Lots of Ring Toss from Robert Kaufman
{Metro Living fabric collection}
White Rings on Colors...

Colored rings on white...

I really like the positive/negative here & the wheels in my brain are spinning with ideas!

3 yards to make this bag
{Abby Bag by V&Co.}

I love zippers. Once upon a time I was afraid of them, but once I conquered them I fell in love with them! The pouches in the front are from the Cash & Carry pattern by Atkinson Designs.

The bag in the back is the Origami pattern from Amy Butler's Style Stitches. I didn't finish my bag for the Style Stitches Monthly Bag Challenge in February so I wanted to make this one for March.

this one is my favorite
lots of orange scraps

They are so easy to make... and you can make a bunch really fast.

I also caught up on making bee blocks for Bee Imaginative.

Just this morning I took out my selvage spider web quilt again.
This quilt will be finished in 20 years or so at this rate!!... but I like to work on it when I can.

My selvages are all organized by size

But they turn into messy piles like this during the process of making more blocks.

Here they are in progress.
For more information on my selvage quilt check out my photos on flickr.

I finished making 12 more triangles this morning!
{Too bad I already counted all the green fabric when I cut it}

Sunday Stash Report - Week 12 of 2011
16 in
8 out
2011 ytd totals
purchased: -68.17 yds
busted: 131.83 yds
net: 63.66 yds
Check out how everyone else is doing!

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit
I just love the Ring Toss fabric. Lucky you! I can see lots of possibilities with that. Next time I'm at the quilt shop, I know what I'll be looking for.
Where were you able to find all of the ring prints in stock? I like the white on color ones the best and ordered 7 of them - but no navy, brown, or tan could be found.
Interested to see what you will make with them!
I love zipper bags too by the way, just learned how to make them 2 weeks ago and its addicting :)
One of my missions this week is to conquer my slight zipper fear - I need to make a handful of zippered pouches for one thing and another, so I guess I'll have mastered it by the end of that!
Your selvege quilt looks brilliant - I'm contemplating starting one in the not-too-distant future, and I love seeing other people's come together.
Loving those cute little purses. x
I am so jealous of all those rings!!! I always seem to miss them in stock.
And every time your spider web quilt comes out I love that green solid with it.
Great fabrics! Love your selvage spiderweb!!
Collecting selvages takes a lot longer that I imagined.
Happy Stitching
You have really been working and turning out projects! Great job and love the zipper bag also.
Is the Atkinson pattern fairly easy to use and does it give you step-by-step instructions on how to install the zipper? I've never sewed anything with a zipper, but would love to make some of these.
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