These two quilt kits use my block from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 2. My original post about my block can be found here.

Also I picked a winner for the magazine giveaway. Thank you to all who entered!

Both of these quilts are doesn't matter which one I win...I love them both..thanks for a great giveaway..
and.... don't forget!!
I'm going to be on Pat Sloan's Radio Show!
Monday November 15th at 4:30PM EST

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit
What a difference fabric choice and settings makes! It is hard to believe at first glance that those are the same block. Very nice!
Love the colors in the Dr Seuss quilt. Perfect for a boy.
Beautiful quilts. I can't wait for the radio show today. Looking forward to "meeting" you on the radio.
Wow I love the Fresh cottons version! Love your block for the magazine since it's so flexible! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm hoping to catch the interview. Thanks for the chance to win a kit for your cute quilt.
wow those quilts look so different and yet the same!
just goes to show how fabric changes everything!
thanks for the chance to win!
good luck on the radio :)
Thought you might want to know that the finishing directions for the Fresh Cottons option links to the Dr Seuss version instead...
I would love either one! They are great!
Such a great and versatile block! I'd love to win either of the kits!!! Thanks for a super giveaway!
Such great projects! I cannot wait to start my own!
Love your Boxed In! When my magazine arrives, I will be looking for your block :-) Enjoy your visit with Pat.
Wow! These are both beautiful! Would love to win either of them!!
I would love to win the Dr. Seuss kit! I am planning on making a charity project out of Dr. Seuss fabrics. I was just planning on begging/ asking people for the Dr. Seuss scraps, but this would be PERFECT! Thanks for the opportunity.
Love the quilts - thanks for the chance!!
I really love the Dr. Suess kit! So fun!
Have a great time on the radio. :) Thanks for keeping up such a great blog.
Have fun with the radio program....and I would love to win a kit...your blocks are very it in the pink....
I'd love to win one of your kits! Thanks!
So beautiful! I HAVE to go get that magazine!
Both quilts are cute but I'd really love to have the Dr. Seuss kit. I could split it in half to make TWO quilts for our twin grandbabies that are coming soon.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the different way the same pattern looks with different fabrics and different settings! What fun it would be to win!
Thanks, I will be listening today.
Will be listening to you and Pat this afternoon. Love the Dr. Suess kit.
That navy background really makes these boxes pop out. Cute pattern and so versatile! Great job on the samples.
No little folks here but I would love to win Dr Seuss!
A person is a person no matter how small!
Horton Hears a Who!
Yes please! Count me in.
such a perfect quilt for my son! would love a chance at the kit! thanks.
I love the Dr Seuss version - a very conventional person am I.
you are simply a marvelous designer !
I'd love to win one of your kits!
The Fresh Cottons version is just that ... FRESH! It is just beautiful! Will be listening to you on Pat's radio show!!
Love that Boxed In with the Fig Tree fabrics. Sooo sweet.
Wow, such different looks from the same block! Love it! Would love to win it!
Your quilt kits are beautiful and I love the block!!
This is a great block - obviously very versatile! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love these! the block is a delight and I am looking forward to Pat's show....she is always at mach speed! LOL, I get dizzy trying to keep up with her- thanks for this chance, Sandy
super cute quilt, would love to win a kit. have a great day julie
As usual your design and fabric choices are spectacular! Good luck on the radio program!
This block is so versatile, I see so many possibilities here. Thank you, thank you! I really like the Fresh Cottons version, just the right size! ~~Lisa
I love this pattern, would love to win the kit.
Dear Thing 1,
Are you joking?! I'd love to get my mitts on a Seuss kit!
Thing 2
love the colors in both kits. The Suess quilt is cute
Thank you for the patterns! Both are awesome and I'm going to have a hard time choosing between the two when I want and am ready to make one.
I adore your block...I can imagine all kinds of great fabric choices and settings for it. BUT...that Fresh Cottons fabric and setting is about as perfect as it gets. Just beautiful. I love the Dr. Seuss too but I don't have any little ones to sew for. All the same, thanks for a chance to win a kit and I am totally looking forward to listening in with Pat. Thanks so much and good luck to everyone. Congrats again on making the magazine with your wonderful design!
I love the Fresh Cottons quilt; the Fig Tree lines are always to so soft and pretty.
So fun! o win!tks for the chance
Both quilts look so great! I am always amazed how the fabric choice and a change in the pattern make just so different quilts! Great!
Great fabric choices.
I love Dr. Seuss!
Both very pretty quilts :-)
I still really like that quilt block. Thanks for the giveaway.
Wow- Projects like these just reinforce my opinion that quilting is magic! The same block, TOTALLY different results. Has to be magic.
Hi - I am tuning in to Pat Sloan's today! Thanks for the Wonderful giveaway. I love your block design
These are wonderful patterns. I would love to win one of these kits. I would use the kit to make a quilt or 2 for my church's Hugs Ministry. We make quilts, pair them with stuffies and give them to the local fire department for kids in crisis situations. Thank you for the opportunity and for sharing what you do with all of us. Take care and God bless, Cory
oooo, I'd love to win one of those kits. My favorite is the Fig Tree fabric! Love, love, love your work. Thanks for the chance. 8-]
Love the blocks! I'd really like a chance to win. Thanks so much!
Thanks for a chance to win!
I just love to see how different fabrics make a quilt like an entirely different design. Love the soft colors of the second version. What a lovely gift you are offering! I'll be listening this afternoon. :-)
Love both quilts !!! Would love a chance at winning one of your kits !!!!
Love the pattern, and Really love the Dr Seuss kit! Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway, I would like to receive either kit, how fun!
It's amazing how different the 2 quilts look. I just love the Fresh Cottons "on point" layout. Congrats on your block publish and thanks for the giveaway!
Your block makes great use of the Dr Seuss fabric, which is a winner. Looking forward to your interview this afternoon. Kathie L in Allentown
Love this block Julie and I am always willing to add to my stash!
The Dr. Seuss quilt is great! I would love a kit, thanks for the chance to win!
Hey Julie :) Here is my comment from Pat's radio show clickoff....I have been a loyal blog follower of yours for awhile now, so I needn't sign-up again. Congrats on all the blessings going you way, very well deserved!And, double-golly-gosh, please enter me into this wonderful giveaway :)
Aren't you sweet to have a giveaway...and big congrats on the show....I sure wish I had faster internet cause I miss out on a lot. But then again I shudder to think how much I would be on the internet if we had it!;)
Beautiful quilts. I love them both. Thank you for the finishing instructions, and thank you for the giveaway.
I love both quilts and would love to win one of the kits! Thank you for the chance to win.
Great quilts! I'd love a chance to win a kit. Thank you!
Fabulous quilts. The variation is lovely.
Thanks for the instructions and for the giveaway
That is a great block. Very versatile. Could the Dr. Seuss be any cuter?
I just picked up my copy of 100 blocks and I love it! Your block is simple and elegant!! I love the Dr. Seuss Quilt; it's perfect!! Congrats!
Beautiful, beautiful quilts! I love the fabrics.
I love both of those quilts. I love how you can keep the same block but make the quilts look so different by the layout and fabric choices.
I will be listening in to your interview!
Love seeing the two quilts in the different fabrics.
I'm looking forward to hearing you on Pat's show!
Great block Julie! i love seeing all the different colorways and layouts.
Hi. Just wanted to say that I love your style both in quilting and blogging. Love the new quilts and would love to win a kit. Thank you. C
Every version looks completely different. They are very nice! Have fun on Pat's show :)
love the quilts!
I need to learn better time management so I can create as many beautiful things!
Those two quilts are great!! I also can't wait to hear you on Pat Sloan's show. I listen later on my iPod - something to look forward to!!
I love the second pattern, I thought it was the most 'me' pattern out of those that you could do with your block. I'm sure my kids would prefer Dr Seuss though - we have an original Dr Seuss from my childhood, all sticky taped together that the girls love :-)
This could just be the fire under my butt that I need!
LOLLLL at Heathers post! I really do enjoy giveaways and this one is no exception! Both quilts are wonderful and they look so different!
I like the quilt with the blocks set on point.
Awesome, I love this pattern! Great giveaway, Julie :)
Versatile block. It looks so different depending on the fabrics used. Thanks for hosting a giveaway.
Count me in!
I would love to win one of the kits!
Wow! Doesn't your design simply look stunning in the Dr Suess fabrics .... although I am probs a bit biased as i looove Suess:) Ciao
Wow, both versions look so different - I don't know which one I like better!
Would like to win and thank you for being so generous and sharing.
I am definitely going to listen to you on the radio today! Exciting :) Thanks for the giveaway!
I think I would love version #2 in the seuss fabrics!
Beautiful quilts! Please count me in, thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Oooohhhh, yes, please! What a great give away! Hope it went/goes well on the radio for you today.
Love the Fig Tree version. Absolutely beautiful. And yet the Dr. Suess version is so fun and playful and can't decided which one I would want to get.
Listening to you right now on Pat's program - Great job!!!!!
Neat! Winning a quilt kit just might jump start my long stagnant quilting...
How interesting that they look so different. Thanks for a chance to win.
You did a great job on Pat's sjpw today. I hope it brings you some new readers. I agree with Pat that your photography of quilts is excellent. kathie L in Allentown
Cute quilt patterns.
I would love either. How fun, Julie!
I love the Dr. Seuss, especially since my sister is having a baby this spring. But the pattern on point is so lovely too. Thank you for the great giveaway. kcarlson1152[at]
Oh love both the kits but I think my one of my little boys would absolutely love to snuggle up with Dr Seuss.
Okay I love your blog and your interview with Pat was great today Please let me win!
UGH! I missed your interview!!!I am waiting for it to be available on her i-tunes page....anxious here. And I really want the seuse one! I want it so badly that I might just have to go on mac and cheese for a week to justify it!
Thanks for the generous giveaway. I love the Fresh Cottons version!
The Dr Seuss is adorable!! I really enjoyed hearing you on Pat's show today!!
Congratulations on being chosen to be on Pat's show!=)
Wow, can't believe those are the same block! Thanks for the chance to win.
wow I love that Dr Seuss quilt. THank you for the opportunity to win
This is such a great example of how colour and setting can make a huge difference to the appearance of a quilt! Love the Dr Seuss colours!
Wonderful quilts and kits!! I read your blog too late to listen to the broadcast :( Thank you for having such a great giveaway.
What a versatile block! I love the Dr Seuss quilt.
Love the Fresh Cotton version!! The quilt looks so soft and cozy.
Love the Boxed In pattern on point using Fresh Cottons. I love Pat Sloan's radio program. Looking forward to listening to your interview in the next day or so. Thanks so much for sharing your creative life with us!
Your entry in 100 Blocks is great. I saw one of the Seuss quilts in a magazine and it looked good. I like your quilt in Fresh Cotton. Thanks for this giveaway. Hope win your quilt kit as enjoy your blog immensely, and congratulate you on well-earned success in the publication of your quilt designs!
Either one of those quilts would be fun to make!
I love both of those kits. I am thinking my grandson would love the Dr. Seuss one, especially!
That Dr. Seuss quilt is awesome! I really like the possibilities of your block...thanks for sharing it!
Oh Wow! I would love to win one of the quilt kits!
The quilts are wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win one of the kits!
Sandy A
I would love and be grateful for one of your beautiful quilt kit. Thank you for a chance to win.
Fantastic Giveaway--i love quilts--i have one that my grandma made back in the 30's--i think they are sooooo beautiful :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
I LOVE the Dr. Seuss fabric kit. ;) hint hint. Thanks for hosting ANOTHER great giveaway.
Hmmmm, do I want to win a Dr. Suess Quilt Kit? YES....I do....I love Dr. Suess and I love it even more when my boys read those books to me now....instead of me reading to them :)
Congrats on the radio show as well as your top 100 block.
LOVE Dr Seuss!
I love the way changing palette's changes the feel of a pattern! I really like the look of the block on point. Does anyone ever outgrow Dr. Suess?
I would love to win a kit - wonderful fabrics.
I still love the look of the square on point. But looking at the Dr Seuss fabric makes it look great too! Fantastic job-as always :) Thank you for the chance~Amy
I'd love this prize!
The Dr. Seuss quilt would make an awsome Christmas present for my son! Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the chance to win a kit. I adore Dr.S!
It would be fun to win the Dr. Seuss kit. Thanks for the chance!
I'd love to win a kit! I really like the one point version of your block.
Both of your quilts are Amazing!! thank you for a chance to win one of these amazing quilt kits!
I just ordered the fig tree version, my personal favorite but would love to win either. Thanks for the chance to win.
My grandson would love Dr. Seuss - how great these 2 quilts look. Thank you for the chance to win one of these amazing kits.
Heard you yesterday on Pat's show - it was great fun listening! I have been enjoying your facebook posts for some time now! Love your tutorials, especially the hexagons!
I am going to try to remember to listen to the radio show today...if I can make it home by that time...yikes!
I especially love the way the Dr. Seuss fabric looks in your pattern.
Love both kits - I'm most definitely going to *have* to make my baby a Dr. Seuss quilt just as soon as I finish my holiday sewing!!!
I love the Suess fabric and your pattern is such a great way to feature it!
I really like the way you do your quilts, so fresh, so modern, so cool.
I just listen to you in the Pat sloan show, it was very nice,
kisses from Spain!
Nice quilts ; I mean they are lovely ! and I am not a dr. suess fan , but now I am of the quilt !!! thanks for letting me have a chance to WIN ! I missed you on Pat Sloan ; will listen to it later !
I love your blog! Thanks for the give away. I love those too.
Great block! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the generous giveaway! I love how the quilt changes so drastically with fabric selection ...
Wow! Both quilts are fantastic! I'd love to win one and then I could purchase the other! Thanks for the chance!
Two great kits! It would be hard to choose which one. :)
I love this boxed in pattern. I hope I win a kit, the colorway is so cute.
Love the fresh cotton on point. Really enjoy radio show. Oh it would be so fantastic to win a kit, thanks for ten giveaway .
Enjoyed meeting you on the radio with Pat Sloan. Like the diagonal set of your block. Thank you for the giveaways - - here & on Pat's blog.
These are great kits! Thanks for the giveaway.
this is a great giveaway!!! I loved the ideas you made!!
I want to make your Boxed In it! And I think it would be really fun to sew!
It was great to "meet" you on Pat's radio show today...I listen on podcast. Now I feel very excited to get those leaf rulers!
It really is amazing to see what a change in fabrics does to the look of a quilt. I just LOVE the Dr Seuss fabrics. They are just so cute.
I tried to download the finishing directions but there's no way to download it on the google docs that I can find.
I would love to win one of those kits, Julie!!
The Fresh Cottons is so gorgeous, but of course everybody loves Dr. Seuss! I'd love to own either one.
very cute, i have a partiallity towards fig tree so anything fig tree ....I'm in love! thank you for a chance to win!
I love your Dr. Seuss quilt! My son has an imaginary friend named Dr. Seuss and would love for me to make him one just like it.
Love the Dr. Seuss quilt!
I love the one on point with the Fig Tree fabrics. Thank you for being so generous and offering them as prizes!
I love the Dr. Seuss fabric - I just looked the fabric about a week ago in the fabric store! Your quilts are beautiful!!!
Love the quilt, of course I'd loooove to win it!! Seuss is alright with me. Your activity has really amped (sp?) up in the last 6 months or so. You must be doing well organizing yourself. Congrats on all the patterns, and publications your into.
wow those quilts are amazing. i love the cat in the hat one, its just so whimsical
Beautiful quilts Julie. Fun design and beautiful fabrics/colors. Love it! Looks like a fun quilt to make.
Your quilts are great! It was good to hear about your new modern quilt guild. I would love to have one of those in my area. I will have to check it out. It is such fun to hear about new up and coming artists on Pat's podcast.
I absolutely love the fresh cottons version of this!! I would like a chance to win a kit!!
Thanks for the chance to win a kit. And of course I caught the interview!!
I just love, love, love that Dr. Suess quilt
I follow your blog and always enjoy reading your posts. I was so focused on the Dr. Seuss quilt which I want to make, that I didn't realize right away that the second quilt is the same pattern. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love the quilts! Beautiful!!
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Love your blog.... made the hex quilt along even! I'd love to win the kit.
Love the fig tree quilt! It looks awesome! Can't wait to make it :) You have to stop designing awesome stuff or at least slow down enough to let me catch up with everything I want to make!!
Oh I just love the Dr. Seuss quilt! So adorable! Thanks for a chance at the giveaway and good luck on the show today!
Love both of those quilts! Your block is so versitale!
I really enjoyed your interview with Pat. Very generous of you to have this giveaway.
Yes I love to win one of these kits Julie!
These are both great. I love that the fabric choices are so different in style. I think that really helps newer quilters to see the range of possibilities.
I would LOVE to win a quilt kit :) Especially this time of year! Thanks Julie!
I don't think I entered... and I am now! :)
love the block.
I'd love to win a quilt kit!
thanks for the chance!
Pick me, please! I'd LOVED to win one of the quilt kits!
I really love the on point design... thanks for the chance!
I HEART the Dr.Suess one!! And the block is amazing!! I actually think I could attempt to make it!! LOL
My favorite is the "Boxed In" with Fresh Cotton but I think they are both great quilts. Good work, Julie.
Both of these quilts are doesn't matter which one I win...I love them both..thanks for a great giveaway..
Am I too old for Dr. Seuss? I think not! Love it--and I love this design. It is so perfect for showing off all the great new prints out there and has a new look with a switch of fabrics--two of the best things a pattern can have!
I would love to have one of your kits. Thanks for the chance. nanasew at gmail dot com
Quilt kit?!! ooh! This will certainly make someone smile!! Hope it's me...but I'll smile anyway! Your bee blocks are really fun, Julie! I want to get into one of those groups sometime...
LOVE the fig tree quilt...pick memememe!!!:)) Thanks a bunch
Lovely stuff! Thanks for the giveaway!
love the fresh blossoms!
I love the Fresh Cottons quilt!
Your block is great, and I would LOVE to win a quilt kit. There are so many design possibilities with your block.
It really is hard to believe that both quilts are made of the same block! The Fresh Cottons quilt is beautiful. Love your block too.
Fantastic giveaway! I just love that Dr. Seuss fabric.
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