today is my actual birthday.
{compared to my new birthday}
one more year till 30.
where the heck has the time gone?
it seems like just yesterday i was 5...

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit
oh happy birthday julie! i hope it is a great day!
Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day. :)
Happy Birthday to the best daughter a mom could ask for..kind,compassionate,& loving! (and quite talented too!)
Enjoy your special day!
Happy, happy birthday!Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Julie - I hope this is a GOOD day for you!
Have a great Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Julie! I hope you have a blessed day. :-)
Happy UN-Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Julie. My DD2 will be 29 the 15th. Time goes by so quickly. Enjoy your day!!
Happy Birthday!!!
They, (whoever the mysterious they may be), say bad things come in threes so this birthday is going to be a wonderful day for you. Happy Birthday and may you and those all around you have a healthy, and laughter filled year.
Happy Real Birthday!
I wish for you a beautiful day full of fun and celebration for your gifted life!
Happy Real Birthday! Have a Super Day!
Happy Birthday, Julie....hope it is a great day!
Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! Hope your special day is great!
Always, Queenie
I hope you have a nice, normal, happy day!
I'm a December 1 baby too - so happy "old" birthday - may it be filled with joy and stitches :)
Hi Julie, I hope you have the "Best Birthday Ever"! ;->
I hope that in 2011 you had BOTH a Happy Old Birthday and a Happy New Birthday! Try to enjoy today!
(It was great meeting you at Quilt Market, BTW!)
Happy Birthday. Take it from me, they just get better after 30. Hope you have had a great day. Many, many, more.
gefeliciteerd as we say in the Netherlands!
Hope you have a sparkling birthday!
Happy Birthday Julie! Enjoy every moment of your day and have an excellent year ahead!
Julie -- here's to todays'"happenings" being boring and not at all sad. Seems you're a very strong person - one that loss will not take under.... Have a special day of reflection - knowing that those you've lost from this world... and for other reasons, have made you a stronger soul. Take care... and Thanks for all you do and share on your blog...
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!
Happy, Happy Birthday. Best wishes to you!
Happy birthday. I hope it is filled with the things you love.
I bought Cancer Zapper today in honor of your 'not' birthday :)
Happy Birthday, have a great day.
Happy Birthday! Not to freak you out, but I was 30 like yesterday and next month I am going to be 3-6...shhh, can't even say the numbers together. lol Hope you have a wonderful year!
HaPPy DaY to you! Hope you found a special way to celebrate the wonderful person you are! Smiles~Beth
Happy Birrhday Julie!!! Hope you gave an awesome day!!
Happy Birthday Julie. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday!
My sister moved her birthday also, so you aren't alone in doing that. Her actual birthday is Sept. 11th so you can see why she felt the desire to change it. I think it's a great idea. Heck, you might even get some people who will help celebrate on both days. Those are your true friends!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a banner year!
My entire family (with the exception of myself and my brother-in-law) are within 35 days surrounding Christmas. My sister is the first, on Tuesday....
Happy Birthday! CELEBRATE!!
Happy Birthday! You are still so sweet!
Happy (un)Birthday!!! I totally understand wanting to change the date: mine is on the 13th and I always feel guilty taking time for myself durring the busy Christmas season, so a few years ago I decided that it would be on Jan or Feb. 13th (whichever worked into the family schedule better!) Hope you had a great day!!
Happy birthday. Hope it is a great day. You DESERVE one!
Sandy A
Happy Birthday!! 29 - the first of many 29th birthdays! LOL!
As it's near the end of the day here, I hope you had a Happy Birthday today !! I'll be 24yrs on the 8th. Yea December babies!! Happy Birthday again !!
Happy old-Birthday :)
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day :)
Happy Birthday Julie!
Happy Birthday and enjoy many more!
Happy birthday, you young thing. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing, fun filled day!
So at 30 what age are you going to settle on?? for instance I am 26 3/4!! All of my friends know this and there is never really any mor birthdays!! My birthday is always three months away!! LOL And those of my friends who really really know the real one...they are sworn to secrecy by threat of a wet noodle!! LOL Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday, J!!! And for the record, you're as adorable today as you were at five! xo
Happy 'real' birthday - I hope only good things happen!
I hope you don't mind if some of us celebrate your actual birthday because the day you came to the world was a real gift. You have added to my life through this blog, and getting to know you just a bit through it, I can tell how richly you've added to so many others. I hope you have a very nice birthday this year, one to help dispel the clouds of other years gone by.
Happy Birthday Julie. You should be so proud of all you've accomplished before the age of 30!
Oh shoot. I missed the actual day. :( I hope you had an amazing birthday Julie.
Tomorrow is my husband's birthday but, yea, he's a bit older than you are you young chick you. LOL
Happy belated Birthday!
Happy Birthday!! That picture is so adorable!
Wishing you a very Happy Real Birthday!
Happy belated birthday, Julie! You snapshot of you at 5 years of age is darling! You haven't changed a bit! :)
Hope your day was GRAND!
Happy Belated Real Birthday Julie! I hope it was a great day!
Congratulations! I hope it's way better than the last few years.
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a swell day.
Happy Birthday Julie! I hope it's the complete opposite of your last few birthdays! Have a wonderful day!=)
Happy Birthday! Best wishes for a happy & healthy year.
Happy birthday.......
You look the same to me as you did at 5! Sweet picture!
I hope you have a special day.
Happy Sewing and Merry Christmas too.
happy happy birthday. i read your "new birthday" post and i say- good for you for moving it! :)
happy (belated) birthday, julie!! and happy hanukkah, and heck while we're at it...happy new year! hope all is well and that you're enjoying your new home. your sewing space looks great and i'm eager to see the koala tables! looks like you've been having a blast with Elijah and your whole family - must be so wonderful to be closer to each other now. hope the new year is filled with lots of goodness for you, julie xo
ps: hope you got my little gift...which should have been a hanukkah present, not christmas! i apologize for that.
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