the boy has made his choices.... in a very scientific matter that involved me making a spreadsheet of all comments and points earned.. and him picking some numbers...
#7 amylouwho!! who won with her comment "Hushabye, please?"
#168 vicky aka laquilter!! who commented "I love pincushions, and would give one of yours a wonderful home! :) Have fun at Long Beach."
so congrats!! amy you'll get hushabye and vicky will be getting simple abundance... the crazy thing is... vicky said to have fun at long beach... and i did.. and i got to meet her! and my nephew really did pick her... which is so weird... vicky's blog is one of the first i began reading.. it was well over a year ago and she is a hoot!!
a tidbit of info on the bags from this year's festival... the quilt featured on the side of them.. yeah i know its amazing right...
well it is the work of the very talented Gretchen who i have the pleasure of working with and learning from! how cool is that???
so more about festival...
on thursday i took Charlotte Angotti's class "Let me Surprise You" -- her website says "Known for her humor, her way with fabric/color and her pre-cut kits Charlotte believes her hobby is quilt making and her job is teaching others to enjoy it as much as she does." and it is so true! her class was a riot and i loved every minute of it!
i was the "queen" and the first to finish a block... this of course happened because i abandoned sewing my pink and white triangles onto my middle units and rushed to make my corner pieces.. it was then a race to get it all together... after that i think i spent more time talking then sewing and i still have lots to do!
luckily i found this fat quarter bundle on the show floor and now i have lots of border and backing options!
i have to admit... i have a problem...

and it always seems to start with this ribbon.. you know... the moda kind that says "hey i'm a pre-cut... come look at me"
some honeybuns... patisserie & summer fun
some charms... strawberry lemonade & sunshine wovens

more honeybuns... arcadia.. neptune... & wonderland..
nest layer cake & jelly roll...

here is the wonderland honeybun with some yummy yardage...
and a ton of american jane.. what isn't in the picture is the 3 kits i bought from her and a few patterns... i already had them carefully packed in my suitcase before i realized there were no pictures... so it'll have to wait till i get home...
but the mother of all finds... was a full moon forest jelly roll... yes kids.. i found one... i hugged the woman who's booth it was... i think i may have scared her..

and then when i thought it couldn't get better... yardage of the owl print... i know... it was like finding gold.. i snatched it all up... it was in one yard cuts but i wasn't leaving any behind... there was a girl named michelle who spotted me and knew what i had... and when i found one more cut i caved and was nice enough to let her buy it... karma better love me one day!
so yes... i have a problem... but i don't want anyone to fix it!
i bought more than pre-cuts... i got this yummy bundle to go with my fabric from oh fransson's giveaway...
and these kits and rulers to go with the giveaway from lani @ thequiltshoppe
Jere'e is the designer behind Quilted Quickies and is a sweetheart!
and lots that isn't photographed yet.. but shoved in my suitcase... i promise to share more info once i'm home!
and then there was the ladies of beyond the reef... natalie runs the show...she blogs... she quilts... and is all in all one of the most intriguing people i've ever met... she invited me over to her house... to eat... to learn... and to play with her dog hula... before i went back to my brother's house she even made me walk the very few steps to the water and sand and made me stick my toes in... she has amazing friends... like crazy suzanne... who come in from near and far to support her and help her run the booth... i'll never forget this amazing group of people...
and last but not least... i met modalissa... yes the one and only...
Your post is full of wonderful fabric, fun, and inspiration. I wish I could've been there. I love to buy fabric. Thanks for all of the wonderful pictures. I almost felt like I was there and I didn't even have to spend anything. lol!
I can't believe you found the Owls! Now you ar going to be hounded by people from my blog. I get emails about that piece every single day.
THANK YOU!!! I'm so glad we've found each other's blogs recently! And I'm excited for the new pincushion out of that awesome Tula Pink fabric. I was so happy when I saw her sneak peak of the hushabye line on her blog and now I get to own something made from it!!
This totally made my day!!
Looks like you had a GREAT time in LA! And I'm coveting every piece of fabric you bought!
Not Fair I say!! That is just too much fabric goodness for one person - thank you for sharing these pics and your trip with us to the Quilt Show - I am insanely jealous - can't wait to see what you create !!!!
oh yes, I also meant to apologize for leaving such a lame comment - if I'd known I was going to win and have my comment up there for everyone, well I would have been a little more creative!
thanks again!
OMG, thank you!!!! I'm so excited! Wow! I really do love pincushions! I even have a handmade cabinet on the wall just for them! Thank you, sweetie! I will treasure it forever, because it's from you!
You bought the joint out! Some wonderful goodies! You'll be sewing up a storm and making some beautiful things from them! Can't wait to see what all you make!
It was the highlight of the weekend meeting you! You're a remarkable young lady!
Congrats to the winners...and thank you for hosting this giveaway!!! I like all those fabrics too!!!
Wow! You simply had the best time ever. Your little nephew is just adorable and did a great job picking the winners. Congrats!! So glad that you shared all your quilty goodness. But boy your luggage must have been over the weight limit????
Girl--that was some budget! You bought stuff I've never heard of. Love Sandy Klop designs; can't wait to see what you make. Cute kiddo, too.
like i hate you.
but i also ♥ you.
here's just a few reasons why:
~you're jules. enough said.
~you called me a million and a half times about all that fabric you bought. {and fabric i made you walk away from.}
~that arcadia honey bun is mine!!!
~even though you had 3 hours to spend with lissa, yall talked about me. tehehehe.
~and dude...we are SO gonna be in houston together in 2 months!!! do you think the world is ready for that?!?! hahaha.
Julie is was a total delight to meet you!
When I grow up, I want to be just like you... inspiration and talent oozes from the very core of your being...
I'm now standing on my tippy toes, reaching out to grasp those twinkling stars I didn't see before.
Kiddo, you Rock! Thank you for stepping into my booth at Long Beach Festival.
I love the Long Beach Quilt Show! I went last year wel I lived in So Cal and it was awesome.
I am sooooo jealous of all of your purchases! You really scored BIGTIME with many of the things that you got.
Can't wait to see more!
Now I have to wipe the drool off of my keyboard!
Looks like you had a lot of fun! I really wish I could have been there!!! I have been a customer of Beyond the Reef several times at shows; they are really fun and original:) ... and a girl just can't have enough jelly rolls...
WOW! The goodies! I'm swooning over here. Lucky girl! Sounds like you had a great time!
I was drooling by the end of your post. You have so many great fabrics. I just recently learned about the full moon owls. It will be wonderful to see everything you create with your new fabrics.
So glad you bonded with the Beyond the Reef gals. They are a great group. I'm usually there and wasn't working this year. What fun! Your blog is amazing.
...ooh, that Natalie at beyond the time, she's gonna make you actually SWIM in the out, you never know what's gonna happen next!!!
Can't wait to see more finished blocks, projects, and, oh, let's see, more precut projects. I know they're coming, because I KNOW you were inspired - -
As for the answer to the question, "Why are you up every morning at 5am?" The answer surely is, "To keep up with YOU!!"
Have fun.
oh gosh...i am soooooo jealous at this moment. like seething jealous. that is lovely, lovely fabric you scooped on julie! i wish they had these kinds of shows where i live!
i have been trying to get my hands on the arcadia line from moda for weeks and can't seem to get it in yardage and there you are with at least a giant bundle of it!
i wanna come with you and rachel to that sounds like a good time!
JEALOUS!!! What a load of goodies!!! way better then xmas for sure~! I'm planning on hitting Houston this year, my hubby is VERY afraid of what will come home with me... well, actually, I am very afraid too! looks like you had FUN!
mmmmm...excellent report jaybird!!
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