green farm fields, lawns and the leaves on trees. I love green - green car, laptop, ipod, phone, dishes, the list is endless.

Amy said...

My favorite color is green! The particular shade seems to depend on the season. Right now lime is awesome! Thanks for the great giveaway!

modernmanson said...

My favorite color is magenta - the color of passion.

Shayla said...

My favorite color is purple! It's so pretty! Plus it's the color of royalty!=)

Andrea said...

A great prize indeed. And I did not know about the cordouroy. I must get some for fall jumpers next fall. Or to add to baby playmates for some texture. Oh I'm excited. Thanks for the chance to win. My favorite color is green. It always has been and was probably a reaction to all the pink and frills of a first daughter.

Beezus said...

I have so many favorite colors, but I love yellow because it is the happy color. :)

carrie said...

my favorite is olive green, because i <3 the 70s!

Julzie said...

My favourite colour is green because it reminds me of spring time, all the fresh green grass, the new leaves bursting out on the tree branches....when I see green I can almost smell that wonderful fresh mown grass smell and imagine wide open spaces full of rolling green hills :)

Gill said...

I love green! It reminds me of spring and new life!

Janet said...

I like purple. It's just my favorite color and always has been. I have a lot of purple fabric.

Heather said...

My favorite color is Pink! That is why I am sooo thankful to have 3 little girls!! And I have one boy, but don't worry I don't dress him in pink! :-)

Maggie Mae Kids said...

I love any green because we live in the desert and I really miss seeing the springtime greens in the grass and trees.


Dominika Nasková said...

Purple, it is trendy and elegant; however, the fashion changes time to time:)

Sandy said...

I would probably have to say that my favorite color is pink. I usually have some shade of it in everything I sew. Great giveaway!

Arnden said...

My favorite color is a particular shade of green (my husband calls it baby poop green) and I love it because I look good wearing it and not too many other people like it so it is lonely.

Lisa C in GA. said...

My favorite is green, seconded by purple....and I especially love them together! :)

Alisa said...

Red. I love having red things in my house (though not walls or furniture) to brighten up corners. It's cheerful and warm at the same time. I also like to wear red.

Ella said...

Purple...not sure why. It's been my favorite since I was little little.

Donna @ Snowbound said...

My favorite color is green right now. I'm just drawn to it for some reason, not sure why!

Bennett and Graves said...

My favorite color is Blue, it has always been blue since my earliest memory. I have no idea why!

April Shae said...

My fav color is winter is a cross between light gray and a very light lilac!! It just makes me feel happy!!

Ashley said...

Purple maybe bc it is my colleges colors

Kristy said...

My favorite color is orange, too! Maybe because it's so bright and cheery! Awesome giveaway!

Angie said...

I guess my favorite color is green, as it is my go-to color all the time, but I'm loving all colors and combinations lately! Green reminds me of the trees and grass waving to me as I go for a walk!

alidiza said...

I'm with Kelle, PINK because it's so happy: ) So excited about the slicker!

Montseta - Montsecosecose said...

My favourite colour si yellow because it's happy and reminds me of the sun and summer!

CindyB said...

My favorite color is orange. I think it is because as a child I loved the Tiger Lily flowers my grandmother grew in her front yard. I also loved the pumpkin patch full of all different shades of orange. And the fall leaves mixed with yellows and reds. Orange rocks!

Mouster1 said...

My favorite color is pink. I just gravitate to it more than other colors. Thanks for the terrific giveaway!

Sylvie said...

My favorite color is blue. Because it looks peaceful and soft...A good thing since I have 4 little boys (who are , most often, not peaceful and soft)!

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is blue, because I love to look up at the sky.

Melissa said...

I love PURPLE! It says springtime!!

The Army of Four said...

My favorite color is actually white. LOL. I know, how boring. But it goes with everything. I'm clinically color blind, so I don't stress with the "well, I think it goes ... but does it really?" that I do with other colors.

Katy said...

There are so many amazing colors! But I love pink best because it makes me happy. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Mouster1 said...

My favorite color is pink. I just gravitate to it more than other colors. Thanks for the terrific giveaway!

Betsy Lynn said...

My favorite is orange too. I had a bedroom painted orange with paisley curtains...child of the 60's. lol
Thanks for the chance to win!

Lynda said...

my favorite color has always been orange - I love autum oranges, and orange lilies my favorite fruit is the blood orange. I wear orange well and use orange lipstick 95% of the time. love to mix orange and pinks and purples - one can have a lot of fun with the color orange.

Carla said...

As far back as I can remember, it's alwasy been red. It does something to me each and every time I see it. It's very impowering when I wear it.

Naomi said...

I love blue, in all shades. Right now I'm loving navy. I think I like blue so much because I love the sky, lakes, ocean, my husband's & sons eyes. I always gravitate to blue, it just feels like home to me.
I love that fabric you are giving away! I hope I win! :)

Michelle @ Barabooboo said...

my Favourite colour is orange, because it is exciting, not gender specific, and goes nice with most other colours.

mapke said...

Purple - just like my mom. She would put some shade of purple in every quilt she made.

kristine said...

I love orange because it can be so bright or muted and looks great with so many other colors

. said...

I love red, rich wonderful red. Thanks for the giveaway, these fabrics would be great to use for a project for the grandkids.

Sallie said...

Blue is my favorite color because it's restful and peaceful.

Anita in Florida said...

My favorite color is blue/ it cause it reminds me of the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico!

Tamie said...

Today's favorite is orange- maybe because it is usually unexpected. Great giveaway.

Cindy Sharp said...

That totally depends on what I am going to do with it. I like to have the whole box of crayons!

However, If I had to pick just one color and live with it the rest of my life.........I don't think i can do it......okay.....yellow because no matter the day or time or circumstances it is always there to warm and cheer. When God said, "Let there be light," yellow is what showed up.

Shelbi said...

Favorite color is purple. My grandmother who passed when I was 3 use to tell me stories about how we were royalty and that royals wore purple. She spent most of her moments alive with me and showering me with love. This is one of the many things I remember from her being alive and I carry it with me always.

Kalynn's Creations said...

I think that green would have to be my all around favorite color - there are so many shades and variations. My mom would just die to read this because I absoultly hated green when I was a little girl. But now I don't make much of anything that doesn't have some green in it somewhere.

Love Ann Keele fabric - so does my grand-daughter. Thanks for the chance to win some slicker fabric.

Katie Z. said...

My favorite color is turquoise. I don't know why... the color just draws me back over and over!

sharmylae said...

my favourite colour is green. there are so many shades of green and i love 95% of them. it always makes me feel cheerful and warm. my bedroom is painted green!

Ashley G. said...

Green is my fave color- so calm and soothing!

Unknown said...

My favoritre color is dark blue because it makes my eyes look even lighter blue.Love the fabric would love to win !

Cristin said...

My favorite color is a deep rich merlot/burgandy. Why? Not entirely sure, but I am always drawn to it. Thanks for the chance!
brenkaz at gmail dot com

Michelle B. said...

My favorite color to wear is blue...I think it goes with my eyes and makes them pop (in my personal opinion!!) favorite color to quilt with is it from light to dark...

DEBBIE said...

My favorite color is pink. Don't know exactly why, but have always been attracted to it! Now I have a granddaughter to share the love with! :) Thanks for the opportunity!

drmithome said...

I like lime green, not the fluorescent shade, not really sure why.

Margie said...

Favorite color has always been blue - all shades - not sure why really, but it makes me think of lakes and oceans and just plain makes me feel happy. Thanks for the opportunity. Love the fabrics.

Patricia said...

My favorite color is purple---because it seems to be such a pure solid color. It just looks so very strong!

Jayne said...

My favorite color is blue....every shade of blue! I'm not sure why but it's just always been the first color I'm drawn to.

Sherrywc said...

I always thought my favorite color was green, but I have discovered that it actually is pink. Any quilt with pink in it is gorgeous eye candy, just like watermelon jolly ranchers.

Doris said...

My fave color is green... always has been.

I'd make an adorable toddler sized slicker out of that duckie fabric!

Brooke @ little b quilts said...

hmmm, I am kind of stuck in a gray mood...not because I'm gloomy, but because it pairs so well with all sorts of other colors!


Deb said...

My favorite color right now is teal, not sure why - just is. Love to put it with so many other colors!

moira said...

I have a thing for purple, always have. I now like to think that it sometimes reminds me of a nice red wine but really it just calls to me :)

baxter913 said...

Definitely orange. I am one of several from a multigenerational family of Syracuse University alums. We "bleed" orange!!!

Esch House Quilts said...

It's awfully hard to pick a favorite color. I guess I'd have to say my fav is green, specifically greens on the yellow side of green. Maybe it's because they remind me of Spring.

Katie said...

My favorite color is green, especially a kelly green or emerald shade! I think because it reminds me so much of spring and summer and plants growing outside in the warm sun. Living in Pittsburgh we have too many cloudy days, so anything to remind me of warmth and sun is great in my books :)

Thanks for the chance to win!

Nora said...

what an excellent prize. Thanks for blogging, I love checking in! my favorite color tends to be green, at least I end up wearing a lot of it. But, Orange, thats a great one, too.
Lookign forward to the chapter on binding!

julian said...

I really love all colors -- in their deepest most jewelly tones. Today I'd pick teal if I had to choose just one -- why? I don't think I know

Bethany said...

My favourite colour is blue. I'm not sure why. It just makes me happy :)

Bailey said...

Green. I love the whole gamut of the green spectrum!


I love the color that reminds me of the person I am sewing for, I am a green person, pink for my new baby granddaughters. I want to add teals and orange to my life for happiness.. for my grandsons, I love the gray and teals

supersara20 said...

Pink! It always has been and I have no idea why other than it makes me happy!

kelli37174 said...

My favorite color is blue. Probably because it goes well with so many other colors

Tiffany said...

My favorite color is pink - I love that it can be soft and girly, bright and cheery...really anything. It's my go to color :D

Wendy said...

I love green, always have! It reminds me of spring, leaves, and new growth.

Sharon said...

I really love color - all colors - (well mostly) It also depends what for -- Today I'd pick Teal -- just because

Jenn said...

My favorite color is pink. Probably because I'm a girly-girl and it looks good on me!

memmens said...

What a fantastic bundle of fabric. My favourite colour is blue, love the range of the colour, the sky, the sea, love blue jeans! And my girls look fab in blue too! thanks for the giveaway

Wendy said...

I love blue, all kinds of blue. I have no idea why but I'm always drawn to it.

Mermaid Sews said...

My favorite color is purple, it is a nice girly color, but sophisticated and not as in your face as pink.

jaellede said...

I love all shades of blue since all my life :)

Nicole said...

I have had a hankering for more green in my stash lately. Or maybe I'm just hoping spring will come sooner!

Material Mary said...

Currently, my favorite color is red. It is a great neutral. I love all colors and change it up occasionally...

Brita said...

My fave color is red. Definitely. Or yellow. No, red. Um, yellow. Yes, absolutely, red. (with yellow) Red always makes me happy. As does yellow. Love the slicker fabric -- I have a short jacket made of slicker and it's a perfect rain coat, plus it's pink, with flowers. (Not red, not yellow, hm.)

Unknown said...

Pink! I love the bright cheeriness of it! I like most all varietys and shades of it as well! :)

Kelly O. said...

I love yellow because it's the happiest colour

Allison said...

My favorite color is blue because it looks best with my skin tone.

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