Calling all fans of solids & Kona cotton! There's a new book available now that is dedicated to the love of Kona quilts & I'm a contributor in it! Introducing Rock Solid from Martingale.
Quilt Details
Fabric is Kona Solids by Robert Kaufman
Pattern - Spectrum
Designed by me
Quilted by Angela Walters
Started on 4/28/16
Finished on 7/8/16
Quilt measures - 60" x 72"
Here are a couple of the quilts from the book.
Tribal Beat by Angela Walters
Zoomer by Elizabeth Dackson
I took some process photos to share with you when I made the quilt last summer.
Picking the Kona colors for the quilt.
Then it was time to select thread. My general rule of thumb is to always sew with a medium gray thread. That being said, if I am sewing large areas with similar colors, I will change my thread when piecing to reflect those colors.
For this quilt I pieced the blocks with 6 different threads to best match to the six color families. I used the same thread to sew the color family rows together. Then I sewed the sections together with a medium gray thread.
First 3 rows are complete. I also made a mini 1/4 scale quilt at the same time.
4th row added...
5th row added...
These are the 6 Aurifil 50wt threads that I used for piecing, from top to bottom:
Binding cut & ready to go!
The Rules
1. Leave ONE comment to enter. Make sure your contact info is in your profile or that you leave it in the comment.
2. In your comment tell us: What is your favorite color of Kona cotton?
3. Comment entries must be left on this blog,, to be valid. Comments sent via E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media will not be counted.
4. Simple as that!!
You have till 5PM PST on Sunday, June 18th to enter.
Winner will be selected by
Good luck + thanks for stopping by today!

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit
1 – 200 of 394 Newer› Newest»First comments never win but I'm here now so here goes.... my fave colours vary, it used to be graphite, then pickle but now its flamingo.
what a beautiful quilt! looks like a great book. I've been using a lot of Kona Steel Gray lately
Love this quilt! The first color that popped up in my mind was red. The red Kona is the perfect red! Not too pink, not too orange. It's a go to color in my stash. =) Thank you for the chance to win!
Wow this reminds me those paint chips for sure!! I think Grass is my favourite Kona colour, or maybe Cardinal or Smoke. I love so many!!
I love all shades of teal. I have made many of your patterns and love this one.
I love Kona Caribbean but really all shades of blue. Love your quilt.
My favorite is Berry and Flamingo. It's hard to have just one favorite Kona color.
They're all so gorgeous, but my current favorite is Celestial.
Thank you for the giveaway!!! I love Kona cotton and right now my favorite color is the color of the year Flamingo Pink. 😊
My favorite Kona color is any of the blues!
Pomegranate at the moment! 😊
CELESTIAL is my favorite now, but there are so many beautiful colors to pick from. I would love to win, the fabric, the book, wow!!
Another great design! Love your eye for design and your rulers rock!
It is sooooo hard to choose just one!! Right now I'm obsessed with the aqua/teal/ocean color palette... such as Ultra Marine, Pond and Ice Frappe :)
I really like the whole line. But the purples are great.
Geez, like trying to pick a favorite child. Today my favorite is Kona Grass.
Hard to many beautiful my favorite is pool.
I love Kona Silver
I love all the colors but my favorites are the teals and blues. reminds me of my daughter and how much she loves to eat pickles. I keep a yard of it on hand in my sewing room at all times. I try to include at least one swatch of it in ever quilt I make for her.
Toss up between Breakers and Water. The new book is a welcome addition to the modern quilting book library.
I user kona navy most. I love your quilt! Thanks for the chance.
Capri is my favorite Kona color. I am doing your Galaxy quilt now. My hubby saw it made up at Sisters 3 yrs.ago.
Wasabi! It even has a fun name!
I love Graphite. BUT only when used with other colors!
I'm eying some Azure for a background right now and just loving it.
Putty is my current favorite neutral/blender. My favorite Kona Color? I love all the colors and especially the feel of Kona cotton but my favorite is Kona black. Kona black is dense, rich and stays that way for years to come. It make all the colors really pop.
Parrot and Pool are my favorite colors.
Great Quilt!
I love all of their colors, but I especially love Coal. It's the perfect color for a background. Crisp and modern, it allows all the other colors I used in my quilt "pop".
Another awesome piece of work done by you! I love Kona black. I Love you quilt . My favorite color must be olive bur i Love them all.
Sweet fabric and book! I am so in love with modern quilting now! I used to be very traditional..but as I am cleaning up for the move, I have been tossing a lot of traditional patterns and books out the door! My favorite colors - I know only one - but it is a toss up between Delft and Bluegrass...Bluegrass because it was the most difficult fabric to find for my Postcard from Sweden quilt!!! Delft because it reminds me of Williamsburg Blue which is my favorite color to paint my quilting studios!
Love the book. My favorite color is the color of the year, Pink Flamingo. It's so bright and happy.
Love the Rock Solid Quilts as shown. I'll be making one in the near future! My favorite color is aquamarine, ocean-color!
I am loving "Punch" now. Thank you,
I love all shades of Kona gray! Thanks for the chance to win. Jsbailey99 at
I love Kona Caribbean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, wait really I love ALL Kona colors...
Love your new rainbow! My fav Kona is Cerise!
Thistle is one of my favorites!
Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite color of Kona Cotton is Cerise, but I like so many of them!
I LOVE this quilt! What a fun way to play with color. I have to admit my most used Kona fabric is Snow... it is always my first choice for backgrounds.
Beautiful quilt! I love the color cornflower very much!
Red and all the gray! I love your spectrum pattern!
Highlight and Pickle
I love Kona Candy Green!
I have been stocking up on Snow for backgrounds. All of the colors together are beautiful.
Gorgeous quilt, love your work!! My favorite Kona color is Black, it really makes the colors stand out.
My current favorite Kona color is Snow, which seems weird, but as a background color, it just makes every fabric pop really well.
khaney2847@gmail dot com.
Love al the Kona Colors❤️ They are all so cute - but especially loving pool and Jamaica right now!
I have two boxes of Kona solids. I would love to make this quilt.
hard to pick just one - but for backgrounds I am current using either Snow, Parchment, or one of your beautiful greys - isn't grey the new black?
I use a lot of graphite, and navy.
I'm currently in a gray phase so I'm going with pewter. Love this quilt.
I really love the color plum at the moment, next one is rainbow ;-)
So this bundle would be perfect to do my own rainbowquilt!
My favorite color is the Kona highligher. Its so bright and happy and I've used it as binding for a pop of interest on quilts with lots of darker grey.
I am collecting all of the colors for your Boomerang pattern and my favorite of that bunch of KONA colors is Lagoon.
Oh, I am just so excited for this book! Would love to win all the colors to make Spectrum! My fave is all the pinks but top would be Azalea!
Gorgeous! My favorite Kona color is Valentine. I saw this book at a market review last night and it is on the top of my wish list!
How do you pick just one? I probably use Kona White and Black the most but I love all the shades of green, especially Wasabi!
So hard to pick just one color, but I'll go with Malibu Waves.
I love all of them! But the Caribbean is a favorite of mine. Thanks for the chance to win!
Robin egg and Snow are my two faves. Thank you for the giveaway.
Favorite colors of mine are always teals and aquas.
If I had to pick one it must be Breakers. I like the aquas and pink. Bright happy colors. Thank you for this wonderful give away.
I love snow but also whatever black through light grey goes with my project.
It is hard to narrow it down, but grass is probably my favorite color. I'm piecing with it right now! Thank you for the great giveaway!
Great rainbow-ish quilt! I love the Kona fabric that's sapphire in whatever name they call it.
This is a great giveaway and blog; my favorite Kona color is Periwinkle.
My favourite Kona colour is eggplant. But I have lots and lots of almost favourites. I'm looking forward to seeing the new book and your quilt is terrific.
My favorite color to use is black. I use it in most quilts. But my favorite color is either breakers or orchid.
Love your contribution. My favorite kona is lagoon. I'll have to check out this book as I really like to use solids- they are more timeless than prints.
How neat is this quilt! Love it! "Robin Egg" is my most favorite! Thanks for sharing a sweet+generous Giveaway!
I like stone - very versatile. Can I say I was shocked to see your quilt - not a triangle or hex in sight?! It is lovely, though!!!
I love The color valentine. Looks like a great book. Thanks.
The book looks great, love your quilt. My favourite would have to be silver as I love using it for background.
Beautiful! So many from which to choose, I'll go with Wasabi!
I love this! Favorite colors probably fog, pewter or pansy. But I love most of them.
Curry. It is a super weird colour by itself, but works like a neutral.
Carrott all the way! :)
Really I have to pick only one? I think Silver is a very pretty grey which would be nice to use in a background instead of white.
Favorite is silver kona, however like many colors when it fits what I make.....
Great quilt!
My favorite color is always changing, but any blues or greens are good.
Love the quilts!! Pink Flamingo love love that color!
I have to say Flamingo is my favorite right now. Thank you for the chance to win.
Your quilt is beautiful!! My favorite Kona is Red. I love anything red!! Thank you for the contest!!
My favorite is always changing so right now it's torch because I'm working on an autumn project. Normally I would say it's Iron as I love the grays for background.
I love blues - Niagara is perfect for me
Such beautiful colors!
Kona Purple is my favorite. Love it!
This looks like a great book! I suppose I should be ashamed to admit that I love Kona Black and Kona Snow best ... I should have learned to buy them by the bolt. Thank you for your beautiful patterns and for the opportunity to win!
Maureen in Portland
I love the kind of aqua color. Reminds me of the ocean. Hugs,
I don't like it to eat but I really like the asparagus color!
Kona Caribbean is my favorite Kona color. Love your quilt!
My fav color right now is Wasabi. Tomorrow it may be different. All Konas are pretty special in my humble opinion. Love your quilt.
Sue in Hawaii
Favorite Kong color is Limelight. Love your blog.
Solid Kona quilts are my favorite! My current Kona love is creamsicle. I have several quilts in the planning stage that will likely include creamsicle. It's so summery!
Great quilt, so bright and cheery. My favorite Kona color is all of them. There is no way I can only choose one.
I love all the colors!
I love teals and aquas. I have all your templates. Your patterns are so creative..
This book looks like one I need. My favorite Kona colors are Astral and Valentine, can't choose just one!
I haven't had the opportunity to try Kona yet but they have awesome colors and I hope to try it one day!! I really like their Flamingo, sure looks nice! Good luck to all!! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom
I love the fact that solid colours are so vibrant together, I love the blue turquoise.
Pickle, goldfish and kumquat all make me laugh but my favorites would be pool, Mediterranean or oasis.
My favourite colour of Kona is Pickle with Schoolbus coming a close second
You have scored again with this new quilt! I have a collection of Kona solids just for your recent patterns, but I do love the violet/purple hues Kona has come up with, I love those shades.
I actually really like the white--nice and opaque so nothing on the back shows through.
My favorite color of Kona Cotton is solid caribbean.
I cannot pick a favorite Kona, I love them. I am using a dark purple right now and have plans for a couple more solids quilts. Love the book.
Oh, how I love Kona cotton, it's my go-to fabric! My favorite color is usually the color I happen to working with at that particular moment, right now I'd have to go with pool :) It's such a refreshing color. I would love to win!!! just let me know at
My favorite Kona color is Wasabi or Crise
Love the solids! The book looks delicious. My color choice is purple, purple, purple! It takes me back to a favorite song-Purple People Eater by Sheb Woolley. The quilt is so attractive. Your eyes meander from color to color. Thanks for the inspiration.
My favorite is any gray, but Charcoal is my fav. :) Thanks for the chance. :)
My favorite is Niagra but any turquoise teal will do. Looks like Summer fun
I like Lapis.... thanks for the great giveaway!
Robin Egg is my favorite. Your quilt is gorgeous!
That looks like a Awesome book. My favorite Kona colors are the teals.
I can never have too many purples. The Kona solid Violet is perfect for adding to any quilt. Such rich, deep saturation of color.
Wow looks like a awesome book and I love yellow.
Beautiful quilt, Julie! My fave is Jade Green!
Thanks for the chance to win - Bell Moore
It changes by the day, but right now I'm loving Breakers and Nightfall. Not including White in this list, which is used in vast quantities.
I still love Kona Snow, my first quilt used that as background. Love the book and the Spectrum quilt!
I love Kona Cotton Solids ! My favorite is sage, mint, turquoise and various shades of yellow !
Favorite is geranium!
My favorite color is the tomato red, along with all the other reds!
Oh awesome! I love Kona purple(s) I can't pick just one!
Hi Julie I love green and yellow. Thanks for the giveaway!
I adore deep dark green... I find your pattern interesting and trying at times. once I get the hang of the pattern things work out much better. I have learned a lot over the years following you and hope you keep inspired and generating those lovely quilts....
thanks for the opportunity to play!
I love the Pinks and purples!!!
I am torn between the purples and blues. The book looks like fun. Use for contact.
I like Capri in Kona solids. Also like Jamaicafor a little more brightness.
A gorgeous quilt!!! My favorite Kona is storm or limestone or pewter!!!
Thank you!
I think Salmon may be my favorite, but I also have a soft spot for Wasabi.
Stunning quilt! Love's such a happy color! Thank you!
I have always loved Kona solids--even before they were in vogue! I think my favorite colors are the purple family. Second choice are the teals. I try to use at least one Kona solid in any quilt I make. Would love to win this giveaway but I'm not a very lucky person that way!
Love all the colors but I lean towards the teals:)
my go to kona is coal
I use in the backround for almost everything
I have a bolt of dark grey named Charcoal that I've been using for backgrounds recently. Love it! And I'm waiting to get my Gravity top back from the longarm quilter. Thanks for the giveaway.
I like celery. Thanks Darlene
My fave would have to be Lime.
Flamingo is my new favorite color. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win the lucious fabrics and book.
Kona silver and any green
At the moment, it's a toss up between SPROUT and AZURE!
Love all the colors that are used, but my favorite would be the lavenders and teals. Amazed that using this many colors could create such a striking quilt/quilts.
Ann White
PO Box 79
Hereford, CO 80732
Phone: (970) 895-2318 home or (970) 412-4977 cell
Great name for the book. I love your quilt. My favorite Kona is red. I use a LOT of black and Snow. Barb
MEDITERRANEAN that would be my favorite color!
I am really loving Kona flamngo pink this year!
Your quilt is stunning. I want to make the same quilt even if I don't win!
Kona is such great fabric. I have followed your blog for years.
I love your quilt so much that if I win this collection of goodies I will definitely make that quilt! As for favorite color, I've never been able to pick just one; I go for many yellows, purples, reds, oranges, greens and pinks. and some blues, browns and grays, too. Really the only color I don't care for is black, likely because I always have at least one light-haired cat in residence!
What a 'ROCK SOLID' prize! My fingers are crossed! Now fav Kona solid ........mmmm s-e-w many............Bonsai...thanks for the chance!
Wow--what a unique idea for a quilt book! My favorite Kona color is Surf!
I use a lot of Kona Shadow, but my favorite Kona color is Seafoam.
Lime green!
wow great quilts and a super prize. Thanks so much for sharing. I love Kona snow
I love any of the variagated threads, they add so much more to a quilted finish. Fingers crossed!
My favorite Kona color is any of the grey's. They are so versatile and a must to have on hand.
Pool, snow, pickle... so hard to choose!
What a generous giveaway!
Definitely Kona Steel Gray!
My favorite Kona color is Sangria which I'm using as the backing for the Sweet Tooth quilt. Libby at
Love the solids...I think my favorite color is Pool (aqua)
Currently I have been using a lot of Jamaica and titanium but it seems like no matter how many colors I have it is never the one I need right then.
I appreciate that you tell what thread you used and who quilts your wonderful quilts. You are giving credit plus valuable information. Thread choosing for me is a challenge. Although difficult to pick just one, I love Turquoise in the Kona solids line.
Green is my favourite - any shade from a soft pale to a rich emerald or bottle green works for me !
I love the blues. And greens. And purples. It's too hard to choose!
Love rainbow combos and monochromatic combos. My favorite Kona color is Snow but it's technically not a color.
I like the Steel color.
I think tomato is my favorite Kona solid.
Ilove your quilt and my favorite color is Dahlia--the perfect lavender.
Shadow is a great background color and blends with so muchh.
I am like so many others who find it difficult to choose just one. Gray was never a color I turned to for quilts, but then I discovered Silver.
Thank you for the fabulous give away, my favourite Kona colour is Silver, very versatile, but oh there is so many beautiful colours to pick from.
I totally love Kona's #139 Lagoon. And I think your quilt is going to be a big hit.
My favorite color is the lavenders and pinks. BTW this is a beautiful quilt!
Tammy W. @
Must say that I am partial to the blues such as celestial or mediteranean. Also love silver as a neutral in quilts.
I love Kona Snow for backgrounds.
Spectrum is BEAUTIFUL. I like tarragon, not the spice the color 😀
Quilts made in solids are so painterly--maybe that's why we find them particularly striking!
I love Kona Oyster. Not a flashy colour but a total workhorse when it comes to backgrounds, sashings, borders, etc. I use it on everything! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I love Kona black, I use it for the black ground in many of my quilts.
Love, love your quilt. My favourite is heliotrope - always have loved a beautiful purple
Would love to win.
My favorite is Orchid. It is so soft and pretty!
Sandy A
So pretty! I'm digging pink flamingo!
My favorite Kona color is graphite. Actually, I love all kinds of grays. The Rock Solid book looks fantastic. Hope I win!
My favorite color is pistachio! But I love them all, especially the greens.
What beautiful quilts. I love Morning Glory.
Loving all the solid color quilts a Aqua is my favorite color
My favorite Kona solid is #419-Azalea!
As a lover of purple, Mulberry is beautiful. Medium Grey is a favourite as a background.
Poppy Red! Love the rich deep color.
Azalea Pink is gorgeous.
I love the new Pink Flamingo! I love your quilt!!!!
so many great colours my favourite would be BREAKERS
Current fav: morning glory! Love Kona! Love your quilt!
My favorite Kona color is Hibiscus.
Breakers is my fave! Just love all of the blues and teals though. I'm so excited about this book!
I really like the lime greens of Kona Cotton.
I have used peach a few times recently and really like it as my background 'neutral'.
I love ALL these Kona cottons, so beautiful, but the color CYAN goes great with some of the fabrics I've been using lately as a background--it really makes the colors pop. Your Spectrum quilt is just gorgeous! Maybe I'll win some sweet fabrics and make my own, hey?
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