*I'm in the process of moving to California.*
Hopefully I'll be back to regular blogging soon... for now here is an update.
Thanks for sticking with me. Really... thank you.
Moving is hard.
really really hard.
I'm not naive. I knew this wasn't all fun and games. At the same time there have been some days where it has taken all of my strength to remind myself that this will all be worth it.
Living in transit isn't easy... especially when you are a super organized person like I have become. I wasn't always this way... I remember being a kid and my parents pleading with me to clean my room.... but somewhere along the way I changed. I consider my label maker to be one of the best tools in my office. {I'm not kidding.}
I'm currently functioning without my personal computer, my work computer, my sewing machine, my bed and 95% of my belongings. On one hand I've discovered that I can survive like this... on the other I've realized how much I'm looking forward to simple small things.
1. Filing paperwork in the proper folder in my desk drawer.
2. Hopping in a shower and finding the right shampoo already there.
3. Having my sewing machine, cutting mat & iron all out at the same time and leaving them in my studio.
4. Internet, a bed, television, a fridge, a washer & dryer all in the same place.
I'm currently functioning without my personal computer, my work computer, my sewing machine, my bed and 95% of my belongings. On one hand I've discovered that I can survive like this... on the other I've realized how much I'm looking forward to simple small things.
1. Filing paperwork in the proper folder in my desk drawer.
2. Hopping in a shower and finding the right shampoo already there.
3. Having my sewing machine, cutting mat & iron all out at the same time and leaving them in my studio.
4. Internet, a bed, television, a fridge, a washer & dryer all in the same place.
There are a few things that have made things a bit easier. The first is my eagle creek travel packs. If you haven't seen these before... you need to.
they come in all kinds of sizes & colors...
and have made keeping my clothes organized while moving around a heck of a lot easier.
The second is my pillows. Yes these are my pillows... I've been putting these pillowcases on my pillows for a few years now when I travel so that my pillows never get mixed up at hotels. Having my own pillows with me has slightly made up for the fact that I haven't slept in my own bed for over a month.
I've been pretty strong throughout all of this. But I may or may not have had a good cry in Target last night when purchasing the next item. Standing there... explaining to my brother how I needed a place for paperwork... a place to file things instead of the messy piles in my backpack, laptop case etc...
I've passed this tote & similar versions of it... in the office isle at target for at least 5 years... wanting to buy it but not really needing it. I'd pick it up and then hear my mom in the back of my head... "Is it a need or a want?" ...and each time I'd know it was only a want and that I really had no need or use for it. But last night when I saw it... I picked it up and didn't think twice.
I need it.
I needed to organized my paperwork.
I needed to create some sense of normal officeness for myself.
So I bought it... and some colored folders... and today I know where everything is.
Yes... a place to file paperwork and a trip to the container store is what it takes for me to feel a bit better.
On top of my life being upside down... I miss my blog & my quilting community. I want to go to a quilt shop, find some fabric and sit down and sew to just sew. I want to spend a lazy Saturday sewing away with Candi and Tricia. I wish I could show you some fun photos of fabric... or a new quilt... but I have nothing to show. I don't know when I will... and when I'll be back to blogging regularly. Working without my computer... and without an Internet connection most of the time has been a challenge.
...but like I said this has all taught me that I can survive. Survive without my things... so far from my friends and my parents. Having my brother so close has made things much easier... and knowing that in less than 50 days my parents will be here... and we will all be together makes the hard days a bit brighter.
Besides the freak power outage in all of San Diego on Thursday night last week... all is well. The weather has been great... the sky has been blue... and there have been no hurricane warnings.
...but like I said this has all taught me that I can survive. Survive without my things... so far from my friends and my parents. Having my brother so close has made things much easier... and knowing that in less than 50 days my parents will be here... and we will all be together makes the hard days a bit brighter.
Besides the freak power outage in all of San Diego on Thursday night last week... all is well. The weather has been great... the sky has been blue... and there have been no hurricane warnings.

© Blog post written by Julie Herman
For more information visit http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/
I am sad to hear that you have not been able to settle yet but I know you have the strength to make it through. You have not been forgotten and I will be happy when you are back to quilting regularly. My thoughts and best wishes are with you. P.S. I love your pillowcases!
ReplyDeleteI swear by those travel packs. And yes, used them on my recent move. Along with an excel spreadsheet of my packed and numbered boxes. My dad that it was dorky but it kept me sane.
ReplyDeleteI miss you too!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how hard this has been for you and I'm sending lots of hugs your way!
ReplyDeleteThe things you are missing are icing on the cake (you already know that) so enjoy the cake :)
ReplyDeleteWe'll be here....no rush.
I truly believe change is never is easy, but with patience and perseverence change almost always results in great things you never imagined! We miss you too but trust we will be here when you get settled...waiting..just waiting to see more awesomenes! Lisa in Texas
ReplyDeleteThey say moving is one of the most stressful things a person can go through. I've moved cross country a couple times and I know that to be true. Hang in there, you will make it. But it's ok to have a good cry. Healthy even.
ReplyDeleteI've moved between countries a few times now, so I know exactly how you feel. It feels like everything's in disarray at the moment but eventually you'll settle into your new normal and you won't even remember life before :) *hugs*
ReplyDeleteHi Julie,
ReplyDeleteI made a big move 15 months ago. It DOES get better! Take care and try and enjoy the process.
I have moved personally and my business (with furniture, copiers, faxes, phone lines, etc.) a number of times and I understand how you feel and what you are going thru. If you would like a little bright spot - one of my best friends moved to Baltimore from West TN - Verizon was on strike so no phone, DSL, etc. for 3 weeks; an earthquake and then a hurricane - what a welcome. They survived - no damages. You will be so happy to have your 'stuff' and one day - sometime in the future - you will be able to laugh at this. And you are missed and can't wait for you to come back - you know how it is at Christmas! The anticipation (no stress). And it is all worth it!
ReplyDeleteMoving is tough & emotionally exhausting, but you are a lot closer now to being settled...big breath...it will all be worth it.
ReplyDeletePlease hang in there! Have had my share of a break down in a bed store - after I hadn't slept in my own bed in ages.
ReplyDeleteAll part of the deal - but yes, it is all worth it in the end! And realizing with how little you can get by, can be eye opening.
It will get better - and you will laugh at us out East with all the white stuff making our life challenging. Sending good wishes your way! We miss you, too!
Hang in there Julie - miss you around here.
ReplyDeleteI keep hearing about tough times going on in PA and I always think - glad Julie isn't in any of that. I"m glad you're warm and dry at least. I can imagine the horrible mess of living out of containers and not having your stuff. Hopefully it will all resolve soon.
ReplyDeleteTransitions are so tough. Don't worry - we'll all be waiting here once you're back to your regularly scheduled events. And I love your pillowcases!
ReplyDeleteLiving in limbo is hard - but this too shall pass. I'm glad you got the tote. It definitely made the leap from want to need. :)
ReplyDeleteHugs, Julie! Yes, it will all be worth it in the end!
ReplyDeleteAnyone who's done the cross-country move can understand how you're feeling right now. When we moved to San Diego I went into withdrawl so badly that I went to Rosie's, bought hexies and an acrylic tumbler template, and proceeded to piece loads of hexagons and hand-trace, hand-cut (with daughter's kiddie scissors), and hand-sew two tumbler quilts while waiting to find a place, get occupancy, and unpack enough to use my sewing machine.
ReplyDeleteWhile you're waiting to settle, find some quilty friends! Those guilds that took a summer break are re-starting - last week was Oceanside, lask weekend the Quilt Show, tonight is Poway, this weekend is a sit-n-sew in Escondido, next Monday in Escondido. (Those are the ones I have gone to; I live 2 miles from QiaD; close to where I think you mentioned you were landing.) Deb
Oh Jaybird...we miss you too but we understand. Hopefully you realize that we only want the best for you and darn it...if it's a tote and some files then so be it!;)xo
ReplyDeleteI'm an Air Force kid...went to 10 different schools and 3 high schools...I totally know where you are coming from but your life is full as are your bags....rejoice in it!
Keep your chin up, Julie! It will all be worth it in the end! Amanda
ReplyDeleteI hope you get settled soon Julie! I hate not having everything at my fingertips and having to wait on organizing and keeping paperwork in order. My family thinks I am crazy because I take a binder on vacation for all documents we may need or gather while we are out-travel plans, phone numbers, stuff like that. It's good to be with family though and I am sure you'll get into a good groove soon!
ReplyDelete...on the other hand........isn't it amazing to know how much you really can do without?!??
ReplyDeleteHow shedding so much 'baggage' can really make you appreciate the very simplest things - like Elija's smile or a day shopping with your brother...the basics are really all that any of us need...Family...love...
Awe...I understand not having our "stuff" with us. 50 more days, 50 more days! On the other hand....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your filing tote! I love purses and this would be so easy to justify!
ReplyDeleteMiss you and hope to see you back soon!
The process of moving does suck, but the end result of your family being altogether will be so nice. (And just think no snow shoveling for you this winter.) Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteHang in there! Mom and Dad will be out there soon and you'll be settled before you know it. I can't wait to visit :)
ReplyDeleteSorry you are struggling with your move. You'll get there, hang in! We miss you here. Lots of hugs!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I lived in "Limbo" for 4 months last year. We had finally sold our house in one town (after 2 years on the market)but did not yet have another place to go. All our "stuff" went into storage (I kept my sewing machine, and a small box of scraps for my sanity!) and he and I, along with our 2 Belgian Malinois lived in a 12' square bedroom at my in-laws. It was tough. Finally getting into our new place was, and still is, so nice! It is nice to spread out, to find the advil, to leave my rotary cutter and matt out. Fear not, YOU WILL GET THERE! You will survive, and decompress, and settle in. These periods of transition are hard, but well worth it as you move into the next phase of life!
ReplyDeleteHang in there Julie! Look at the bright side -- no toilets to clean!!! Think happy fabric thoughts -- market will be here soon to take you mind off of the move!
ReplyDeleteSlow but steady ...although I know its much more fun to run like the wind! It probably doesn't feel like you are making any progress but with all the tasks to complete big projects (like major moves) I'm sure you've got lots of it checked off. Hope this is a good week Julie. And like Natalie says enjoy the kids sweet smiles and giggles.
ReplyDeleteSending you lots of hugs, Julie.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you, dear. It sounds hard. I've moved across country before by my husband was in the Navy and it was easy. We all know you're struggling but will get settled before too much longer. Be easy on yourself. We're NOT going anywhere. AND it will be so exciting when you get settled and back to quilting. Take care of yourself. Thanks for the update.
ReplyDeleteFeeling displaced is hard. I've moved 9 times in 11 years and twice since then. Love meeting new people and experiencing new places. Get out and have fun while you wait for your things to arrive, you'll be busy again soon enough. We'll be patiently waiting as your blog is worth the wait. Enjoy your free time.
ReplyDeleteI haven't moved that many times - well not me personally organizing it. Thinking about it I've moved countries cities lots of times, countries once and I a year from now I will have lived in this house longer than I have ever lived anywhere in my whole life. I think you have done amazingly well and I love your blog and am so happy that you are near your brother. You are nearer to my brother than I am. He lives in LA an I live in a suburb of London, England. Right now I would just like to see mine but I shall call him instead as soon as I have finished on here. You are going to have an awesome life in your new home I just know you are. And just think you can spend the New Year with your brother and family now just how AWESOME will that be!
ReplyDeleteLots of Love
Patti the displaced Yank xxx
OOoh! The beach!
ReplyDeleteI miss that, a lot.
Hope you feel better soon!!!!
Maybe head to Carlsbad and find a nice little restaraunt across from the beach? Or maybe some mexican food and margaritas?
Hang in there. You are in a beautiful place and "it's only temporary" is a good mantra when the meltdowns happen.
2 hints that will make the move that much easier:
ReplyDelete1. don't say cali, say socal...you'll fit in better! ;-)
2. you must go to the ghiradelli ice cream shop on 5th. it makes life better, i swear.
Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry to hear that you are still in limbo. It just sucks, doesn't it?!?! I'm here in the San Diego area, too. I'm in Imperial Beach, way down south, just a bit north of the border. Lovely weather, teeny town. My email contact info is in the profile if you need someone to talk to/with. I'm always either at home or at work if you need to talk/vent. when I moved to this apartment after living in my little duplex for 12 years (longest I had lived anywhere in 59 years), I hate, hate, hated it. A coworker who had moved around a lot as a newlywed said to give it 15 months, that it takes 15 months to get acclimated to a new place. I thought she was full of it, but, now after 5 years, I like my apartment. I know what you mean about missing your things. The son that was living with me and "helped" me move, unbeknownst to me at the time, threw away my bed and a lot of the things that I loved. I was in so much pain, both physically and mentally because of it. It's taken me almost this long to get used to sleeping in a new/different bed. When your bed knows your body, it's hell to try to sleep in a different one.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Southern California. We who live here love it. (Once you get to loving it, too, don't share the love with too many people, or there won't be anyone left back east to shovel that snow)
xoxo Linda
And you get to see the Left Ocean! Only a few more weeks, sweetie, and then you'll be sewing and blogging and organizing up a storm! Hang in there! xox
ReplyDeleteThere is definately an art to living in transit. I'm glad to see your post and to see that you are... almost settled in! Welcome to California!
ReplyDeleteWow- you are really going through it! It takes so much courage and strength to pick up and move your life across the country. Don't worry - you will find your new "normal" life soon...and when you do, we will all be here ready to see your inspiring work and encourage you on in all things quilty!
ReplyDeleteI totally understand the feeling of comfort you get from organizing papers. Having that awesome file tote. So glad it finally became a NEED for you so you can get it. :)
ReplyDeleteHere's to getting to sew again soon. To getting to unpack and waking up to a "normal" day.
I REALLY like that file bag, I[m pretty sure I need one of those too. I may be taking a trip to Target soon! Wow, I don't think I could live without my sewing machine or computer either. Good luck, moving is hard enough without leaving things behind. Congratulations on all your quilting success by the way, you've done some amazing things!
ReplyDeleteSending my empathy your way. I moved 12 times in 13 years (3 times to places where I knew literally not one person), and lived from 2 suitcases for one of those years, and it is NOT FUN!!! I hope you can get settled in soon. Unpacking is a chore, but at least you'll be nesting again! Thinking of you and sending good thoughts in your time of transition :)
Julie, hang in there. Just put one foot in front of the other and soon it will all be done and you'll be settled. Having your family all within hugging distance will be worth it. When it's all finished you'll look back and say you are glad you did it - no matter how bad it seems now. When you come east try to come for a guild meeting!