Sunday, January 3, 2010

i miss this kid

seriously wouldn't you??

yes he can be a terror sometimes

but he can also be super sweet

and always keeps you guessing

and he can find joy in the simplest things.

so i miss him a lot.
a real lot.

so much that i'm ready to book a ticket to LA.


Audrie said...

I don't blame ya. I have a 2 yo niece in Singapore I hardly ever see and I miss her like crazy.

whitey said...

love his action shot where he looks like a mini 007!

Jocelyn said...

What a cutie. Great pictures.

Kris said...

What a great set of pictures! With a cutie like that, I would buy a ticket to LA too!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

Those are incredible pictures of a spunky little man! (I see what I have to look forward to)

My niece lives 2 states away... it's terrible.

Unknown said...

Jay Bird! I think you need one of your own!!

Susan said...

OMG, he is adorable! I look at your blog for the quilts, but now I'm going to want to see more pictures of this little guy!

I'm with you on the ticket to LA since my son lives there and I miss him, too.

Em said...

Something special about precocious toe-head nephews, thought he was mine at first. Love the photos, GO TO LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!