Thursday, March 11, 2010

pillow talk swap done!

first off..
thank you for all of your opinions on my original pillow idea
i read each one.
tried a few things.
but the flower wasn't cooperating... so since my deadline was approaching.. i put the flower aside for another day... and made this....

i love it.
love love it.
so much that it was really hard to send it!!

here it is in progress.
it fits a 14" pillow form.
the white.. and final navy linen border are a flange. 

i quited along the shape of the hexagons... 1/4" in and around all the shapes. 

since my partner sent me my pillow early.
the two of them got to hang out together for a few hours...

how great is this pillow that quiltinkimmie made me??
i just love it!

my pillow loved it too.
they didn't want to leave each other.

they hung out together for a while.
along with my fantastic denyse schmidt pillow {thank you!}
wall art & ottoman via target

& since this post is all about hexagons...
& since the cat is already out of the bag...
i'll be hosting the next old red barn quilt a long!!!
yesm... me!
a hexagon quilt a long!

as dana put it... "Julie has graciously volunteered to teach us the mystery of the hexing hexagon."

so are you in??
we will be starting mid april...
so you have some time to plan!


  1. Oh both of those are SOOO cute! Did you hyperventilate just a bit when you had to mail that beautiful Neptune away? I would have! :) I love me some Tula Pink! Maybe a hexagon quilt-a-long is just what I need... I've always wanted to try them, but just haven't jumped in yet :)

  2. Beautiful pillow -- you've got me inspired to join in the quiltalong. I've done two of them and the hexagon one looks exciting!

  3. Both of the pillows are just beautiful!! I can see why they are getting along so nicely and you don't want to send yours. Beautiful!!

  4. They are both beauteous, I love them!
    Awesome fabrics, colors and designs! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Very cool Julie -- love those hexagons!

  6. Oh man! I have a hexagon quilt top that was started by my grandma many, many years ago. My aunt just gave it to me to finish and I'm *clueless* about hexagons! I'd love to participate!

    And your pillows ... all of them ... are CUTE! I think *I* need pillows like that. Just sayin'. :)

  7. I love, love it, too, and look what a pretty, happy pillow you received! I am very excited about the hexagon quiltalong!

  8. Loove the pillow! And can't wait for the hexi tutorial. :)

  9. As if I needed more...but I'm in on the quilt along!

  10. I adore the pillow you makes me want to go find some more Neptune and make a hex quilt...I love hexagons...An April thing? I should be able to handle that! I'm in!

  11. I feel honored that I got to see (and touch, gently,)these 2 lovely creations. Your wonderful energy almost given me the desire to 'quilt'
    So proud of my Jaybird!!
    With Love,

  12. Love those pillows - the one you received is really sharp. Can't believe I am loving quiting... who would have thunk.......

  13. Great looking pillows! And a hex tutorial coming up? Fun! Fun! :-)

  14. Love all 3 pillows! and how fun it will be to have a hexagon quiltalong!

  15. Wow they both are really pretty! I would love to do the quilt along!!

  16. The hexagon pillow is gorgeous! Those fabrics are so pretty!

    I'm excited to hear that you're doing a hex quilt along...I might quilt along sometime this summer when I'm finished with school

  17. ooooooooooh! so tempted.... I really heart hexagons. argh. ok. I'm in.
    PS. You lucky girl! The pillow you got is gorgeous. Love the bright colors. :)

  18. i don't think i'll be drinking the kool-aid and joining the cool hexagon kids club.

    i heart that neptune pillow fo sho.

    and i'm jelous over the pillow kimmie sent you.
    hardcore jealous.
    you know how picky i am over yellow fabrics...but i want that darn pillow.

  19. I love both of the pillows!!! I may actually do the hexagon quilt along with you I want to learn how to do hexagons I think they are super cute!


  20. Awesome pillow! I love how the Hexes kind of run off the edge at random.

  21. it looks awesome!

    And count me in on the hexagon quilt-along! woo hoo!

  22. I just joined the Flicker group and commented that I would love to do the quilt along. Awesome - I can't wait!

  23. I am in sounds like fun! I also have hexagon quilt top that I inherited when my grandma passed away that need repaired and finished this might just give me the courage to get started on that project also.

  24. Yay! I'm super excited about the hexagon quilt along. Love your swap pillow too!

  25. Both pillows are so adorable!!

  26. Love your pillow! I love how big the hexegons are and the fabric that you used and the way the pattern keeps going off the pillow. Are those the kinds of hexagons you will be doing for the quilt a long? If so, count me in!

  27. I just love the pillow you made. I saw pictures of it the other day and thought it was so cool. I love the pillow your partner made too. That is awesome that you are going to do a quilt-a-long.

  28. I would love to hex-a-long with you.

  29. Are you kidding me!!?? I would love to hex a long with you!! Yay!!! :)

    I would do the cabbage patch cuz I'm that excited, but that may be a bit embarassing..hee hee :)

  30. The hexagon pillow is A. DOR. A. BLE. Great job!!! An inspriration! Kristy in Ohio

  31. LOVE your pillows! if i can clear out some UFOs, i just may be able to join your hex quilt along. i better get sewing lol

  32. Most definitely in, I love your pillow, and your neptune quilt...can't wait to get started so I better hurry up and finish my pinwheel quilt.

  33. I would love to be a part of the Hexie madness! They are beautiful pillows!

  34. Those pillows are both totally amazing. I am envious, and need to make some. Great job!

  35. Oh my - I think I'm in!! I love that hexagon design


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