disclosure: this is a sponsored giveaway by Fabric Shoppe
I'd like to introduce to you...
Fabric Shoppe!!
Fabric Shoppe is an online quilt shop that specializes in modern fabrics. The #1 word I always associate with Fabric Shoppe is FUN! Jody is the woman behind it all... and she stocks her shop full of fun & bright fabrics that make me want to play.
A bit about Jody!
My name is Jody of the Fabric Shoppe! A little about me...I am married to my best friend who by trade is a pastor. We have 2 girls age 1 and almost 3. Since I was little I have had a deep love for creating and handmade! I took a quilt class at a local quilt shop in college and found that I love the possibility that a piece of fabric holds. I started the Fabric Shoppe on Etsy back in 2008 after frustrating searches for modern fabric for my handmade business. The Shoppe has since grown and I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a part of the online creative community! I blog at Everyday Beautiful! You can also follow us on facebook or twitter for sales, giveaways and to see all the new fabric lines.
In the Shoppe you will find your favorite fabrics bundled together for easy shopping. We carry a large selection of Robert Kaufman, Riley Blake, Alexander Henry, Michael Miller, Organic, Echino, and many more. We stock Kona solids, Free Spirit quilting linens and precuts for all your projects! Some of my favorites right now are this lovely Joel Dewberry bundle!
and these fun Kona Roll Ups that look delicious enough to eat :)
I love how Jody offers bundles of all sizes. In many of the fabrics you can choose FQ, half yard or full yard. You can also create your own bundle in a variety of sizes!
A few of my current favorites...
Ready for the giveaway?
Jody has 2 great prizes to offer!!
First is a 1/2 yard bundle of Ty Pennington Impressions in the Ice/Persimmion colors, 8 total. Value is $54 with shipping.
Second is a Robert Kaufman Half to Have It Radiance bundle in Oceanic. Silk, Cotton blend, 7 pieces 3.5 yards total. Value with shipping $55.
the rules
leave a comment for each entry. pretty simple.
{ if you leave one comment saying you did all 4.. you only have one shot! }
*also* - please make sure you leave your contact information or that it is in your profile
leave a comment & tell us what your favorite color is
head over to facebook and "like" fabric shoppe
head on over to fabric shoppe...
& come back and tell me about your favorite fabric bundle!
blog or twitter about this giveaway
.. and come back to let me know!
If you tweet make sure to mention @FabricShoppe and @JaybirdQuilts
.. and come back to let me know!
If you tweet make sure to mention @FabricShoppe and @JaybirdQuilts
Winners will be selected by True Random Number Generator
Giveaway now closed
winner announced soon!

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
1 – 200 of 938 Newer› Newest»What a great shop. Love the idea of building your own half yard bundles! My favorite color is purple.
My favourite colour is red. Purple comes in a close second.
I like the Sweet Nothings bundle. I also like the Ready, Set Go line. Obviously I have a hard time choosing just one favourite!
My favorite bundle is the Marine bundle. I've been coveting some marine for a boy quilt!
My favorite color is green.
I "like" the shoppe on Facebook.
Quilters Linen Solids by Free Spirit Fabrics- Yard Bundle is my favorite bundle, I've been wanting to try these.
favorite color is blue!
Favourite colour of all time is blue.
I already "like" the fabric shoppe.
i liked fabric shoppe on fb
Fave color is Lilac
Favorite color is Blue!
love the central park bundle.
Favourite bundle is the Aviary 2 by Joel Dewberry. I have been eyeing that for a while. Love the gray colourway.
I am loving the Aviary 2 Gray Bundle, the one in the post!
My favorite color is purple!
favorite color is anything blue/green!
I'm favorite color is green but after thinking about it I realized a don't use a lot of it in my quilts. Guess that means an all green quilt should be my next project.
I "Liked" Fabric Shoppe on FB
love the Aviary 2
The central park bundle is my favorite.
My favorite color is purple!
I liked fabric shoppe on FB.
My favorite color is purple!! Thanks for the chance!!
I like the Pocket Pixie bundle by Alexander Henry. I haven't seen those little folks yet on any of the blogs I follow, but they're super-cute! They'd be fun to work with for a baby quilt.
and my favorite color is green
I really like Enchanted Garden!
My favorite color is blue.
I just blogged about the giveaway!
My favorite color is green.
My favorite color right now is green. Last week it was a toss up between red and blue.
My favorite color is brown.
My favorite bundle is Sweet Nothings!
I already like Fabric shoppe on facebook.
I have so many favorite colors... but right now for fabric it's vibrant green
I love the colour green.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I "like" fabric shoppe on facebook!
And I just "liked" the shoppe on FB!
I "like" Fabric Shoppe on FB!
I love the Aviary 2 fabric bundle and I love each colorway so much I just can't choose a favorite.
I've been wanting a sugar and spice bundle.
My favorite color is purple
And I really like the sweet nothing - green bundle
I liked the Fabric Shoppe on facebook.
Liked on Facebook
My favorite color is green! Or purple. But not together, ick!
My favorite bundle is Aviary 2 Fabric by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit- Plum 1/2 Yard Bundle, 8 total
My favorite color is green!
My favorite color is grey. I know, I know...kinds boring, but it can be paired with just about anything!
Already liked them on FB!
My favorite color is green!
I liked fabric shoppe!
I have to say I have a favorite color combination, rather than a color... is that ok? I love love love blue and yellow together. Thanks for this opportunity.
Sugar and Spice!!
I like the Fabric Shoppe on Facebook!
I am absolutely in love with the Aviary 2 fabric by Joel Dewberry bundle. Such pretty colors!
I know you said to pick ONE fav bundles, but I have B/G twins so I have TWO favorite bundles: Ready Set Go & Remix (b/c my little boy LOVES trains) and Enchanted Garden (b/c my little girl is in love with butterflies). What a beautiful collection of fabrics!
Hmm... I really love that Joel Dewberry bundle in gray/yellow. But I also love the designer houndstooth bundle. She has some great fabrics!
Hmmm, my favorite fabric bundle over at the Fabric Shoppe would have to be the Ty Pennington Impressions. Awesome!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
My fav color to wear is gray/purple. Otherwise, pink is usually my fav!
My fav bundles all seem to include "Aviary 2"...hmmm... ;)
I really like the sweet nothings FQ bundle in green and pink- very cute for my girls!
I have just started sewing again and these fabrics are so inspiring. My favorite color is green.
My Favorite color is PURPLE!
I like Fabric shoppe on Facebook.
I NEED the Sweet Nothings bundle in pink 1/2 yard pieces. It would fit perfectly in my daughters room.
Oh my favorite color is Winter Grey...better known as a light purple!!!
I went and "liked" their facebook page! Can't wait to read all about there specials!!
I liked them on facebook
I went and had a look around her store and my FAV fabric bundle has to be Sugar and Spice in Pink by the Quilted Fish!!! Yay for Riley Blake fabrics!!
My favorite Color is black and white, although recently I am showing a partiality to green.
Can we change our favorite color at 44?
my favorite bundle in the shop right now is the Bicycles bundle by Michael Miller Fabrics.
I now "Like" Fabric Shoppe on FB. I have ordered from them before, but somehow had not yet connected on FB.
my favorite color is grey
My favorite color is pink. Thanks for the chance to win one of those great prizes
My favorite color is pink! Thanks for the opportunity to win beautiful fabric
I liked the shoppe on FB
Sugar and Spice in Pink by quilted fish would be my favourite bundle.
Favorite bundle...Sugar and Spice Fabric by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake Designs- Pink Fat Quarter Bundle, 8 total
Right now I'm jazzing on the yellow and grey combo that I see around.
Too hard to choose just ONE color.
My favorite color is green. Followed closely by blue and orange.
I liked the fabric shop on facebook.
Thanks for the great giveaway! My favorite color is teal.
Favorite bundle is a hard one. Any of the Central Park bundles or the Ready set go bundle.
My favorite bundle at Fabric Shoppe is the Organic Marine bundle: http://www.etsy.com/listing/67280183/organic-marine-fabric-by-birch-fabrics. I LOVE that collection!
My favorite color is teal
oregonrugrats@hotmail.com :)
My favorite color is RED!
Thanks for sharing about this shop - it looks like a great one to check out.
My favorite color these days is grey.
I Like the Fabric Shoppe on FB!
Loving this bundle, Aviary 2 Fabric by Joel Dewberry
My favorite color lately is aqua!
I like Fabric Shoppe on FB!
I love the Winter 2010 Zoology Fabric bundle!
Right now my favorite color is pink, but don't hold me to that! :)
I love a good buttery yellow, although I have to say that Ty P's persimmon is close to my current second fav Coral pink. :)
Can I say black? It makes all the other colors pop and is a basic that you can't do without.
My favourite colours at the moment are red and cream. Not sure this is open to international but entering just in case.
Well, my favorite color is Orange. =) More of a pumpkin orange. I love autumn! =)
Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
1. All shades of green
2. Eggplant purple
those 2 fight a lot for first place :)
My favorite color is blue-green.
This shop is amazing! I love looking at her bundles! I'm a bundle shopper...so her choices are great...and she's now in my favs!
I'm going with Enchanted Garden Fabric by Samantha Walker for Riley Blake- Fat Quarter Bundle, 8 total - it's orange! =)
Thanks again for another chance to win!
I "liked" Fabric Shoppe on Facebook
I like this store in real life too ;-)
I like Fabric Shoppe on Facebook.
I've been drooling over this bundle for days now!
Aviary 2 Fabric by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit- Gray/Yellow bundle
My favourite colour is yellow. Thanks for a chance to win.
I know it might sound funny but I have different favourite colours depending on the "area" (e.g. clothes or quilts or colours I use in illustrations)
For quilting I'd say for now these are various shades of blue/aqua followed closely by rich brown.
I LOVE the Zoology and Remix bundle.
I liked fabric shoppe on FB
My favorite color is RED!
I love blue
My favourite colour is grey, closely followed by pink. Put the two together & I'm in colour heaven! x
Favorite bundle is Central Park - I just love that line.
I like Fabric Shoppe on Facebook.
I love the colection called bicycles by Micheal Miller
I like sweet Nothings fabric by Zoe Pearn in Green
I also liked then on fb b/c I really need more ways to be tempted by fabric. Thanks for the giveaway
I like the Sugar and Spice bundle in aqua.
Wow, you're right, the fabrics are fun! Aviary 2 by Joel Dewberry is my fave.
I tweeted! Twitter handle is sarahbethe
My favorite color is blue. Thanks for the chance!
my fav color is blue!
your shoppe is amazing!!! nice work! i'm dying over Zoology and Bicycles bundle by Michael Miller Fabrics FQ bundle.
I love the Zoology and Bicycles bundle
Favorite color is lilac!
There are so many great bundles in the shop, but I think my favourite would be the Half to Have it in oceanic and Enchanted Garden in turquoise.
My favorite color is green! I have Fabric Shoppe stuff all over my Etsy favs page. They have a great selection.
Annnnd i tweeted about your giveaway! @bethgracie :o)
tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/liberalsprinkle/status/54969306877935616
It's so hard to choose a favorite bundle. I'm currently crushing on the Michael Miller baby/bicycles bundles. The colors are wonderful.
My favourite colour is green.
Right now green's my #1 - thanks for the opportunity!
What wonderful prizes
Love the fabric shoppe. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
and my favourite bundle is Sugar and Spice Fabric by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake Designs- Pink 1/2 Yard Bundle, 8 total
It says it's a pink bundle but there are lots of beautiful green in there too.
And thanks for this great giveaway.
My favorite color is purple! Yay purple!
My favorite color is green. :) Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite colors are blue and green!
Okay, I went to the Fabric Shoppe, but hardly needed to after seeing that Ty Pennington bundle. How goergous would that be for a baby girl quilt? But there are so many good choices in the shop too, is it okay to want them all? Thanks for a chance to win!
I've been a FB fan for a while now.
I really like the Urban Zoology/Remix bundle. I love the bright colors and they play so well together!
I like ths Sugar & spice fabric bundle. I left out in my last comment, my favorite color is yellow
What a fantastic giveaway! I love aqua...it's so pretty and peaceful!
I "liked" Fabric Shoppe on Facebook. Such beautiful fabrics!
Favourite colour at this moment is golden yellow. Ask me 10 minutes from now and it will be something entirely different. Paint me a rainbow, I suppose.
My favorite color is green!
hensnest at windstream dot net
I "like" fabric shoppe - Henrietta NEwman
I love all of the fabric bundles, but if I have to choose just one as my favorite it would be "Feeling Groovy"...adorable!
One of my fave bundles is Sweet Nothings Fabric by Zoe Pearn - so cute!
hensnest at windstream dot net
I really don't have a favorite color, it depends on what I'm working on at any given time!
green, specifically limey chartreuse, is definitely my favorite color.
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/ahensnest/statuses/54977065614716929
hensnest at windstream dot net
Favourite bundle? It might just be the Aviary you've shown on this blog post. I haven't seen it before and it's so pretty! I'm also loving the Swoon, Kumari Gardens, Sweet Nothings and, of course, the Central Park I've been drooling over for so long I still can't believe I haven't busted out the credit card.
Great giveaway! My fave color these days is pastel aqua. :)
My favorite bundle is the Joel Dewberry Aviary bundle in grey. Would love to make a king size quilt for my bedroom!
I liked Fabric Shoppe on Facebook. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I really love the central park bundle. I wish I had picked up more of that from a not-so-local quilt shop.
If I could paint every thing in my house red I would. I love it. The bright cheery red, like a cherry. =)
my favorite color is Robin's Egg Blue! so soothing and pretty!
My favorite Color is Teal!
I already "like" the Fabric Shoppe! ;)
I like Fabric Shoppe on Facebook! (my name is Amber Hayford)
I love almost any shade of blue - from pastels, skys, to the deep purpley/blue.
my favorite bundle is rainbow of polka dots. I should probably be more exciting than that, but I LOVE polka dots!
My favorite bundle is the 1/2 yrd of Pocket Pixies.
My favorite color is blue!
My favorite color is green! Great giveaway!
I *like* the Shoppe on Facebook!
Awesome giveaway!
My favorite color is... green. No, yellow. No... blue. No.. you know what? I don't have a favorite. Because colors always look more delicious in pairs, so it's gotta be like, blue/yellow, or green/yellow, or yellow/brown.
My favorite color is green. It seems to go with everything.
my fav bundle on the fabric shoppe is the sugar and spice aqua fat quarter bundle! I'm loving that line lately :)
My favorite bundle is Aviary 2. I love both the design and the colors (black/cream). Kathie L in Allentown
My favorite bundle is Aviary 2 Fabric by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit in the brown colorway!
My favorite colour has to be green....I seem to use it a lot in my quilts
It's really hard to choose - lots of great fabrics! But, I really love the Robert Kaufman Pimatex Basics Polka Dot FQ bundle (I'm really into polka dots).
I'm a blue girl!
My favorite color is green, but my daughter's is pink and those Ty Pennington Impressions fabrics are gorgeous. And speaking of blue I was just talking today about true Carolina blue, thats where I live and I would love to make it feel at home!
My favorite bundle is the new sugar and spice bundle in aqua and red.
Hmmmmbundles...! Aviary 2 in the yellow/grey or that ocean bundle. I can't decide!
Fav colour has always been green, don't know why. Thanks very much.
My favorite color changes from day to day....today it is spring green!
My favorite color is green :)
What a great giveaway! Lovely fabrics, thanks for the chance.
My favourite colours are blues :)
aviary 2 by Joel is by favorite bundle....love it!!
Sugar and Spice Fabric by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake Designs- Pink Yard Bundle - Wow, great shop! Thanks for the intro and the fantastic giveaway.
I like fabric shoppe on FB
I like the Fabric Shoppe on facebook.
Favorite color is any blue :)
what bundle - why it would have to be this one!
New Traditions Damask Fabric by Robert Kaufman-Fat Quarter Bundle- 5 total
Already like the Fabric Shoppe on FB :)
I love the Sugar and Spice bundles in red/aqua!
I love the sweet nothings fabric bundles!
Favorite color: Red!
I like Fabric Shoppe on Facebook.
I like the Wanna Be a Cowboy 2 bundle. :)
Tweeted! @birdie00000
i love blue!
i LOVE aviary 2!!!!!!! any color is superb!
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