Have you ever picked a word of the year?
I know many people that do this pick something like organize, embrace, simplify, peace and so on. There is nothing wrong with those words, {or any word anyone picks} but none of it ever seemed to fit me. I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions because I think you can make a change at any time. That being said I decided when I woke up this morning that I wanted a word for this year. It didn't take me long to realize my word is PLAN.
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Random photo of some of my fabric since this post needed more color. |
Plan my time better. I have some big time management issues. I'm sure some of it comes from the cross country move, but I have never really been good in this area. I'm good at getting things done at the last minute but that doesn't mean my body likes the stress of it.
Plan my projects. Yes sometimes I want to sit & sew just to sew, but I'd be less stressed if I planned out my projects a bit more. I've got so many ideas for Jaybird Quilts that sometimes I end up not sewing for an hour because I can't decide what to work on first.
Plan my blog. I used to be a good blogger. {Good is relative here since none of you are beating me up... I'm just beating myself up.} I want to get back on a regular schedule of posts that are a bit more planned out vs. the "oh man I haven't blogged in a few days what am I going to write??" moments.
Plan to have free time. I can often become a workaholic and spend what should be my free time doing work. Life is short & I need to start spending more of it just living.
Plan by writing things down. I often get random bursts of big ideas & somehow don't write them down, or write them somewhere and forget where that is. I'm in the midst of planning a new system for myself to keep track of my ideas.
So I want to know your thoughts.
Have you ever picked a word of the year?
Did you pick one this year? If so what is it?
Have any planning tips for me?

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
I've never made resolutions or picked a word for the year; although you are the second blog that I have read today that mentions doing so.
A few years ago I decided that I would like my name to be synonomous with Joy. Every once in a while I try to remember to act like it.
I don't necessarily pick a word of the year but as for quilty projects I get a great idea in my head, then I plan, cut, start sewing, abandon...rinse lather repeat. I have SOOOOO many WIPs that I have told my self no new quilts until I make a dent in my WIPs. Except the Dear Jane BOM I just joined...
I've decided to work on one a month until they're at least to a completed top stage. I do my own quilting so I'm hoping to have a decent stack to quilt at the end of this year.
Several of my friends who mostly do scrapbooking/multi media art do chose words yearly. Never worked for me. I have come to realize that I get more done if I plan out the year in January and write it down. And then adjust as life happens...like yesterday my brother dropped off 20 teeshirts for my niece's HS graduation quilt. It isn't in my plan since Rachel told me a few months ago she wasn't ready to give up the shirts...lol. So I will be redoing my list, which already was VERY ambitious. And a new trick, I just started? When I get up from my machine I leave the next thing to do pinned and ready to go,seems to be working well when I am in of piecing a top.
Like you, I'm not a resolution kinda girl, but something about just choosing a word resonated with me. I think I like “simplify”. It gives me some peace just thinking about it!
You know, if I had to put it in one word, I'd have to say my word of the year would be "Conclude". Basically to follow through and complete everything; I've got many WIPs and plans for other things, and I need to follow through this year, if not for anything else,my sanity.
My word for this year is "Working" as I have been unemployed for close to two years. Working on finding work, on finishing WIP's & UFO's, on keeping my blog up to date.
Last years word was "Planning", planning for 'me' time, sewing time, looking for work time, and hubby time.
My word would be "think". Think before I speak, think before I act, think before I spend. Hopefully doing that would keep me out of trouble!
It's Sew Kiki
Julie -- I laughed when I saw your word, because this year I have heard so many people talk about organizing, planning, etc. I am picking several new "goals" each month ... keeping it fresh. So far Jan. is working good: happiness, planning, no stress. Those are my goals for Jan. About the blogging ... you are giving us a gift when we read your blog. You can't do that if you're worn out from everything else and feel like you have to blog! I have a blog and I understand those feelings, but give yourself a break. We want you fresh so we can continue to follow you! You are such a dear ... I met you at quilt market last spring!
What a grear word for the year. a great thing I have found for me is keeping a notepad in mt nightstand drawer. I used to spend hours in bed not being able to sleep because an idea would hit me and I didn't want to forget it so I would think,, and think, and think on it. Before you know it was 2 am and I finally drag myself out of bed and go to the computer to jot the idea down so I can stop thinking and start sleeping. Having the notebook handy means now i can roll over, right it down, and then go back to sleep knowing it will be there in the morning :)
My word would be DO, as in lift your fat bum up from the sofa and get things done instead of procrastinating, like I tend to do.
I suppose you will be writing you plans for the year in the pad in your gorgeous tablet keeper? (heehee)
I do not make New Year's Resolutions and I had never heard of picking a work for the year until I saw it on another blog. My word for 2012 is "DO"
I've got so many ideas [...] that sometimes I end up not sewing for an hour because I can't decide what to work on first.
^^ This, definitely this.
I try to avoid resolutions and things also, and I concur that change can be made at any time.
Using a word isn't something I really encountered before, but I can see the appeal, even if it might be a bit broad.
I'd be a bit hard-pressed to choose just one word, as there are several I could use. Planning is certainly one I could do more of, and following through, and finishing.
As for planning tips, I know a lot of blogging software allows you to schedule posts, and tools such as Hootsuite will let you schedule messages on social network messages like Twitter and FB. For those times when you have a pre-made message you want to have go out on a certain day/time.
Focus is my word this year. And in order to focus, I make lists. Not super long...just a few items each week to accomplish. So far, so good.
Never picked a word but every year I try to get more organised. Never quite happens, but every year I'm hopeful hehe I write everything down and do the best I can, but my time management really stinks because I get distracted by shiny, new things very easily!
Yes...my word this year is JOY! December had been such a crazy and stressful way to end the year... I needed my JOY back!
Good luck with your PLAN!
I think my word for the year should be organize... my quilt room overfloweth. It is a tiny room and fabric goes into bins where I can't see it so when I get more it is because I forgot what I already have. I also need to make more space for my awesome housemate to store things... it is only fare.
Good word! It works well with mine: FOCUS! :)
Blogging is awesome, but it isn't something to get all stressed out about. I am trying to blog too (just getting started) and last summer I posted a bit, then school happened (I teach) and I just wanted to quilt once I had spare time... so that is what I did. Now I'm blogging again when I can, but I want to do what I want to do not because I have to do. Relax, your blog is fun to read but I would hate to have you stressed out over it.
I saw a post on journaling and an online site that lets you write 280 words a day, add a photo, get it printed out as a book, etc. And it is private, you don't share it with anyone, well unless you want to share.
It's kinda cool and I'm thinking of starting one on my birthday and keeping daily thoughts and a pic.
Nope, I've never picked a word for the year, but I kind of did for this year. This year my word is "focus". I need to keep focused on what I am trying to accomplish to stay on track. I seem to get sidetracked pretty easily these days - by other sewing or quilting projects that I want to make, another great blog to check out - you get the picture. I use a day planner and write down a to-do list in two columns each day, work and personal, and keep looking back to stay focused to accomplish my tasks.
Good luck with your PLAN 2012!
Organize. Every year. Is it done? No not really. My worklife is very organized. My personal life not so much. Sad,isn't it?
I keep a list in a small day planner. As I get it completed, it's crossed off. I have short term lists (groceries, etc); long term (clean out the closet). That helps alot.
Don't worry about blogging, we love it when you do, just don't forget about us!
Most excellent word for the year!! I have never picked a word for the year... An idea I just might explore.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
Mine is balance...I don't make resolutions I make commitments ...last year it was to quilt more and I did it...this years is to keep balance in my life in all ways. Work, home, worry, relaxation...
I don't have a word fo a year but I do have a life motto for my free time, "I'm going to do what I want, not what I have to do". I work in an office 9.5 hours a day + a 1 hour commute. Then there's all the things we have to do when we get home from work like cook and clean and do laundry and, and, and... Free time is extraordinarily valuable!
I would choose "relax" - don't get overcommitted! Not every baby needs a quilt? We will see.
I made a resolution last year that 2011 was going to be a great year of change and improvement(I left a very negative relationship in june after months of planning amongst other changes)...it was. This year I have the goal to re-establish my independence (I am living with my girls and mom and dad...yup) and remember to focus some time on myself here and there. so to sum up: becoem independent again, and focus on me.
One hint ... write lists! Lists of things to do, places to go, projects to start or complete ... shopping lists. Crossing things off gives such a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Interesting choice of word for the year. If I had to pick one it would be BALANCE. Balance between the shoulds, the coulds and the woulds. Balance between what I want to do just for fun and the things I should do. Thanks for making me think.
I use my iPod or my blackberry to email myself ideas as they happen. I always seem to have one or the other in reaching distance. That's the best way I've found for keep the "oh man that's brilliant" ideas. I'd be so annoyed with myself when I couldn't remember all the details of a really good one.
I have never picked a word of the year and this year is no exception. Sounds like a great idea except it's too much like a resolution, which I will never keep.
As to planning tips- that's a hard one since I don't excel in that area of my life. I love to make lists, but I also tend to lose them or leave them somewhere other than where I need them. I am good at just planning something in my head and usually remembering what I want to do and how I want to do it.
I think you will just hit upon the right planning method for yourself after you try a number of things.
I've tried a planner, a phone, now an ipad and just paper. Paper is my best friend thus far. But you have to remember not to beat yourself up when things don't go as "planned"- life tends to happen regardless of our best intentions.
Last year my word was "adventure" since we had a lot of big life changes. This year the word is "challenge." I need meet the new challenges that are being set due to last year's adventures!
i love this idea !
i have not heard of anyone here in South Australia that has done this, how awesome. Now i am challenged to do this . Thank you for an awesome blog i have been following for over a year now i love love love it ! I am so glad you are happy in your new home it looks peaceful and homely. xxx Amanda xxx
I didn't pick a word but chose a philosophy....Stop letting work take over my life...enjoy and live a happier life. All in all, better balance and hopefully a little more sewing time!
I didn't start out with a word but I've discovered that my word for this year is participation ! last year I really just sewed by myself and this year I'm joining in swaps and bees and I've also finally got the internet so I'm connecting way more than I have in the past - so yes, my word is participation :) love your random fabrics too !
Hi Julie, just discovered your blog today! I don't have a word of the year, but it sounds like an awesome idea. I usually don't do resolutions. I try for goals and objectives, which takes planning:) Have you ever tried timelines? I did one for January, and have had lots of success. Most of my objectives have already been met. I look forward to following your blog. MaryV
I really like this word idea. It simplifies what I want to work on this year, which is being present in the moment. One of the things I love about sewing is that it keeps me in the moment, which is very calming and rewarding. And I support "plan." If I sit down and consciously plan, then I can spend less time planning in my head or thinking about what I should have done when I'm in the midst of something else. My word: presence. Cheers Julie!
I decided to pick a word of the year this year. This year my word of the year is "Courage & Action". I find myself being afraid of starting something because it might go wrong or something...so I am just going to start and then keep going! It has worked so far this year!
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