A hashtag is a word or a phrase that begins with the # symbol. They are commonly used throughout Social Media to group & search common items.
For example you can use the hashtag #JaybirdQuilts on Instagram whenever you post a photo of a project you are working on from one of my patterns or rulers.

Each of my patterns will now have its own hashtag printed on the back of the pattern.
For example here is the back of my Seaside pattern. You can see that the hashtag is #SeasideQuilt
Capitalization does not matter with hashtags. #JaybirdQuilts is the same as #jaybirdquilts or #JAYBIRDQUILTS and so on.
Each of my new patterns has a bubble of info containing its hashtag now printed on the back of the pattern. As I go back to print with each of my older patterns I'll add the appropriate hashtag as well. At the bottom of this page you'll find a list of all the hashtags for my patterns.
With Instagram you have to put the hashtag in the caption or a comment on your own photo.
For example: If I write "I love what you did with the #sidekickruler & those fabrics!" on your photo it will not show up in the search of #sidekickruler. The hashtag in my comment will become a link, but it will only show up in the searches if you add it to a comment.
Below you can see the caption I put on this photo. All of the hashtags are blue because they are now links to searches for that hashtag. @annkelle is also blue because it links to her profile.
Here are some screen shots from Instagram on my iPhone of my hashtags. I love seeing what you make & hashtags make it so easy to follow along!
Toes in the Sand has the hashtag #ToesInTheSandQAL because we started the hashtag as a Quilt Along. Feel free to join in at any time or post photos of your finished quilt!
Pattern Name | Hashtag |
Opposites Attract | #OppositesAttractQuilt |
Dance Floor | #DanceFloorQuilt |
Dot Party | #DotPartyQuilt |
Unwind | #UnwindQuilt |
Firecracker | #FirecrackerQuilt |
Hugs & Kisses | #HugsandKissesQuilt |
Fast Forward | #FastForwardQuilt |
Carnival | #CarnivalQuilt |
Plaid Parade | #PlaidParadeQuilt |
Off the Rail | #OffTheRailQuilt |
Chopsticks | #ChopsticksQuilt |
Taffy | #TaffyQuilt |
Jawbreaker Pillow | #JawbreakerPillow |
Biscuit | #BiscuitPincusion |
Come What May | #ComeWhatMayQuilt |
Radio Way | #RadioWayQuilt |
Varsity | #VarsityQuilt |
Yummy | #YummyQuilt |
Ditto | #DittoQuilt |
Ballerina | #BallerinaQuilt |
Three in a Box | #ThreeInABoxQuilt |
Teacups | #TeacupsQuilt |
Northern Lights | #NorthernLightsQuilt |
Wonton | #WontonQuilt |
Candy Dish Pillows | #CandyDishPillow |
Tasty Table Runner | #TastyQuilt |
Traffic | #TrafficQuilt |
Lotus | #LotusQuilt |
Science Fair | #ScienceFairQuilt |
Toes in the Sand | #ToesInTheSandQAL |
Snack Time | #SnackTimeQuilt |
Tiny Dancer | #TinyDancerQuilt |
Giggles Baby Quilt | #GigglesQuilt |
Seaside Table Runner | #SeasideQuilt |
Rock Candy Table Topper | #RockCandyQuilt |
Hex N More | #HexNMore |
Sidekick | #SidekickRuler |
Skip the Borders | #SkipTheBorders |

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
Thank you for taking the time to explain the explosion of hashtags throughout social media! Your explanation is so clear! Nice opportunity to see how others are using your awesome rulers & patterns!
Had no idea hash tags weren't case sensitive! Thanks for the good information Julie.
Thanks for explaining hashtags,so good to see how successful you've become.
Love your patterns and book! Thanks for the explanation but when I went to FB and put #northernlightsquilt in the search bar, all I got was directed to a web search site--evidently some of us are just too dense to learn some of this stuff :).
I am doing my bestest to keep up to all the latest thingamabobs. Thank you for this post. My daughter, who is turning 14 in a week, gets tired of answering questions! Thank you for making your "Skip the Borders" book, too!
Thanks, Julie!
I had no idea what this # stuff was all about. great tutorial for me!
That was great ... thanks for the explanation!
Finally someone has taken the time to explain hashtags to the social media challenged! Thanks Julie!
Thank you for this awesome post. I was rather clue-free regarding hashtags. Now I know - thanks!
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
Thanks so much for the quick lesson on hashtags. They started appearing everywhere and I never knew what they meant!
Old dogs (like me!) CAN learn new tricks!
As soon as I get my new iPhone to replace my dumb phone... I can hashtag my Taffy quilt and check out all the great samples that people have made.
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