Sunday, January 17, 2010

sunday stash... road to cali version

this is me.
my name is julie.
& i like fabric.
i don't hide this fact.
that said... i usually don't add much to my stash at one time.
except when i go to quilt shows
especially those in california.
{hey fabric shopping is like therapy}

in no particular order.

fat quarter bundle from the cozy quilt shop... i got to meet Daniela Stout & let me just say she has a way of talking about fabric that i couldn't say no.

lots of trim from the lovely crew over @ cranberry quiltworks & fresh picked fabrics... good thing trim yardage doesn't count in my stash report.

i got this fun bobbin holder full of thread for hand work from superior threads

farmville fabrics from natalie @ beyondthereef

some kona crush bundles from honey run quilters
& one yard cuts of hushabye from pincushion boutique

french general & more kona crush from honey run quilters to make another birdie sling

authentic from honey run quilters to make yet another birdie sling
{Carmen runs the shop & is just one of those people who makes you happy whenever you see her}

peas & carrots from natalie @ beyondthereef to make a 3rd birdie sling.. market version.

2 yards of california quilt show fabric that kris designed herself... she runs cozy cottage fabrics

here is a peek at her booth.. i snapped some photos for her since she forgot her camera!

this pile of yummyness from natalie @ beyondthereef
why? just cause.
and it really is a yummy pile... and i do have 2 bees i'm in this year
so i think its gonna be my fabric for one of them.

i even planned it so some of the trim & other fabric matches it...

some sand fabric from natalie @ beyondthereef

a schnibbles kit... i got it b/c it was french general & then i realized its the schnibble of the month for january... but i doubt i'll have it done it time.

beach house scraps & yardage from the calico house
these ladies saved the day & had the madeline pattern i needed for the above kit.
you see the kit was deceiving & came w/o a pattern & i didn't want to go back to that booth to get it... so these ladies saved me!

fuzzy kits from pincushion boutique... they were the booth across from us.. so dangerous!
{one for my nephew... one for my niece... and 2 just cause they were hushabye}

fat quarter bundles from pincushion boutique...
{girl scouts... boy scouts... and arcadia!}

& lastly my first purchase of the show.
a fuzzy kit for my niece.
she isn't even born yet & i'm spoiling her like crazy.

oh yeah & i got lots of patterns.
but this post is getting long.
& i need a nap.


i've used 15.84 yards this week.
{birdie bag...fabric cut for 3 more... and 2 layer cakes went out the door}

67.7 yards in.
don't judge.

YTD totals
purchased: 71.2 yds
busted: 21.51 yds
net: -49.69 yds


  1. Who's judging?!! Heck, I spent $700 in one fell swoop at Schoolhouse Quilts/Judie Rothermel's booth a few years back!

    You did good, kiddo! Sounds like you have a plan for most of it - and those "just cuz" fabrics were sorely needed! The happiness factor counts for a lot when making those kind of purchases!

    Sorry I missed you! We need to plan better next year! You've got some gorgeous stuff there - and a lot of sewing to do to get back in the black!!

  2. Wow you saw a lot of my fav people and shops! Looks like fun!

  3. I did just about as much damage, so many new faces in the ballroom with Alex and John along with those great TQS quilts.

  4. At least everything you purchased has a reason and it's not just for the stash.

  5. I love all of your fabrics...what great fun and lovely eye candy. Cant wait to hear about it all!!

  6. So much good stuff! I have one of those bobbin holders with the of the best purchases I ever made! They're coming out with another one this spring with different colors too!

  7. LOL, no judge here either! I love your purchases! :-)) And like I tell DH, its better to spend on fabric than pay for therapy. ;-)

  8. That's so funny! beautiful fabrics though, does this mean you can't eat for a month??

  9. You are soooo funny! Thanks for making us feel better about our stashes! You are brave to tally your not so brave!

  10. Your post cracked me up! :) No judging here- more like jealousy!! Especially all that yummy trim!! Enjoy your goodies~ Christine

  11. Wow!!! I love the new additions to your stash. I am so jealous. Such yummy goodness!!!! I do not count how muc I buy. I just buy it.....put it in the cupboard....and smile!!! And then I take it out and look at it....and smile....I am sure I am not the only one.

  12. Hehe I hope you brought another suitcase with you!!

  13. Looks like "retail therapy" is a bit out of control..good thing it doesn't have calories or you'd have gained a zillion pounds. Good thing you're flying Southwest.. "Bags fly free"
    Miss you & glad ur having such a blast! Hugs to B,K,&E.. U U2 of course!

  14. :-D "Don't judge" LOL!

    Honey Run Quilters is *my* quilt shop (but I seem to always miss Carmen when I go in there). I was just in this week... I think I'm about 8 or so yards up after that visit. I'm making a Rouenneries (sp?) quilt and pillows for the living room. :)

  15. Awesome pile!!!! And you have months and months to use up all that goodness.

  16. Thank you for making me feel better for dropping $57 on fabric this weekend at quilt camp. :) I just found your blog, but can't wait to read more!

  17. Wow Girl! You were not kidding when you said Cali was awesome. :) You made some fabulous choices, and I've got to admit, I would be no different if I were there. The best thing about fabric is it will never expire.

  18. All seems justifiable to me. Resisting is probably bad for you anyway. Enjoy your purchases.

  19. Great finds! And I wouldn't dare judge. :)

  20. Better you than me! You picked up great stuff and you sew so fast, that you will use it all up pretty quickly.

  21. I just have to tell you that I think your blog is awesome. You always have such great pictures and your text is succint, but tells us what we want to know. I check it daily and am always happy to find your latest news. I can't wait to see all these projects through to completion. As far as I am concerned you are way ahead on your stash busting simply by sharing them with us. Excitedly awaiting your next post...Kristy in Ohio.

  22. I love this post! IT's likes reading Confessions of a Quitlaholic!! If I made it to a market, I would be guilty as well!!
    I bought the birdie sling pattern but I am still too chicken to try it out. I really should get on it! You have inspired me!!

  23. Love your Road Report! Looks like a nice selection of projects in your future. No judging, I did a lot of retail therapy just before new years so I could stay clean in January *s*

  24. I think you got quite a haul there! Good job! Most of your purchases have a use or a reason for the purchase. I think you did better than I usually do! Love the fabric you call Yummy-- what a great combination of colors, design, and contrast. Enjoy it all and don't feel any guilt!

  25. I'm feeling better about my stash. I don't play tennis or bridge so fabric is my sport. Love your fabric choices.

  26. Wow! Fantastic stashing. US quilt shows are the best! I admire how you keep track of the fabric coming in and going out. I am not brave enough to do this yet. I am still in denial about my stash addiction.

  27. That looks like you had a great time! So envious that you got to chat with Daniela Stout--she's a favorite of mine! (Guess she likes me, too, though, since I won the November contest over at with her Twirling pattern! Sorry, still excited about that!)

    And all that French General! LOVE Rounneries. LOVE!

  28. Not about to judge - your new fabric is wonderful!

  29. What a fabulous display of new fabric! Yea for you - you'll have so much fun sewing it all up. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Oh man, I am loving your fabric purchases! It sounds like you had a really fun time, I am so glad! :D I can’t wait to see what you’ll make with it.


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