it's bad.
really bad.
i'm just gonna say
"it's all tula pink's fault"
{well mostly}
remember this photo from last week?
well it arrived...
3 yards of orange from american jane's recess line.
because i love her orange & it isn't in all her lines...

14.87 yards of neptune
11.75 of linen, solids, & kona crush
this is going to be my fabric for bee beautiful.
no idea what blocks yet... so i bought lots!

17.25 yards of hushabye
because one day i might actually have a kid.
and if i do this fabric will be gone.
so i bought it now... & it's going into long term storage. {aka the closet}

7 yards of amy butler's LOVE flannel.
no idea why.
i just couldn't put the bolts down.

and then plume arrived.
17 yummy yards of it.
it'll be chopped up this week... after i stare at it a bit more.

and sadly no yards out.
everything that was finished this week was counted last week.
was a bee block... & i'm not keeping track of that fabric in & out.
so this week
70.87 in
zero out
YTD totals
purchased: 160.57 yds
busted: 28.86 yds
net: -131.71 yds
i'll recover.