it's bad.
really bad.
i'm just gonna say
"it's all tula pink's fault"
{well mostly}
remember this photo from last week?
well it arrived...
3 yards of orange from american jane's recess line.
because i love her orange & it isn't in all her lines...

14.87 yards of neptune
11.75 of linen, solids, & kona crush
this is going to be my fabric for bee beautiful.
no idea what blocks yet... so i bought lots!

17.25 yards of hushabye
because one day i might actually have a kid.
and if i do this fabric will be gone.
so i bought it now... & it's going into long term storage. {aka the closet}

7 yards of amy butler's LOVE flannel.
no idea why.
i just couldn't put the bolts down.

and then plume arrived.
17 yummy yards of it.
it'll be chopped up this week... after i stare at it a bit more.

and sadly no yards out.
everything that was finished this week was counted last week.
was a bee block... & i'm not keeping track of that fabric in & out.
so this week
70.87 in
zero out
YTD totals
purchased: 160.57 yds
busted: 28.86 yds
net: -131.71 yds
i'll recover.
No one told me it was Christmas again! :-)
You are so funny...I totally could you put that beautiful fabric down! I cant wait to see what you do with Plume!
Oh my gosh!!!! The orange is SO awesome. I LOVE orange!
wow! I completely understand - no way I'd be putting some of those down, either! And hey, it is only January, there are still 11 months to use it all up! heehee
Just think of it as art and put it on your coffee table to stare at it. Then it doesn't count as stash fabric in right?
And the hushabye doesn't count because that is going into the someday-baby-storage. That's not stash fabric- that's hope chest fabric.
Who me? I'm not an enabler... :) Christine
O-M-G!!!! Serious stash enhancement! But, oh, so beautiful! Okay, it's official. You are now the new CEO of Purchasing! I'll gladly turn over that title to someone who accomplished in 5 weeks what it took me 15 weeks to do last year!! (I know; I checked!) I feel you have a sewing binge coming on - because you're going to be hog-tied to your sewing machine!! I heard that rumor! :) :)
wow, those are amazing fabrics...i love the orange.
Wow - great fabrics and you're going to be in serious trouble of you continue to beat Vicky's purchasing record from last year.
You do have an adorable nephew that you can sew for...
Love your blog! And I don't believe in stash busting... I am a firm believer in stash building, fabric gazing, and when and if I would run out of room... who needs a bed to sleep in?!
And now I'm so totally in LOVE with Plume... so much fabric so little time...
I love those oranges, too, and Plume...can't wait to see some in person!
Your fabric inventory is interesting and amusing :)
I looked at all the pics and can't decide which fabric I like the best. No wonder you bought it all. I would have and that's why I'm not going to the quilt shop with my wallet or cards.
I am smiling, that is alot of yardage goodness!!!
I have been eying plume since last market...and I'm absolutely DYING for some! I'm thinking that this month it's definitely going to find a new home at my home ;)
Gotta just love that Tula Pink!!!
Girl, you were in a shopping frenzy, weren't you? This has been a big month for you. I can't imagine buying 160+ yards because 30 yards in one month is extreme shopping for me...I can't wait to see your creations because I know they'll be lovely and inspiring.
Pretty fabrics are so hard to pass up!
I just made a baby blanket with some of the new Amy Butler flannel - I'm not usually a flannel fan but this is just the softest ever! And I've heard it keeps getting softer every time it's washed. Yum...
That's some serious motivation to get the sewing machine going full blast. And the Neptune will be fun to work with for your Bee blocks!
You are officially insane. Since half of the purchases support me personally I'll let it slide this time.
I've been making flannel pillowcases. I LOVE 'em :) Oh-and I have faith you'll pull out of your fabric rut, just enjoy looking at the beautiful colors for a while. You deserve it (all stashers do)!
Wow. You're... wow. Gimme your wallet, you need an intervention. Hahaha!
ok, an intervention may be in the near future,good thing it is a "legal" addiction. I am at the top of your fan list especially because I am so often the benefactor of your creative & yummy heirlooms of the future!
I'll admit this makes me feel a bit better about the Kona Solids and MoMo Wonderland yardage that showed up at my door this past week. Oh, and the Wiscassett precuts I found on sale. :) I can't process the intake/output, so I just enjoy it. :)
Ouch! I just bought 7 yards of MoMo Wonderland (my ABSOLUTE, without a doubt favorite) and I thought that was a lot! Have fun with all that new yumminess!
Think of all the things you'll be making with all those yards. :^)
HAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT!!! I so wish I could have been shopping with you!!
Somehow I don't feel so guilty about my stash in three chest. Been trying to use what I have first, but that is really hard!
It isn't so bad Jules, think how bad it would have been if they had a cart and we didn't have to hold all the bolts as we shopped. Besides this trip wasn't nearly as bad as the first time we took you to M&L's when you filled 3 shopping carts. Be happy you didn't have to admit to that trip.
You are scaring me!!!
Oh yea, M & L's, I've been there too. In fact I live about 5 miles straight down the street. Needless to say i do NOT drive that way very often. But then there is on line shopping. I couldn't resist Hushabye either and I love orange , oh and the wonderful First Blush arrived too in the online stores. And today they send a note that new French General line is all in! Layer cakes and FQ stacks and charm packs... But you still beat me last week!
ankle cuffs to the sewing machine pedal! Glad you had fun, it's lovely! Quilting is SUPPOSED to be fun!
what a haul! Have fun playing with all of your goodies :)
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