its been a busy wednesday over here...
i haven't gotten much sewing done since the weekend...
but i did get a bit more done on one of my cider mill road projects...
when i saw the cider mill road book i knew i needed it and i was going to make everything in it.. don't as me why.. i just knew.. i got the book as soon as it came in and also bought a TON of yardage... i'm talking minimum 1/2 yd cuts but over a yard of most.. and more of a few...
i started my working on two quilts and two table runners... the table runners were right from the book... for the quilts i made the blocks 75% of their size and did a 3x3 layout instead of 4x4... so in total we are looking at 28 apple blocks to make...

lots of cutting back in january...
quilt layout... i'm really glad i snapped this shot b/c there is no way i'd remember where i had each block planned...
one runner went to the shop as a sample to sell kits... i did the applique by machine so it was done quick... {we still have some if you want one... let me know}
not the case with the other 23 blocks... i decided with some encouraging from my dad to hand blanket stitch all the swirls, stems and leaves... i had no idea i'd still be working on it in august...
it has taken months but the hand work is done... blocks together... and borders on... only problem is this one is for my mom and her birthday is tomorrow... and it isn't quilted yet... but since she has waited over 7 months i know she can wait a bit more...
fyi-- i mitered my border corners... and took lots of pics to do a tutorial for you guys... lots of people are scared of mitered corners but they are so easy and look so good!!
so totals..
2 runners done.
2 small items done.
4 small ones to go.
2 quilts to go.
and various ones i haven't even cut or started yet!!
how are your wips going?
oh and go check out modahomemom
so go check it out... because she also has a giveaway going on!!
Wow Ms. Jaybird! You've been a busy, busy girl. I love the pretty colors you've used!
I ♥ that quilt!! Beautiful
Your mom's quilt is so pretty! I love the colors...all your other projects are very nice too! :)
Where do you get all that energy? Your apple projects are wonderful! I need to check out that book!
The pincushion arrived today! Thank you so much! I love it!!
First! Super cute projects, but how do you keep so many going at once without loosing it!? I am a one project at a time girl :)
That is a gorgeous quilt... congrats on getting it done :)
You're a busy little bee! Gorgeous work! :D
Hey Ms. Jaybird!
You have been one busy chick! I'll take one of everything because I like all of them.
You have been so busy...great job, and I love everything that you made!
whoa you have been busy...impressive and I love nancy halvosen stuff
Really cute projects! Very busy birdie!
Oooh I really like the tea towels!
I love the apples and the flower appliques!! Those are gorgeous! Oh... and thanks for posting about my tutorial and giveaway! :)
Wow. You've been busy! LOVE the Apple quilt. I just love it! And the tea towels and hot pads... adorable!
ONE BUSY sure turn 'em the apples. :)
seriously am loving the appliques! i wish i had that many wip's getting worked on!!!
You are just "wip"ping out those WIP's! The projects from the Cider Mill book are so adorable! I love them all.
I love it all - but ESPECIALLY the towels and hotpads - with those buttons?!! get out! SO cute.
Currently I have my Old Red Barn Co. Quiltalong quilt that needs to have a back pieced and then quilted. I also have my quilting bee blocks that I need to finish the mitred corners on the blocks and then put them together. Then I have several almost WIPs - have the fabric cut out/picked out but haven't sewn anything on them yet. One of them is a bag for me. I really need to get it done!
Did you really want to know all that?
Wow! I love these projects. They look amazing. The apple blocks are one of my favorite. I have to go buy that pattern book. I also love the tea towels and pot holders.
I LOVE those apples! They're adorable.
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