Friday, July 17, 2009

nine patch... still working

my last update on my nine patch blocks for the one a day quilt along was on june 7th
it was day 42..
and i was at 35...
as of yesterday... july 16th...
i was still at 35...
its been a busy month!!

there are people in the group done... some have been done for a while... take a peek... amandajean our fearless leader posted finishing instructions and she has her top done...

some people made less than 70 blocks...
and made it smaller...
i stared at this photo and thought about that...

and decided even if it is not done on time... i want 70 blocks... because that is what i set out to do... and i think it needs more to be really scrappy and balance the colors...

so last night i whipped out 11 blocks... so that puts me at 46... with 24 to go!!... seems like a much more manageable amount to me...

i've got a full night of sewing planned... but don't expect to see any more nine patches... i'll be working on a new MBS tutorial for all of you!!

speaking of which... check out what vanessa & rachel are up to!!


  1. i spotted my green fabric in there!!!
    and we won't discuss mt one a day total...hahahahaha.

    thanks for the shout out for my kit.
    i HAVE to have a gypsy rose one!!!
    like HAVE to.

    and i heart v's strawberries.
    too cute.

  2. *my* not mt.
    i can't type today.

  3. Julie, your quilt is going to be fantastic, don't fret about how far along you are. I ended up using some of my sashing fabric for a baby quilt back and now I'm at a stand still until my hubby is home in a couple of days. Oh well...I guess I'll just have to start something else, what a pity,eh?!

  4. I'm at 62....sooo close! I'm hoping to finish mine this weekend. Yours looks great!!

  5. Keep plugging along you will get the rest done. I know that if I set out to do something, that is the way it needs to be done. It looks great!

  6. Thank goodness! I thought I was the only one behind. I have still have a while to go but I am determined to do the 70! We can encourage each other on. Looking forward to seeing your new tutorial. The other two are fantastic.

  7. Your nine patch quilt looks wonderful! And I just love your banner picture...too cute.

  8. Yes 70! I think the numbers really make the quilt. And I can't wait to see what you've cooked up for the bake shop! (Make something cool with a turnover sometime - I need more turnover things!)

  9. seriously i just spent a little time hanging out on your blog. i meant to put it in my google reader and am JUST now getting to it! you are an amazing quilter! thanks for the shout out and i can't wait to see what you have working up!


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