The Rules
1. Leave ONE comment to enter. Make sure your contact info is in your profile or that you leave it in the comment.
2. In your comment tell us about your all time favorite quilting rulers to work with and why you love using them.
3. Comment entries must be left on this blog,, to be valid. Comments sent via E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media will not be counted.
4. Simple as that!!
You have till 5PM PST on Sunday, May 10th to enter.
Winner will be selected by
Good luck + thanks for stopping by today!

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit
1 – 200 of 598 Newer› Newest»I don't have a particular ruler that I like, but have been wanting to get one of yours. I love your patterns and the colors you use and enjoy following you. mobilemouse (at)
Awesome giveaway! Fun stuff!
I bought the sidekick and it's so easy to use! I'm just a 6x24 ruler user most of the time. Thanks for the opportunity!
I'm using my HST rulers the most lately. I have your sidekick ruler, but haven't designed a quilt to use it with yet.
HST is my fav at the moment. Love your quilts, girl !
I love my 6.5" & 12.5" square rulers for squaring up blocks. Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the stripology ruler-I'm a beginner so I don't have a lot of rulers yet!
I like the mini Hex N More, I am hoping you come out with a Mini Sidekick. The small size means I can do more portable projects.
I like the Omnigrip rulers. I have a 10.5" square one, love it!
I love the mini-hex&more - it is portable, and allows me to fussy cut for English Paper Piecing. the perfect size.
Right now my favorite ruler/template is the mini hex n more. Having so much fun making mini quilts for the wall in my sewing room.
I love my Hex N More ruler- it's so versatile!
It's been on my wish list for a while, so it'd be great to win one.
I mostly use a straight ruler, but when I don't, it's the hex 'n more!
I like the lines on my creative grid rulers. Easy to see. I don't own any specialty rulers so I thank you for the opportunity to win this generous giveaway.
Linda (dot) Nell (dot) cates (at) gmail (dot) com
I just have an all in one ruler and use it every day. It is handy and i can use it for most of my needs. But I really have an eye on special rulers like yours and some day, well I might get a few,lol!
Luv to have the side kick to go with my Hex n more! & a mini side kick would be great, you!
I like the Strip Tube Ruler by Cozy Quilt. I use it more than I thought I would! I'd love to try your rulers... They look amazing and easy to use!
I never thought about it before.... But my 6" ruler is always out and about on my cutting table
I don't have many specialty rulers but do like the Easy Angle and Companion Angle rulers. Would love to try yours!
My straight ruler is the one I HAVE to have ....but I have been looking forward to trying yours! Thanks of the chance.
I don't really have a favorite rule. I love them all!
I only have one ruler--a long straight one. Truly, your rulers have been at the top of my list for a long time--I want to make Toes in the Sand as soon as this beginner gets some more piecing under her needle! Love your blog, BTW--and those Gravity colors are amazing!
The two rulers I use most are my 9 x 24 and my 8 1/2 x 12. I can cut almost any shape from those rulers. The only other rulers I have are ones for curved shapes.
My most used ruler is 2x18.... Love it!
I so love this quilt. I would love to win this. You are a very inspiring person Snr give me so much to ponder. The rulers and patterns you come up with are just awesome.
I have to say that my most used rulers are the Omnigrid 3.5 x 24 and the 6x12. One pretty much goes the width of folded fabric and the other is for the smaller cuts I need to make - both allow me to stay square to grain, if needed. Thanks for the chance to win your Super size ruler. I have the others and they are great to use!
Oooo!! How exciting! :)
I like the Easy Angle ruler as it works well with my plethora of strips.
My favorite ruler has anti-skid traction, keeps it from sliding around
I love my creative grid 6*12 I think. It is so easy to see and match up lines. Really cuts my time down just being able to quickly line up the fold and everything for cutting yardage.
I love all my rulers! They each have a purpose, and would love to win this package! Thanks for this great giveaway!
9.5 inch square - it is my go to, it seems to work for 90% of my cutting/trimming needs.
sadly, i still have one ruler yet. it is a basic 15cm x 60cm.
(i really need more rulers! and some in inch!)
thanks for the great giveaway.
My favorite ruler is my 8.5 x 24 Omnigrid ruler. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love my sixty degree ruler--so many possibilities!
my favorite ruler today is a 1 x 6 omnigrid that I am using to make sure my quilting is a quarter inch from the ditch in the quilt i'm quilting! tomorrow it will be something else. i was hoping my dh would get me your rulers for my birthday (he didn't get me anything) so I could make park bench. I saw some pics of one using Take a hike and just love how it turned out so i *must* make one myself.
I'd love to win the Gravity pattern...I've been eyeing it for some time. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love my Creative Grids 6.5 x 12.5 inch ruler.
I'm a big fan of square rulers of all sizes. I keep a 4.5 or 6.5 close by my machines at all times. gfahrion at comcast dot net
I love my sharing up rulers. Can't be without them!
OMG - the Gravity pattern is gorgeous!
I really like using my Easy Star and Geese ruler. It makes it so simple to piece lots of different sizes of flying geese!
I use my 6 x 24 ruler the most....I just find it is easier to use when I am cutting my fabric
I have the standard 'cutting' rulers 5 x 24, 6" square, 9" square, a couple of Bloc Loc rulers for squaring up my HST, a fat cats ruler, 2 different size Creative Grids 60 degree and an Easy Angle. To tell you the truth your rulers baffle and kinda scare me! :0 I'd love to win this package and get over that fear and make some of your awesome patterns. :)
So cool
I dont really have a lot of specialty rulers. I did just buy a dresden ruler from Missouri Star Quilting Company.
The ruler I use the most is my 6x24". With the diagonal lines I find I can cut a variety of shapes without having to buy special rulers.
My fav all round ruler is my 8 1/2 x 24 " ruler for cutting strips and squaring up blocks
I like the smaller rulers for fussy cutting.
I love my quilt in a day square up ruler for hst. It makes it so much quicker to square up those pesky half square triangle blocks
I'd say my favorite rulers are my square rulers. I use them all the time.
I use my 8-1/2" X 24" ruler all the time, so I guess that would be my favorite. I have your Sidekick ruler but not the Super Sidekick so this would be great to win!
My favourite rulers are a 2"x18" and the square 6 1/2", 12 1/2", and 15 1/2". There are others that I use a lot, but these are the ones that are always front and centre.
I'm fairly new to quilting so I really just have the ruler that came with my cutting mat. So I guess it's my favorite. Looking to add more to my toolbox though!
What a great giveaway! I don't have any specialty rulers and would love to get some. Thanks for this giveaway.
I've hardly tried any special rulers! I always use the straight one.
I love Julies Hex N More, it is an amazing ruler!
My primary ruler is my 6.5" square! It's a lifesaver! Thanks for the giveaway!!
My favorite specialty ruler is probably my block-loc ruler, but I mostly use my 6-1/2x24" ruler for cutting.
My best rulers are my two "square it up"-rulers by CreativeGridsUSA. I have a smaller one with 9 1/2" and a big one with 16 1/2".
I have seen your tutorials for the SuperSideKickRuler and the HexNMoreRuler - both rulers are great :-))
I use my 6x24 ruler all the time for cutting. It's my go-to ruler!
I love my 8.5*24" ruler for most things. The creative grids storm at sea ruler is another good one--everything in one place!
Right now I have a 6 1/2 inch x 24 inch ruler with the rotary cutter attached. Seeing everyone with nicked fingers made me buy this one. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I have wanted this ruler for so long!
Right now my favorites are Bloc~Loc Rulers! They have made my HST madness so much better and faster!
Love the Hex 'n More and would love to try the super sidekick.
I use my 3 x 18 ruler the most followed by my Bloc Loc HST square up rulers. Love your designs and your creativity your rulers give to projects. If by chance I win, the rulers will go to my sister as I already have them but the Gravity book will be mine!
Most used rulers that I cant do without are my 6x24" and add a quarter ruler.
I love the Block Lock rulers. They make trimming half square triangles, flying geese, and other shapes a breeze to trim.
I don't have any specialty rulers yet - still building basics but I love creative grids! I've been eyeballing that sidekick ruler for a while but I havent taken the plunge because I don't quite have my basic rulers yet. I would love to win!
I use a bloc loc square ruler which is my favorite. Wonderful giveaway. Thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Your rulers make quilting fun!
I've been teaching some beginners' classes, and I have decided that in addition to a 6x24, they should have a 6 1/2" square ruler. You can use it to sub-cut your strips into smaller squares, but it's also sooo useful to square up your half-square and quarter-square triangles - just add a piece of painters' tape to line up on both of your seams.
My favorite ruler is my 6-1/2 by 24....I need to get out of my comfort zone!
I have a variety of rulers and use them all so I really don't have a favorite. I do want to make the Gravity quilt!
Oh, man, would I love to win this! My favorite ruler right now is my Bloc-Loc ruler. It makes cutting HSTs so much faster. Thanks!
I use a square 15 cm ruler a lot.
Thank you for the giveaway. The Gravity quilt is on my bucket list. Today I got a Sidekick ruler and the Rock Candy pattern after seeing the You Tube Video. Love it because there are colored printed instructions to refer to.
I love my dresden plate ruler because it is so easy to use. I've probably used it as more for cutting paper for scrapbook layouts than for quilting, but I've used it a lot for both.
I love my triangle rulers. They make cutting out triangle quilts so easy! Thanks for the chance!
I've heard so much about bloc-loc's I'd love one.. I don't use any special rulers at all
I love your quilt designs! I'd love this prize!
I love my 9.5 and 12 inch square up rulers! Would love to win these! How fun! Thanks for the giveaway!
I just got a 60 degree ruler, and am having a lot of fun with i. I love your projects.
I only have a 9 1/2" square ruler, I use it very often. I would be happy to win this great giveaway!
I finally bought ruler in inches so I don't have to recalculate so that is my current fav :)
I don't have a lot of rulers and have never used a specialty ruler before. That being said, I love using my 6.5 square ruler for squaring up 6.5 blocks. :)
I like my 6.5" by 24" ruler because it's so versatile. Definitely want to try the Hex N More and the Super Sidekick.
I am currently making your Park Bench quilt. I had to borrow the Sidekick ruler from a friend (I have the Hex and More) winning would be great. Thanks!!
I love the Sidekick ruler, mostly because of the absolutely endless ways you can use it! kit? LOL
Anyways, I LOVE the rulers that you have developed Julie. They are perfect for any quilt making...I would have to say that I use the Sidekick ALOT!
Hi I love my mini hex ruler as it is the first shaped ruler I bought and have used it lots.
I have made several mini quilts with. My mini hex n more ruler. It was the first jaybird ruler I got. Also love my triangle square up rulers from quilt in a day.
I just bought the sidekick and hope to use it on a lot of quilts.
I love my Hex and more and mini hex and more rulers. I like to piece many hexies using a variety. I don't like trying to figure out the side pieces.
I have really enjoyed the hex n more ruler ..It is so versatile .
My most used (so I guess it's my favorite) ruler is the Olfa 6 X 24" since I almost always cut from yardage and not precuts. I already have your Hex N More that I used to make 2 Science Fair quilts. I would LOVE to winthe Super Side Kick to complete the set!
I havent used any special rulers! Would love to win this one! :)
I don't have any specialised rulers, just square and rectangular ones. My favorite is my small square ruler, it is just easier to work with than the bigger ones.
I don't have a particular ruler that I love, but I have been wanting your rulers for awhile now.
I use my 6.5" x 24" ruler the most as I work with yardage way more than with pre-cuts.
I have both your Hex'n More and Sidekick rulers. Since I hope to make a Gravity quilt someday, having a Super Sidekick would be great! Thanks for this opportunity.
Oh my gosh - I love this - I purchased one of your patterns and ruler at a quilt show - and totally love it
My Creative Grids rulers are my favorite. So easy to read markings.
why the hex and more ruler - silly - seriously I love it
The Gravity quilt looks pretty challenging! Beautiful though.
My favorite ruler is the original Omnigrid 3" x 18" ruler. I have small hands and this is the perfect ruler for me to use! I also love my mini-hex ruler!
Huge hooray for the giveaway and thank you for the opportunity! I have been wanting to get one of these rulers for some time but haven't been able to just yet. I love hexies and my first favorite ruler was the MSQC 5'' half-hexy ruler. It grew my love of hexies and I am slowly falling more and more in love with them; although I have loved the extras you get with this ruler and fascinated in that quilt! I'd love to make it! Thank you again!
I like my 12 1/2" square ruler. Thanks for the chance!
The Olfa Frosted Rulers are my go-to rulers. I use the 6x12" one daily. They are easy to see through without glare and the lines are thin enough that I have more accuracy than some brands that have thicker lines.
I love my creative grid long ruler to cut strips
Any ruler with fine and dashed markings work for me. Like my kaleidoscope ruler as it does a couple if jobs in one. And love by big straight ruler, but have just snapped my third can you believe it? The cat knocked it off my workbench.
Thank you for the opportunity Julie! I love my dresden plate ruler...only because I don't have one of yours yet. I would love to try one!
My friend and I sew together and we both like our Fons and Porter 6x12 ruler - we like it so much we have three of them between the two of us and we call it "the favorite."
Thanks for the giveaway. It looks like a great one!
my favorite ruler is a 6 1/2" by 24" and I use it all the time because I like to cut up yardage and it makes it so easy.
I have really been wanting your two rulers, so I would LOVE to win this package.
My friend and I sew together and we both like our Fons and Porter 6x12 ruler - we like it so much we have three of them between the two of us and we call it "the favorite."
Thanks for the giveaway. It looks like a great one!
I've enjoyed using your rulers. I've sewn Park Bench, Rock Candy, Northern Lights, and Night Sky. Love your directions.
Love Love your Gravity quilt! It would be lovely to win the book and rulers! I have several rulers, but my favorite ruler is my 6 x 24.
A fun ruler that I like Is Gyleen Fitzgerald's Pineapple Ruler. It's a fun ruler and makes the block easy and fun to do.
My go-to ruler is Creative Grids 8.5 x 24.
Your gRavity quilt is in my 'must try that' list, but I'm a bit scared because triangles and I don't always get along so well. I don't currently use any 'fancy' rulers.....but I'm still learning tricks to make my sewing life easier, so would love to have a play with these!
I use my 3 12" x 12" ruler for most everything except for cutting fabric over 1/4 yard.
I love my quick quarter ruler for HST's! So many chevron quilts for all the babies. Thanks for the chance to win! My MIL and I have pre-ordered our fabric for this beautiful quilt, but we still need to purchase the rulers and pattern so this is meant to be!
I have to say my 6x24. I can cut anything with that ruler.
I love the block lock ruler for trimming 1/2 square triangles. Love your patterns. Thanks for the chance.
My Olfa frosted rulers and my half hex from MSQC.
I have a variety of square rulers in different sizes plus my 6"X24" ruler and they all get used all the time. I've been eyeing your rulers for awhile now.
Gravity is on my list of must makes! Favorite ruler is my 12.5" square. Love the giveaway opportunity!
I am obsessed with the Gravity quilt! I would love to try your rulers! I have my Omnigrid square rulers that are pretty good.
My favourite ruler is actually a pretty normal one, it's 6.5 x 6.5 inches and I pretty much use it for everything lol. So to give my rulers a bit of an upgrade your set would be highly welcome. Many thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite ruler is the Sidekick ruler. I bought it to make the Night Sky Quilt....that quilt sold at a school auction for $450 and generated orders for two more of those. I haven't purchased or used the Super Sidekick but would love to try it.
I have the Sidekick ruler and love that! Its so versatile! I also use a 60degree triangle ruler quite often!
I use my Omnigrid 6x12 the most. I use my Omnigrid 6x12 and my 6x6 as well. Then for angles I have a 60 degree and, of course the Hex n More.
Most of my rulers I've purchased for a specific purpose/quilt and so I've loved them all. Jaybird rulers have been on my wishlist for a while so thank you for the opportunity!
I love the Creative Grids rulers because they don't slip. Thanks for such a fun giveaway! -- Joni S.
I am currently using my mom's Hex N More ruler for a quilt I'm working on and I would love one of my own! Love the Gravity quilt as well! Can't wait to start it!
The only special ruler I have ever owned is not really special, but it is great. Just a 12.5 x 12.5 clear grid. We've been through a lot together. I would like to go through a lot with other rules, too, though. ;)
My frosted Olfa (it doesn't slip!) and my bloc loc for HSTs.
Right now I love my 2.5 inch square omnigrid ruler the most as I prep scraps for making hexues. Thanks for the chance to win as this quilt is on my dream list
I mostly use my 6x12" and for wider WOF cuts a 12.5" square. I have the Hex'n More ruler, so handy! I really want to make the gravity quilt!
I really like my bloc loc. But these are on my wish list too!
I love this quilt! My favorite ruler is the 6x24 creative grid grippy ruler, followed closely by the 6x12. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have a 3.5 x 12.5 (I think) that I use all. the. time. It's amazing for everything! Thanks for the chance to win some of your awesome rulers!
I love my Hex N More ruler but I'd love to try the sidekick ruler and the Gravidy quilt book.
I have been using my add a quarter ruler a lot lately. I love to paper piece.
My favorite ruler is 6" x 24" as I use it all the time!
I love my ruler I use to square up blocks - makes all the blocks look perfect, even if they didn't start that way!
After all the standard rulers (6x24, etc) my favorite specialty ruler is the Quick Curve Ruler. The Hex n More is on my list to get next. :)
arico2000 at earthlink dot net
I've been using flying geese rulers from quilt in a day a lot lately. I've had my eye on your rulers for a while. Thanks for the chance. Soniaquilts at gmail
I think I use my long ruler the most, to cute long strips. very handy!
Oooh I've been looking at these! I probably use my 6 inch square ruler the most, although lately I've been doing a lot of improv blocks.
Thanks for the give-away. My favorite ruler right now is the mini-hex-n-more. It's cute ... and it does triangles!
I have an old ruler called big mama, it's about 6.5 x 11 and it's great for traveling. Thanks! jbscraps(at)yahoo(dot)com
I use my longest ruler the most. I'm in love with your rulers & have a couple of your patterns on a wish list
Right now my favorite ruler to use is anything by Creative Grids. I think I use my 6 1/2 x 18 1/2 the most. It is easy to carry to class or sew-ins with friends.
I don't have a lot of fancy rulers, just one long rectangle, a 6" rectangle and a 4" square. Thanks for the chance to win!
I use my 6x24 ruler the most but I have had fun with my half-hexi ruler too. I love rulers and templates!
Your Seaside table runner was so fun to sew using your Sidekick ruler. I'm on number 4 -- sewing them as gifts!
I use my 6x24 ruler the most but I have had fun with my half-hexi ruler too. I love rulers and templates!
I love the mini Hex n More and the Bloc Loc rulers. They make HSTs sooo much easier! I'm really looking forward to the Super Sidekick and I can't wait to start this pattern. (Linden at vinelinesquilting dot com)
I don't really have a favorite, but love them all when I need them...thank you
I have the frosted Olfa rulers that I seem to gravitate toward when I am cutting a lot of fabric. Otherwise I grab whatever is closest unless I need a specific ruler for that specific pattern.
Hate to be a copy cat to the comment above me but 6 X 24 is a favorite. I have longer ones but they are unwieldly unless doing a long cut. Generally the smallest that will do the job is the favorite.
I am currently loving my Lemoyne Star Rapid Fire ruler by Deb Tucker.
My favorite ruler is whatever gets the job done! Love your patterns!
I don't have a favorite yet, I'm very new to quilting, would love to win!
I love the June Tailor shape cut ruler, and the mini hex and more
I love Jaybird's Hex n More ruler.
I used the Sidekick ruler on a Night Sky quilt and it came out great! Love how easy the ruler made it.
I love my bloc loc more than anything. I used to hate hsts and now at least I don't have a fit if a pattern has them. I'd love to get my hands on yours though, so handy!
This ruler looks like it would take me out of my comfort level and that is not a bad thing
My favorite ruler is 6 1/2 by 12 ruler, but I also like my 8 1/2 square ruler. I like rulers that can be used in multiple ways.
My favourite ruler is my 8.5 x 24 inch ruler but I've had my eye on yours!
I love the Hex and More ruler. I used it once and loved the quilt I made with it.
Recently I been using my add a 1/4" ruler. For English paper piecing.
I love the June Tailor shape cut ruler, and the mini hex and more
My favorite ruler is my bias ruler to make my own binding. It allows me to cut perfect strips to join together for perfect binding!
Hi there Julie!
I just love my 8.5" x 24" ruler. I often cut strips that are wider than my regular 6" x 24" ruler, so this was a definite find!!!
Quilty Huggs,
snausages22 at yahoo . CA
I'm new to sewing so I don't really have a favorite ruler, although I'd love to try your Hex N More ruler!
I've never used a specialty ruler - I'd love to give it a shot though. That Gravity quilt is amazing.
I recently got the quick curve ruler and want to try it out soon!
My favorite one is still my huge 12 1/2'' ruler. It always works perfectly and I know how to handle the lines.
Hi Julie! I'm a relatively new quilter so I mostly have basic tools. I've only used omnigrid rulers. I've been eyeing the sidekick for a while!
I'm kind of addicted to my little Sidekick. I just cut all kinds of shapes with it and play. Very much looking forward to when I've acquired your Hex N More and the Super Sidekick for more shape and size options to play with. :D
I love my 4.5" ruler the best but would love to try out the sidekick ruler and hexnmore ruler!!
Awesome giveaway thanks for chance at winning
Thanks, Julie, for the chance to win your awesome give-away. I have admired your quilts and rulers for some time. I don't have any specialty rulers, just straight long ones and squares, so would love to give one a try.
I've only ever used my Creative Grids 24" long ruler, maybe it's time to break out the comfort zone and try something different!
I LOVE your Hex n more Ruler. I keep it out and use it all the time. Would love a chance to win the giveaway!!
I love my Mini Hex n More, because it's both easy to use AND adorable.
My 9.5 square is getting the most use these days.
I love and use the Hex N More a lot. I have a long straight ruler I also use. Thanks for the chance to win. (Hope this does not post twice but can't see my first post)
I use my 1" x 6" and my 6" x 24" rulers the most, but I also get a lot of use out of my square rulers in various sizes. (I must admit, I've been eyeing that Super Sidekick since I've been seeing it used for some stunning quilts!)
I'm a newbie quilter, so I don't have much, and would love to win this! But the ruler I go to the most is a 6" square!
I love specialty rulers. Right now my favorite is the Strip Tube ruler. I can't stop at just one strip set. Thanks for the chance to win a selection of Julie's rulers.
My favorite rulers to date are the Bloc-Loc ones with the channel to accommodate the seam line... but my mind could be changed if I were to win your prize package, I have been admiring your specialty rulers and patterns for a while but have not been able to squeeze them out of my retiree's budget.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I use the 8.5"x24" a lot but also like to use smaller ones to square things up. I've made three quilts using your ruler and would love to try the side kick. Thanks for the give away!
My most used ruler is my 6 x 24! But I would love to have yours! Thanks for a chance to win!
I'm not sure I have a favorite but I use a lot of different ones. I do like the sidekick because of all the different things you can use it for. Picking your favorite ruler is like picking your favorite child. Can't be done. lol
Thanks for the giveaway. I have your super sidekick and it has saved me many times. I also love my 6x24".
I love your rulers! I don't have have the Super sized one, yet! I love your rulers and patterns. I promise to share the duplicate ruler, but not the pattern. They have to get their own.
I love your sidekick ruler! I'm also keen to see what else it can do. :-)
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