I've often said that a new box of crayons beats flowers any day of the week. It isn't that I don't like flowers... they are pretty... but as I've mentioned before I'm allergic to most flowers. My Valentine's Day present was a new box of crayons... and I'm pretty excited to play.
or anything my heart desires :-)
Crayons aren't just for kids!
Anyone else get a great present?? ...I'm nosy like that!

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
A fresh box of crayons is the best - Did you know that at crayola.com you can custom order your box of colors!?
120? Wow. The biggest box I've seen up here is 96... I'm a little jealous, to be honest.
Romance is when your partner recognizes what is important to you rather than important to the masses (or greeting card companies.) What a wonderful valentine!
Every year's first summer visit to the cottage would start with a brand new box of crayons and a coloring book--so nice to see how much fun you have with them now :-)
That box of 120 is the best, isn't it? My daughter has it and doesn't really like to share with me. I think it is time to buy my own too!
That is the best gift ever. I used to collect Crayolas. Each year they came out with a commemorative box/container and I bought it. They now belong to the grandkids except for one that was in a little wooden crate...I kept that one. I love the smell of them too. BTW...got a little post it note with a cute homemade drawing...it is still on my fridge.
Who doesn't love a new box of crayons, or colored pencils, or markers! I got a Scissor Spot/Pin Place for my longarm! o:)
Honey Man and I have agreed to move our celebration of Valentines Day to the weekend... Hope still looms for a present :o)
Have a great day!
Always, Queenie
What a great gift! I got my ironing board recovered. It desperately needed it, and it was wonderful to get for Valentine's Day!
Your Valentine knows you well! I got lucky with sushi and fabric.
Flowers delivered to work so everyone can be jealous and a lovely dinner at our favorite place. Oh and the dog sent me a card too, I am well taken care of...and it looks like you are too!
I got champagne and a lovely dinner of salmon (my absolute favourie!!) cooked on the BBQ :)
Isn't it a wonderful thing when your man knows you so well!
I got a card....and I get to take my sewing machine in to get serviced...so I'm pretty stoked about that!!
i got roses and the most beautiful card but no chocolate because we had blood work yesterday
When I was in grade school they always gave us a a fresh box of crayons at the beginning of the year - the best thing about September! Do they still do that in the US? In Canada they don't and I always felt sorry for my daughter!
Awesome gift! When I got my first job, one of the first things I bought was a big box of crayons - I always had all the leftovers from older siblings. I so love a new box!!
Crayons are wonderful! I got a card, some candy and a rose. The rose he came home from work especially to give me because I sounded lonely on the phone. My husband is so sweet!
Crayola is the best!!! And the smell of a new box. Did you get the built in sharpener? Enjoy!
Best gift ever! But I still have to take a deep breath before I actually use one :) you?
I got the best present ever. I went with my daughter for her ultrasound and we found out she is having a girl. They have a boy and they really wanted a girl. So we celebrated by buying some pink clothes! And we had a wonderful lunch.
I will be the poopoo today! My Honeyman was at the station for a 24 hour shift (fireman) and then got 12 hour OT!! so 36 hours without my love! To top it off my Iron died on valentines day! poof dead!! LOL
There is nothing better than a new box of Crayola crayons. Best smell in the world, and a world of possibilities in such a small package. He's a keeper :) New spring scarf (I have a thing for scarves) and chocolates. It's not about the presents or that day, knowing you are loved all 365/6 days is what matters!
I have two boxes in my drawer at work. I prefer colored pencils when I am designing quilts, but in two weeks I'll be 45 years old, and I still enjoy coloring.
Valentine's day falls right in the middle of my wife's birthday and my birthday, and with Christmas only 32 days before her birthday, we wind up with 4 gift giving occasions in a 64 day period.
This year we decided to go big at Christmas (I got a new sewing machine and she got a HDTV and a Blue Ray player) and not do birthdays or Valentine's day...
I'll never make that deal again. I HATED not getting her something for Valentine's day, but I know her well enough to know that she would have been very mad at me had I violated our agreement. So this was the first and last Valentine's Day with no gifts for me...
Love reading your blog.
I'm a retired teacher and like every year I taught, I still buy myself a new box of Crayola Crayons! The Box of 64 was the biggest one when I was little so I still get that one for sentimental reasons. Crayola is my brand of choice too. Nothing smells as good as a new box of Crayola crayons. I did not know they will customize a box for you...Hmmm? Great gift idea!
I got yellow roses from my husband of 39 yrs. He always gets our 2 daughters and 1 DIL a rose too. When the girls were little he would get them a small heart box of chocolate and it was the one Valentine they looked forward to each year.
Gmama Jane
Crayons are great presents - as are colored pencils. Me? I got a new quilt book!
I got a box of candy but would have preferred the crayons!!! I have always hoarded my own fresh, untouched box of crayons from my kids and then my grandkids! Love the smell! "I love the smell of crayons in the morning!" LOL!
No gifts here, just some thoughtfulness, which really is the best gift.
When my daughter was about 9, I bought us both a box of crayons and coloring books, it was a great way to sit and talk, slow down just a little and reconnect.
Crayolas are the perfect way to describe colors, say "it's periwinkle" and you know just what color it is.
that is the best v day present!, there is nothing i love more than a box of crayolas!!. well i guess i exaggerate a little. i mean i adore my family! and fabric! too. but i am completely into getting those over flowers any day.
My gift this year---I got my car fixed! So excited! Sure, its a 1992 Olds, but I love it. It sat for a year waiting on us to get enough money to fix it. The 1st guy said 1,000 bucks!! The guy this year?? found a broken wire in a module, replaced it for $450.00. Best present ever.
oh julie! you are so fun!
My love affair with color began with crayons! Like someone mentioned earlier, the scent of crayons is wonderful. Geez, now I need to go buy myself a bunch! At least we'll keep the economy humming in our own little creative world, right?
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